Why do atheists love Muslims but hate Christians?

Why do atheists love Muslims but hate Christians?

Rare, and because they're told to like all liberal minded trash

Who is Richard Dawkins?

SJW's love muslims not atheists

Richard Dawkins advocates for open borders. Why are atheists pro open borders?

How's the one other guy in Greenland doing?

Because their parents aren't Muslim

Loving these straw man threads
Typical Sup Forums

We don't, I fucking hate mudslimes as much as christcucks.

To add, they don't think fr themselves, they simply follow the herd as to not get branded as the sacrificial scape goat. The do it out of subconscious fear of social rejection or if your European, imprisonment for thoughtcrime

Gonna need source on that.

Because atheists, are by definition, brainwashed sheep. They are only atheist because they feel the need to stand out, and so by acting superior to social norms, such as Christianity.

Being the brainwashed sheep they are, they are also conditioned to swallow the leftist Jew-media propaganda, which perpetuates the narrative of Islam being the religion of peace and Muslims being victims, whilst simultaneously demonizing Christianity and Christians

Because atheists are not anti-religion. They never were, considering every single famous atheist is Jewish (Sagan, Dawkins, Hitchens, Descartes, etc). They're just and only anti-Christian.

And it was always like this. They just meekly denounce Islam and Judaism when too many people ask too many questions.

Because many American atheists are ex-Christians raised by shitty parents

You think suicide bombers are on the same level as your parents who made you go to church? Why are atheists so stupid? Autism?

I keep seeing "Atheists are Muslim loving liberals" Where do you keep seeing this shit? I'm atheist and I fucking deplore Muslims and the left

>right wing atheist
Literally impossible. It goes against atheism.

How? Can you explain?

I dont hate Christians or the religion.
I dont even care about it or think about it more than once every few months, except for when there's a shitpost Kike-backed divide&conquer thread against primarily white Europeans, who happen to be atheists.
Only American atheists hate Christians and Christianity because it's a thing there and part of American culture.
I only hate Islam because it's disgusting, barbaric, and Muslims are THE most insufferable group on this planet.
I wouldn't say I HATE Jews, as I do support Israel, and they are generally funny people, but I do find it utterly unacceptable that the dirty rat Kikes and their ZOGs pretty much control Western (and increasingly Far Eastern) society in almost every aspect.

Can you stop spouting memes and actually provide some arguments?

We do? Well fuck me time to visit the mosque and make friends.

Because there's less of them. They don't have a controlling influence on society.


>They don't have a controlling influence on society.
Meanwhile North/North-Western Europe is bending over backwards to accomodate Muslims and make them feel safe and welcome.

There have yet to be any changes to the legislation in my country just to accommodate the Muslim faith. On the other hand, Christian dogma is still deeply rooted in our legal system.
Muslim clerics don't get an automatic appointment to the legislature.

This. I don't have any love for the Islamic faith, and the more I see it shitting up Europe the less I like it, but Christianity has more effect on me in my daily life.

m8 you're a nutter.

To illustrate my previous point.

I hate religion in general

They don't you piece of shit frog poster you are just trying to slander atheists.

I am an atheist and I hate Muslims much more than Christians but posts like this prove why I also think Christians are fucking inbred retards. Believing in an invisible omnipotent ghost baffles me and it sickens me that so many people can be brainwashed from birth into a weird cult created by man.

Exactly this.
I throw my hat in the ring with Christians.

exact same post from a month ago. same post, pic, time, and flag stop m8

No I don't. It still doesn't change the fact that religion as a whole is a social tool designed to control dumb, gullible, "god-fearing" people.

I can tolerate Christians, even though I will always look down on them and find them generally unintelligent for their beliefs. Our race is aligned and its not worth making a big fuss about because religion is dying anyway and we are on the same team.

I think it's worthwhile to separate religion into culture and mentality.

