Do you reckon he's getting the shit kicked out of him at the same time as we post in this thread?

Do you reckon he's getting the shit kicked out of him at the same time as we post in this thread?

Other urls found in this thread:

He fucking died dude

hat's what he gets for insulting glorious nippon.

Do you think he died due to extreme meth use in NK prison. They didn't see any severe beating marks on his head but there was damage to his brain. Doctors think the damage to to brain was caused by cardiac arrest and his hear stopping.

Meth can cause cardiac problems.

...aren't most theories centered around oxygen deprivation torture?

They probably choked him out one too many times or for too long

Really? I thought he was still alive?

He dead.

It's possible he was forced to use drugs for torture. Add extreme stress over a long period of time and either will really fuck you up

Nah, came back in a coma and died six days after.

I didn't see any mention of they haven't released, anything about severe scars or bruising on his body.

Na, nk released him and he was in a "state of wakefulness", meaning like a vegetable but would randomly open his eyes and wouldn't respond to stimulation. He died like a week after they released him.

Not if they did it like a year ago. Nobody knows how long he was in that state

Probably one of these 2 really, maybe both

Once a woman in NK was executed publicly by firing squad. What was her crime? Watching South Korean soap operas and loaning DVDs to her friends.

They fucked up big time. If I recall, they often do shit like this all the time. Luring Americans in with cheap tours, then they accuse them of a crime, hold a mock trial and hold them hostage to negotiate their release for money or whatever they want. They usually make a point not to treat Americans too poorly because of this and they really dropped the ball this time. Wonder how much of a fit Kim will throw if they ban Dennis Rodman from visiting.

Yeah I watched something once that talked about how smuggeling dvds across the boarder was big business.

what I don't understand is

why would anyone enter this hell willingly?

you could pay me 10k to spend a week there and I would't even consider it

maybe some people have a morbid curiosity/a deathwish

I actually want to make a video game about Assassinating Kim Jong Un and escaping North Korea. You could get various materials and weapons, making household chemicals into explosives, killing a North Korean official and taking his uniform and weapon. Stuff likw that. Does this sound like it has potential? Would any of you play it?

I think you'd have to make the plot really grizzled andspectacular, otherwise if it isn't believable it'll get panned as some american-propo thing and laughed at by the NK's and maybe the world.

Exactly, if you are stupid enough to go to nk then you derseve whatever the fuck they do to you.

What about $1,000,000,000?

If seth rogan's shitty movie about killing kim jong un didn't start a war, I don't see why not.

I would honestly feel fucking safer in Iraq.

Right now it's just an idea I've had for a few weeks. Have any ideas? Do you have any skills that could be used? Such as writing or 3D modeling? If you do, I would appreciate the help.

Nop i heard he was losing it in jail they sended hem back to USA and he died afther a week

All rescources comming into the country are accumulated in the inner circle around Kim jr. Eveything from food, booze, electronics and entertainment to extremely high tech military equiment. Getting to him for a hit is quite likely impossible. Even for a suicide mission.

Hey guys! I got a great game idea! you guys do the work and I'll take the money!

>Implying I won't give any credit and share the profits
>Implying I'm a greedy Jew

You can make gunpowder from piss and leaves.

even for that sum I had to think about it long and hard

if you end up in some concentration camp you'll never see the dosh anyway

True. I wouldn't do it either.

ITT: Right wing kids show their cowardice by not giving a fuck about a fellow citizen who was killed by a foreign country. Yet every other day they sit here boasting about what they " would" do.

Kek'd and rekt

He can rest easy when nk attempts to shoot a nuke at us, we shoot it down with the cold war era patriot missle defence system, then use hit them with the father of all bombs and everyone will cheer for us because it was self defense and we dident use a nuke because that would devastate the environment.

obvious troll is obvious

Why is everyone suddenly right wing? Also why do you people hate trash cans so much?

hes admitting the left is dead and defeated and now everyones now a republican

America will be left for the next half century after Trump, retard.

Nah, they'll put up another absolutely trash candidate and the right will take it. The left has a massive problem with doubling down on bad decisions. More people are also being pushed away by the hyper-progressive bullshit as well as groups like BLM and Anti-fa being hilariously vile and violent assholes. Once you get left of the actual liberals the left is basically a cult at this point.

We're also not even a year in. For all we know Trump could end up doing amazing things in the next 4 but atm he's an idiot.

Also, if we did end up with a democrat full sweep the first thing many of them want to do is kick off Civil War II: YUR NEVER TAKIN MUH GUNS by passing the same old song and dance gun control and more.

ideas are a dime a dozen unless you can actually show them

US doctors said there are no signs of torture.
His family makes accusations but denies an autopsy.

This is yet another pentagon fabricated story and you are all cucks sucking them off.

no, I don't think the north koreans are kicking the shit out of him in his casket.

I'm sorry he died, but he was an idiot to go there in the first place and even more of an idiot to think he could steal a poster without getting caught. It's fucking North Korea .

Democrats need to drop the gun control shit. It's unconstitutional and it loses voters that otherwise agree with a lot of their platform.

t. lifelong democrat and gun owner

He deserved a year or two at hard labor but not death.Play stupid games; win stupid prizes.

I agree, I'd consider voting for them if they would drop that and the ridiculously overboard progressive nonsense in favor of actually being liberal.

I'd argue that the ridiculously overboard SJW stuff is a really small but vocal minority but it doesn't matter at this point. Perception is more important than reality.