What the fuck do white people want from blacks? Whites just can't stop criticizing blacks

What the fuck do white people want from blacks? Whites just can't stop criticizing blacks.

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nigger detected

We want our slaves back.

We want them to stop being niggers!

We want them to be fucking useful in any way, becsuse as of now they do fucking nothing for society.

>Anonymous 06/25/17(Sun)20:46:09 No.736
so when people do crimes, kill people and steal shit, it is wrong criticizing them?
Hell, we should kill them. We are way too lenient.

We might as well stop critiquing
Drug dealers
Spousal abusers
And generally useless people too while we are at it.

Honestly, I just want them to leave me alone. I want them to live away from me. I want them to stop blaming me for their uncountable failures. Just leave me the fuck alone - legit. I can't solve Black problems. The President and Congress can't either. Leave me the fuck alone. I don't care about you or your problems. I wish you the best of luck, but I don't care.


To be entirely honest we just want people we can see eye to eye with. It's like the first generation Asians that came over and broke their backs just to create a foundation for their children. Blacks just always complained with their hands out never attempting to rise up. There are some, but most of the time it's because they're raised around white people and learn how to act like a decent person. Black culture is savage in many ways, from their kill or be killed attitude to their blatant ignorance they so lovingly embrace.

Honestly as the country as gotten a large minority base it's gone down hill. More and more it gets flood with this multiculturalism bullshit and is sliding backwards in terms of advancement. Welfare systems supply the lazy instead if the impaired because so many of them live in their blissful ignorance and blame everyone they can for anything possible. Boohoo they're racist! Boohoo whitey is keeping me down! But considering the free schooling they get and all of the offers for various different steps up, it's easy to be black. Everything gets handed to you on a silver platter for a fraction of the work, yet they still continue to bitch. Maybe if they weren't such gutter filth they'd see it all, but they just want the easiest way out. So laquandra will keep turning tricks and Daquon will keep selling drugs. Not because it's their only choice, but because they're too lazy to do it the "hard way".

Tldr shit trees drop shit apples and the cycle repeats ad nauseum. Break the cycle and be something of value instead of a worthless economic burden.

everybody hates blacks.
spics, wetbacks, chinks, gooks, wops, kikes, dogs.
even blacks hates blacks.

In an ideal world they would all be back in Africa.


for truth.



Go back to Africa.



facts arent criticism







Eh, I honestly am not a very judgmental person. I don't fall into the race baiting that's all too common these days. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and if you're a genuine person we should have no problems with each other. People that blame their misfortunes on groups of people tend to be fairly miserable.

Oh, and my gf is half black.

>Blacks just always complained with their hands out never attempting to rise up.

Learn some history retard. Slavery. Black cities getting firebombed, Jim Crowe.
What you just said is reminiscent to the stigma that slavery has left. Black Americans literally died on their way here from Africa, think of the impression that left on the ones that made it and were slaves.

Its not as if white culture/society is immune to degradation either, e.g.. muslims in Europe.


We want you to leave

shit b8 m8, besides the real master race will be the humans who upload their minds to the cloud.




Whites want them to go civilized, educated and working or to leave the country.

Ah yes because one person from a group represents all of them. This is not the case (excluding muzzies)



just pay your child support Tyrone thats a start.You niggers breed like cockroaches. And stop stealing everything.

Who goes out of the way to post this shit Lmao?




Either of these...or both




you speak from a place of insane naivety and privilege lol

unfortunately there's no arguing with you because you lack all context and therefore can claim nothing is true

Not one of these guys has a half decent sized dick



Stop the BlackCrimesMatter movement, stop committing crimes, and become part of society instead of a cancer to it.
It is a simple request really.
Or you could move to wherever you don't affect others and build your own society in the image you desire (not that that has worked well over the millennia).

What the fuck do black people want from whites? Blacks just can't stop demanding handouts from whites.


when tha kush hit

Sure is summer in here

gr8 b8 m8.

have you ever interacted with a black person in your life? or do you gather all of your intel from a shitposting site that anonymously demonizes black people on a daily basis?

give it some more effort user

nice shitpost

argue better




stfu and gtfo


I feel the same about rural whites. Don't care if you shoot up heroin. Don't care if you string up Negroes. Just stay in your fucking trailer parks and stay out the suburbs.

Niggers were slaves and when they were slaves they were bread to be the strongest best slaves. Whites breed the best of the best. Niggers are brain dead roody poos that have no clue they owe all their athletic ability stamina and strengths to the white man. But thats by design as they were breed to be retarded and just smart enough to follow basic direction. These niggers are deleting the genes once the black is breed out there will be no blacks left. Niggers are to stupid to realize this.

>bread to be

Niggers made of yeast and flour, confirmed.

>All black ppl are criminals

Good luck finding statistics for your claim

It's not their fault. They are constantly led to believe they are lesser humans and should fear them because of their tendencies towards violent crimes. It's all they see on tv and we know how tv is the main tool of indictrination and propaganda. So blame the Jews.

>muh privilege
Listen here cocksucker, I had 0 opportunities in my life. Every single fucking thing i have i worked for. I had no opportunities so i made my own. Joined the military to pay college. I want you to tell the families of my WHITE friends that are buried at the dfw military cemetery how privileged their sons were for burning alive in vehicles and getting shot rushing to treat a wounded soldier. Blacks have lower college entrance requirements, scholarships just for them, and minority quotas for hiring. If they can't take those opportunities and something out of them it's not whitey's fault. It's their fault.

