
real counties of the uk edition

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Hate pakis. Hate posh cunts. Hate wogs. Hate special needs. Hate foreners. NOT racist just don't like them simple as. Love pints



Yeah I bet Juncker and Merkel are just quaking in their boots right now.



it's time for your daily dose of primus


i thought the air gear manga was pretty good. for the few 50 or whatever chapters at least. i remember it getting a bit old


I dream of a united Lancashire.

reminder the hottest politicsfu going is a lefty lady from denmark, you mighta heard of her

A Holy Day 364 days away?

me right now except we didn't even fuck and she's leaving the country for a week ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

The city of Birmingham lies in 3 different counties on this map
These borders are shit and make no sense after the population dispersed with the industrial revolution

Can someone explain this to me:
If we were brutal cunts to our colonies, and exploited their resources constantly, how are any of them doing well at all while we're freezing our arses off in broken brexit Britain. Why the fuck didn't we take more off of the bastards?

Hate pints, Hate football, Hate the poor, Hate racists, Hate Tesco. NOT posh, just don't like them chavs simple as. Love French champagne


women are only good for fucking and bringing kids

god speed

Of course they are
Break up of their retarded union
Having to bail out Italy's banks and Greece again
lmao @ their lives

>triggered lad from last thread who doesn't have a gf

Most of our ex colonies are dumps

The industrial revoltuon was a mistake

rip :(


Sure you're not thinking of Li Andersson from Finland?

haha allllll aboard!

>Most of our ex colonies are dumps
so is the UK
at least India has a space program and possibly a bright future

you spent all the money you took from them on benefits

>average leftist attitude towards women

and you have the audacity to call yourselves feminists

you should be ashamed of yourselves

you say this but you've never fucked and never will have children? pathetic little man


nu-males BTFO

>so is the UK

No it's fucking brilliant here compared to the third world and middle east

>at least India has a space program and possibly a bright future


helle thorning shmidt you cunt

BAD gf:
>hates white males/ muh patriarchy
>hates the rich
>hates immigrants/ nonwhites

GOOD gf:
>hates taxes
>hates benefits/welfare
>looks down on the poor and lazy

Business idea:next time we colonise anywhere do it properly so when we get criticised it's well deserved

>Deluded brexitards are still bleating the "breakup of the union" meme


she's married to kinnock's son ffs
and she's chubby

no 'alt-right qt' can even compete with this beauty

>tfw Ana will never berate you for being a fat fuck while whipping you half to death and screaming about 'being better than you'

>centre right below centrists
good feel desu
sure the "very right wing" lads are lying, they live in a fantasy land in most other respects so no reason why not


got non-small cell lung cancer up in both lungs, the brain mets aren't too bad but these spine mets just hurt like a bitch at times to be honest, only position that feels good is a completely straight back

pretty amazing that at 13 years old magnus carlsen played gary kasparov to a draw

BAD gf:
>doesn't share my political views

GOOD gf:
>shares my political views

could've saved yourself some typing

two white knights replied to me hahahaha

>when there's roads

mfw Britiain is the only nation to ever develop space launch capabilities but not currently have them. Labour was a mistake.

>at least India has a space program and possibly a bright future

if the UK kept up its space program it would legitimately be a global power far beyond what it is currently in 20 years

the countries with native space launch capabilities are going to be the ones at the top of the ladder this century.
that's why every shit tier equatorial nation is trying to get a space program running, it could mean a total reversal of fortunes where poor polar countries have to pay wealthy equatorial ones to ship goods, ships and satellites into space.

>Deluded remoanertards still think we aren't leaving


why does the fat mexican post here? he's just a boring Sup Forums mong but with even less idea of british politics than the rest of that lot
very off

Would change all of my views completely for 1 night with her

oh its you again
fuck off

its really sad honestly
I have a book about Britains space program which is really good.

fuck off he's unironically one of the best posters here

very few posters bring originality to the general and he's one of them

GOOD gf:
>holds no particular view and will meekly agree with me on anything politics-related

BAD gf:
>anything else


Business idea:colonise equatorial countries after they develop space ports
Britannia rules the stars

BAD gf


This 100%, regardless of whether they were right or left our gov really fucked up here. Hopefully Canada will take pity and let us use their launch sites in future.

the white knight hates me

love having a proper argument with the chinese gf about taiwan lads
even occasionally suggest hong kong is rightfully ours

how long do you have to live?

The only union that's breaking up is the UK mate.

UK? more like poo gay, lmfao

here's your ideal gf

GOOD gf:
>has opinions and beliefs but acknowledges they're hers and doesn't get upset at other people having other beliefs

BAD gf:
>opinionated runts who argue with everyone if they don't share their view

there, easy as

>jumping in to defend his fellow countrymen
every time

we have no launch sites either lol
Canada is destined to be an American vassal forever considering the choices our government has made over the decades.

at least we have a decent space program though our alliance with the US since we have the right to use their launch sites and facilities.

haha good lad
have you convinced her about taiwan yet?

in reddit they told me being a white knight is a good thing

i would say longer than 6 months, probably less than a year but perhaps longer depending on how treatment goes

use australias m8 (just gotta make them) haahahahahahaha

he hasn't been diagnosed yet he just wants (you)s and attention more generally

thank you

That Canadian keeps trying and keeps failing doesn't he.

hopefully a miracle happens and you live a long and happy life


I hate women

Hate most men as well

Everyones a cunt

You dont have to tell me m8, like you've said its gunna be a huge thing in the next 10-20 year. The fact we gave up the capacity to compete will be our ultimate downfall, i mean we're barely clinging on to global relevancy as it is. Hopefully mummy may will see the light and at the very least renew our ICBM programs.


radical misanthropist

how do I find a gf?


a few syllables off a haiku

wait wait
are some lads here suggesting we'd be more important if we fired resources into space to achieve nothing?
quite... ummm... quite odd if i do say so myself

Go to the gf store

Is that you, Alan?

Wynona's got herself a big brown beaver
'n she shows it off to all her friends
One day you know that beaver tried to leave her
so she caged him up with cyclone fence
Along came Lou with the old baboon
he said I recognize that smell
Smells like seven layers
That beaver eatin' Taco Bell!

thanks, it's a fucking bummer because NSC lung cancer treatment is moving forward so rapidly, honestly in 10 years i doubt anyone will be even dying from this, best i can hope for is to just keep myself alive for along as possible and see what happens i guess

space mining and shit like that is gonna be a thing and relying on other countries to launch your shit means a lot of strings attached

all you have to do is make conversation with random women
only it's easy to make an ass of yourself if you dont do it often

>sitting on an island
>throw my food and shelter into the sea
haha! now my life is better!

Australia? more like ausfailia, lmfao

its not too late, the market is still embryonic right now and the technology has advanced enough where it would be very easy for a country like the UK to get a rocket program going if the will and investment was there.
you lot can even restart the old relationship with Australia where your rocket bases were located there and in exchange they had preferential treatment. similar to what Canada has with the USA.

people just need to push their MPs more on these issues. Sadly considering the situation in your government I don't think it will happen.

Greater London

has the government been in contact regarding a state supplied gf?

The future is dominance of outer space, this isnt an opinion this is a matter of fact. Whoever controls these corridors will be a superpower.

wanna team up?