Does anyone else feel like they are somehow locked out of some kind of wavelength that other people are on?

Does anyone else feel like they are somehow locked out of some kind of wavelength that other people are on?

When I watch other people, it almost seems as if there's some kind of additional understanding they have among each other that I don't have access to. They understand each other, but they don't understand me, but they act like it's my fault. Like I should know something that I don't.

Autism at its finest, enjoy.

problem solved

What? No, I'm being serious.

how do you describe yourself op?

For once I think the are being too user. One of the primary issues autistic people have is with social understanding, especially reading facial expressions or conversational subtleties that are not explicitly part of what other people say.


you should probably eat some mushrooms

Yes, all the time. I feel like I am missing some kind of fundamental piece of information that I am blind to, but I am aware that it exists due to its properties.

I feel this too OP.

Sadly I fear is correct.

>some kind of fundamental piece of information that I am blind to, but I am aware that it exists due to its properties

Man, that's such a great way of putting it.

wat do?

EVERYONE feels like this. Literally everyone, everyone you see, everyone with whom you interact, everywhere, all the time, every day, no exceptions.
Everyone feels locked out and excluded, like they're the only ones whose life-invitation didn't include the bit about dress code, or the pot luck, or the rules to the party games.
All human interaction is an attempt to covertly work out what it is we've been excluded from. Now, with this knowledge, approach the rest of your life with confidence.

How can you possibly speak for everyone

I have experienced something like this.
I basically think that everyone has it figured out except me, and that I should have it figured out because I'm supposed to be smarter than them, but they're the ones who know what they're doing, so I must be a total shithead.

Man, I hate my brain. That's just the very tip of the iceberg.

>I'm supposed to be smarter than them
Yes, I think about that part as well! People think of me as smart, why do I feel like the dumb one?

Am I actually retarded, and everyone is just being really nice to me?

Because everything on this thread, and this site, is completely irrelevant and without any repercussions or meaning.
That's how.
And you know I'm right, it's your fear that makes you respond.



We are all human.

Sounds like actual autism/aspergers dude. If not, you need to spend a BUNCH of time with stupid normies. This is how I was up to 8th grade and would have continued to be this way had I not started living with my aunt and hanging out with my cousins who were in my age group. Basically taught me how not to be a massive faggot all the time and how to talk to people. I don't even talk with them anymore, and you don't have to find friends for life. Just hang out with the fucking normies who like to listen to mainstream rap, play street basketball, go to parties/ etc. Not the type of person I am, but developed my social skills so well that people don't think I'm an introvert.

Not sure there's anything you can do OP, maybe take acting classes so you can pretend to be normal and blend in.

Chances for me personally are pretty slim regarding breeding etc.

Maybe go on Reddit if you need ideas of how normies think

Are you really describing autism traits for people on b? I feel the same way, like there's some kind of connection I don't have. I don't give a shit about most people's interests because most people's interests are uninteresting, simple and uninspired. Still I'm always the one who has to keep the conversation going

>I'm always the one who has to keep the conversation going

Yaaasss why IS this

Are you a competitive person, OP? I feel like my thing has something to do with competitiveness or some shit. Like, I cant stress enough how much of a fuck I don't give if someone beats me at something or whatever. I feel like that ties in with the social aspect somehow like trying to look cool and impress people or some shit? IDK man.