I hate the mentality of religion and the necessity to forfeit rationality and internal consistency in order to remain faithful in the face of facts (or lack thereof).

However, for the most part I have very little issue against the culture spawned by Christianity as the people who come out of it fit well into western society and even though like in any large group there are plenty of retards, I feel like on the whole Christians are respectable people.

Islam on the other hand, carries not only the retarded mentality that is necessary to fully devote your life to a set of incredibly dubious claims, but also spawns a culture that at it's core cannot integrate well with western culture.

>Abortion clinic attackers
>not terrorists

Quit with your revisionist history. Christianity is just as fucking bad as Islam. I hope humans finally realize one day that we can kill god by removing it from our minds.

>first greenland I've ever seen
>completely fucking retarded 0/10 shitposter

Way to let down your country.

Nope, only cucks do that, most atheists I know just simply don't give a shit about any religion whatsoever

>taking bait from a polandball inside poland

They don't understand that their entire identity and culture are based on Christian approaches. They think the milk of human kindness is all over the place, not just 1st world nations.

Because they know which God really exists.

Please tell me you are baiting. No one can be the Fedora.

your faith is calling you, those feet aint gonna lick themselves

Muslims are pretty cool. They kil degenreates and don't afraid of anything.

christcucks on the other hand...

because the vocal atheists--the ones who've built a culture or, dare i say, a religion around it--are also typically leftists. and for whatever reason, leftists hate the west/europe, and christianity is a part of that.

why liberals hate the west, i have no idea, but it's clear that they do. this is why they're so friendly to islam, a religion that takes the right-wing to the absolute extreme--the enemy of my enemy is my friend. islam hates the west, so they're the leftist's "friend."

Catholics are not Christian.

Greenland, my dear colonial underling, have the Queen of Denmark granted you permission to post on this board?
Please provide proof of the permission issued by the Royal Courts of Denmark.

If you do not have such proof, which I strongly assume, I hereby command you, as your superior, to delete this post immediatly and apologize to the other members of this board.

You do not belong here

>thas not real Christianity!
why do Christians always use the same arguments Muslims do? its almost as if their religion is based on the same thing !

Look at the traditions of Catholicism, they pray to idols, pray to saints and Mary. That strictly goes against Christianity. They are more like Mormons than Christians. Make sense little buddy?

if it made sense it wouldn't be a religion

Not true atheist here, more like agnostic.

I don't hate any religion, except when it's incompatible and/or implicate with political system and laws.

The problem with Islam is that it's incompatible with democracy and has own laws and political system. The fact that many are radical or terrorists makes it even worse..

Not an argument.
The point is that "moderate" muslims and muslim terrorists follow the exact same religion to the letter. You'd be amazed at how much catholisicm and Christianity differ.

tell me a single Christian denomination that follows bible to the letter

>tips fedora

Anyone who identifies as atheist is without question a monumental faggot deserving of ridicule.

And I'm saying that as a fellow fedora tipper.

I don't know whether to tell you to pay denbts or yell REMOVE KABAB, fucking Cyprus

correct, if you are a pagan keep your mouth shut. people who open proclaim that they are atheists are autistic cancer spreaders.

Can people call themselves non religious or would that offend you two too?

you don't discuss religious matters or oppinions on this at all

if you do you are a degenerate


I don't. Why would I support someone that wants to make laws based off their religion? Goes against the 1st Amendment. Especially a religion as violent as Islam.

I have God on my side. ATHEIST KEKS BTFO

I'm an atheist and I hate muslims. Kinda ok with christians. It's about what you see all day.

If anything the logical conclusion of atheism is social darwinism and would therefore lead to a right-wing ideology.

Because they are not atheists, they're just anti white.

This guy gets it

If they're truly Atheist they hate Islam AND Christianity and Judaism.

We don't. You a have tribal bias that thinks atheists pick on you and no one else. All religions are equally bat shit insane.

It's not my fault that there's no evidence for a deity.