Why are we so afraid to die? Should I not be? Why shouldn't I put a bullet on my head?

Why are we so afraid to die? Should I not be? Why shouldn't I put a bullet on my head?

thats only instinct
in evolution coward survives and reproduces

Because you can't do anything about it.

whats this 'we' shit I'm not afraid of death...I'd rather prefer it over this bullshit I'm going through but I won't kill myself I just can't but if I seen a drunk driver or semi about to hit me head on I'd probably relax, close me eyes, and let out a big ass smile and wait

do it pussy

beta cuck

I have the same issue. I don't want to die, I just don't fear it.

I don't want to miss what's gonna happen in the next 15 years believe me.
Most of the ancients would give their left testicle to live in our times.


You can put a bullet on your head all you like. You'll still die and it'll roll off.

Because I'm afraid of the unknown.

Notice how most religious people are ready to go when it's their time? It's because they believe in an afterlife.

People like you and I aren't ready. We've been fed a tonne of bullshit our whole lives. Now we don't know what to think. So we don't. And now were afraid of nothing. Or hell. Whichever ends up being real.

Assuming you're like me, op.

>Why are we so afraid to die?
Your human body is self aware and is fighting to survive. It give you pain signals to fix or help body to heal. To stay alive it give you fears. Ask for food, drink water, exercise it need. You gave free will to ignore this, you may feel unpleasant feeling on the way.

>Should I not be?
You have free will. Is up to you. You can have and live in fears or you can walk around fearless and face fears to get free from fear-s.

>Why shouldn't I put a bullet on my head?
You will reincarnate and will need to learn some basic things how to live that you know now. You will be able to access some information's from past life's in new one.
Some people have phobias that come from past life's, because of how they die. Like jump down from hill. Then they reincarnate and have (Acrophobia) are afraid of heights.


Quantum immortality

But that's all the more reason to put a bullet in your head.

then you reincarnate with some fear or maybe you have head migraine
well played
you have body to appreciate and to take care for. not to destroy, well is up to you


I am afraid to die cause the idea of not existing seems like a cruel punishment after having been alive

but after having been dead I will never know I was alive

so before I die I will fear but after I die I will not

Speak for yourself pussy I'm not scared of death I've experienced it

Except our mates don't reproduce with consent

Oh I'd disagree. I'd do anything to go back to 1950s America

Then post something different. It is always the same with you, you bitch and bitch and bitch, but never do shit about it.

I'm an atheist and throughout most of my life I wasn't afraid to die and took risks and did all sorts of shit people would consider brave maybe. Then I met the woman of my dreams, fell in love, got a dog and actually felt happy. So I actually developed a fear of dying. I got out of the army, quit smoking and started living a healthy life for my woman because I wanted to spend as much time as I possibly could with her. When I was a young man I joined the military and I didn't even have a car, when I got out it was hard to learn because I was so afraid I'd die. I eventually got over that. I think death is so cruel that there cannot possibly be a god. How could a being be so cruel that it would separate me from true love? I hope one day OP, you find someone or something that makes you value your life.

>Why are we so afraid to die
Because life has possibilities. Except if you live in north korea.

Yea have fun having no internet, not being able to sleep with a girl without having a kid and getting married.

Then stop worrying about it, because when you can worry about it you shouldn't and when you can't it doesn't matter.