Bonus info.
> I'm 19
> Live at home with mum (40), dad (41) and sister (18).

Where are the fucking pictures?


Be more specific. Pictures of my dog are on my phone.

pictures of your sister faggot. Post them

Will do if you apologise for calling me a faggot. That's the trade off...

shut the fuck up you faggot.

you're the imbecile that came on here seeking attention.

Now either post them or GTFO you fucking faggot

Are you naked right now?

This is a q & a you keyboard warrior


Did it take any training to not pop a boner around others? I can't imagine doing that without a half chub at least.

What do you do when u need to clean your glasses?

nobody wants your stupid Q&A you failed abortion.

POst them or gtfo

may i please see pics of your sister and mother?

Post photos of your sister or get the fuck out you newfag

Why are dogs noses cold.and wet all the time?

Do you go to nudist camps? Are there many young girls there? Is it frowned upon if you get a boner?

So do you still beat off while thinking about your sister's naked body?

how the fuck do magnets work? seriously that shits wack


For real though

And op the only way to show your not a fag got like I believe you're not is to show us your sisters naked body

let's see some pics

nudists always seem to be gross.. ever catch your sister staring at your junk?