YLYL thread

YLYL thread

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get ready to lose







Time to sink or swim little thread


>> 1 in 3.64 billion
So a lot of Europeans are basically winning the lottery a few dozen times.



I can relate, it's that msg taste


those odds went up 1000 fold


Not the op but the odds are probably only a little higher than that. Iirc none of the terrorist attacks in the west have been by refugees. They've all been by citizens or non-refugee aliens

That's the good stuff. That's the stuff that makes me forget about my problems.

Fuck why did this get me

Oh heck hahaha

This is quoting Ted Lieu.
According to politifact, the claim is mostly true.

Why is he jerking off a penis in the last panel?

This is cancer you Sup Forumsastards step up your game






They are though.


Women are though ?

Chances of being killed by a brown person vs a white person instead of actual refugee? Asking for a friend I am not a bigot


Single boys.



Its literally the same you fucking imbecile

Fell for the b8

So 1 in 3.64 millions?

Acts of terrorism are not often the refugees, but their children.
Manchester bombing was the latest example of this.

Now when it comes to rising levels of gang rape, child molestation, violence against police, etc. - that is all done by refugees.



That would mean they've killed only two.

Stupid faggot.

spotted the baby maker machines
you better shut the fuck up before i stone your asses

>Refugees have killed 2 people ever
Liberals can't really be this stupid, can they?


Spotted the feminist

nice one


> Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)19:59:31 No.736914949▶
>File: 5fjVpK5pNJVPlR5sWukYf_gC5(...).jpg (74 KB, 639x635)
According to what information? This is such bullshit




Liberals alter facts to suit their needs.

God this makes me want to jerk off


The Tsarnaevs come to mind


Spotted the fishy
>taking the bait


Yeah, but thats not the only factor to consider... being this stupid in statistics


The fuck why did dumb shit make me lose

1 in 3.64 billion = 2 in 7.28 billion
There are only about 7.28 billion humans, or would have been at the time the image was made.

And this is the condition you're suffering from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect



Kek how high are you user?
> Odds = global population divided by terrorist attack casulaties
> How to maths










>global population divided by terrorist attack casulaties
Okay, so the global population is 7.5 billion humans, use your math skills to tell me how many terrorist attack victims there would have to be to make the odds of dying in a terrorist attack carried out by a refugee are 1 in 3.64 billion.

Pro-tip, rounded to the nearest human, it's 2.




>>his cat roams free
This fucking country.


That's not a Spanish girl, it's from South America.


And Americans buy 100 tickets every lottery night

>He is jail

Ayy this picture was taken here in montreal


When are these statistics from, 1992?

Yes but this is about ODDS. Chance of getting killed by a terrorist attack in the united states. This is a tangible risk equation. You dont fucking divide it by the number of earth's population you fucking tard. You would need to consider many things before getting this figure such as the strength of a state's immigration policy, police force, deterence from good intelligence gathering. How often do you go out? Do you live in an urban or rural area? How often do you gonto a high value target/location? It fucking varies.

Don't let fearmongering get to your critical thinking user. Lay off fox news sometimes...




Source ? (Not the donut ofc)





fucking gamestop