I am a production manager. Every black person we've ever hired has worked less hard and wanted more. They complained more often, and if they were singled out for lack of effort they would aggressively claim racism. I have two black people in my department right now. One is in her mid 30's with 8 kids. She is on every form of government assistance imaginable. She always has new Jordans and other clothing brands, as well as a new Lincoln car. She makes $10/hr. She claimed bankruptcy six months ago and took a week vacation to Hawaii two months after. How the fuck does she afford all this? All she does is complain about being broke. She doesn't pay for anything for her children out of pocket. She is a drain on the community, and doesn't take care of the kids that allow her the benefits she gets.

ur right bruh

lol, this one is good

whole grain nigger.

OP is white BTW.


You want to talk about savage culture? How about a bunch of white men attacking a thriving black community in the 1920's. Whites are to blame too


you can't tell the difference between your personal experience and that of an entire race.

good for you for being so self involved and short sighted though

learn what privilege is before you get all butt hurt and give yourself another aneurysm

The problem I have with blacks is, having spent many years (longer than some of you have been alive) as a minority white in a majority-black city, is that the vast majority of them are basically useless, angry, belligerent black supremacists. I do know whereof I speak.

look how happy she is

BLACK PEOPLE WILL NEVER FEEL AT HOME IN THE WESTERN WORLD, simply because it is not your society.

i would love for all of them to go back to africa, maybe there..with no one to blame, they would start noticing what we all know about them.

but will they go? of course not, they dont want to be surrounded by niggers either.

the white world is the best world and they know it.

how much more do you want to give those people? Just throw your wallet at them and present your asshole if your white guilt is too much for you.

I'm gonna laugh when in the next six months she ends up in a news article explaining her death at the hands of significant other. Seems like that's how most of these stories end up.

Are they really bothering you now?
Or is it the media telling you that you should be bothered by them?

Let's hear your positive SJW experiences then. You want to bare the torch for those who can't support themselves. You can contradict us all you want, but once you grow up and experience how things really are you will continue to spout off your equality nonsense. I went to a predominantly black middle school and high school. The people that worked for me aren't my only experience. Go ahead and be the minority in their world, see how you feel then.

Agreed. Gross toothless animals.

>Jim Crow laws
As to imply the Asians weren't treated poorly too? You act as if everyone except the blacks had it made. Not to mention the fact this didn't keep them from working as there were still places that hired blacks. Of course they weren't going to give the high paying jobs to people that were slaves. Are you retarded and honestly believe people would give power to people who couldn't read or write? Furthermore, it doesn't change the fact they wanted to sit on the pitty pot instead of changing their situation. There were still people in the northern states that had already integrated with society as anyone else. Your point is moot as it didn't stop them from improving their situation or building a foundation for future generations, it only made it more difficult. This has taken quite the 180 well over 50 years ago and is no longer relevant by any means.
>think about the impression it left
You mean the impression the British slave traders left on the Africans sold into slavery by tribal leaders in Africa?

Take a guess as to why I don't care about the actions of others selling out their own. All it does is highlight how they were doomed from the start. The weak are always ruled by the strong and this has been repeated throughout history.

Also I don't see how white culture degrading and being invaded by foreigners has much to do with each other. Just because stupid people believe everywhere should be a melting pot and fuck up the way things run just to ride some imaginary moral high ground doesn't mean it's true. It's nothing but ignorant fools trying to make themselves feel better for failing.
>Oh this is how it should be
Says who? The people who stab you in the back and don't represent the common man? The fools mouthpiece known as a politician.

actually look how proud HE is to not have a niggress.

no that guy, but I went to public school with southern blacks. Loud, violent, always in fights. In fact I had to translate from ebonics to english for some of my teachers from out of state because they couldn't understand what the fuck their students were saying. I got my shit stolen, and even got jumped once for being a "white boy." So no, it's not the media. It's the fucking reality.

(Your friends were stupid for joining up and stupid for getting killed. Only stupid people get captured or killed. I frankly only like the soldiers who don't get captured or killed). Enjoy your college education.

thanks edgemaster

You're a socialist for taking the GI bill, faggot. Pay your way thru trade school like everyone else.

just go back to africa

thats all we want

There are also quotas for grunts, retards, and cousin fuckers. Thankfully you're all three so you get free tuition I guess. Oh, also rich people get into college... so there's affirmative action for rich people. Thankfully you're not taking up their spaces tho, since you're just a jealous cuck with "0 opportunities".

I want you to understand context. Almost an entire race of people came to this country enslaved. It doesn't matter who sold them to who or if the sellers were also black. What is important is all of these people are in fact people, and many of them have lived under years of institutional oppression from people like you and unlike you.

It'd be nice if people looked at the historical significance of how that impacted the generations after slavery. White people have always seen black people as a commodity. People site the low IQ of black people without considering that none of them were even allowed to read. You ignore that this institutionalized hatred still exists and that it leads people like you to believe you're better than black people even though you sit here and don't even realize it.

rich people demonize the poor because they lack context. and white people demonize black people because they lack context. but keep contributing misplaced hatred, i'm sure it's making things better


>savage culture
Attacking people isn't savage culture you empty headed twat. Basing your entire social system around being "strong" and "intimidating" toward others is savage. Racial violence is the rejection of societies attempts to integrate, it's not necessarily wrong, it's just something you disagree with. This is like getting upset at Indians for attacking British colonies for invading their land. It's simply people fighting for what they believe to be danger in their own backyard. Prime example being the fact blacks decided to burst into the police station with guns to save someone who had supposedly raped a white woman. Did you even read the shit you linked me to see both sides were involved?

>What the fuck do white people want from blacks?
Implying niggers actually have anything useful to contribute

Southern accents, whether white or black, are damn near impossible for a civilized north easterner like myself to comprehend. I think it's all the lard in your diet and the fact that you lose a tooth a week.

get the paranoid feeling its prolly just a form of sadism

Gtfo of here with your eductation, logic, and common sense.