His trial begins today

His trial begins today.

what can we do to help? fuck with the media? go after whiners? petition trump for a pardon?

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Why? He's a cunt. Watching him go from smug at the top to entirely defeated will be delicious.


for the non-amerifags - who is he and what did he do?

You mean help him go to prison.
That guy was a selfish bastard that wanted to become rich by fucking over the entire medical system.
Fuck him
Bought the rights to a medicine and proceeded to markup the price by at least a 100 times

He jacked up the price of medication millions use, also he's just an arrogant cunt

ITT: a bunch of lefty cucks

Except you hagent read the story because it was medicine rarely used and rarely needed, but keep going woth the misinformation

He's a psychopath. Which is why he does so well in the US.
>Fuck everyone else, I'm gonna make money.
He just went about it too directly that time.

Who cares? I want that Wu-Tang album released

>people don't like a legitimately bad person
>better call them leftists to make them change their minds
This is why the leftists call us Nazis, man. Be better than that.

>being this blue pilled

Never claimed to be an expert on this guy, this is just stuff I heard, but if you want to be a little bitch about it. go ahead

It doesn't fucking matter if it was a single person who needed it once in his life.
It's medicine that actual people depend on to fucking live. And he didn't invent it or contribute anything to the making of it.

markup only affected insurance companies, not individuals.

drug is for people already dying of aids. not a life-saving medicine.

used profits to fold into research for a broad spectrum of other medications that far more people would have use for.

insurance companies flipped their collective shit and got the mainstream media to make him out to be some child murdering monster and everyone fell in line including the government. looking for any reason to punish him and hopefully set an example to other pharmacy companies to stay in line.

Your wrong and spreading disinformation, get out od this thread id you only watched the h3h3 video

to the insurance companies.
name one person that can't get daraprim
you can't because the nigga sends it to people without insurance
he did it to make money for himself
and his company's r&d so that they can research some shit besides daraprim because we've been using it for forever

>claim to be woke
>accept people dying because rich asshole wanted to be richer

There is a difference between wanting to become rich and between a total scumbag.

The real problem was that the medicine was already used and sold to a lot of people. Just suddenly increasing that price to a few thousand dollars per pill is bad marketing, and shows a total lack of common sense, he could have just doubled the price and no one would have cried.

And the fucking markup only affected insurance companies

So? That's just the American way.

You show a lack of research, as the markup didnt affect the indiviual

Picture is great. Nigga dies right after the "clean store starts here" and I like to think that he was ahot by the girl in the back, standing next to her boyfriend wearing the "i love my crazy girlfriend" shirt

You'll need to do research on him if you really want to know. The majority of the people in this thread are clueless on him and are basicly reciting the media.

>His trial begins today.

Trial for what? Being an asshole isn't illegal.

what kind of bullshit are you spouting?
The insurance companies are not going to pay for that. They either jacked up their rates of their customers or just kept paying the same amount and let their customers pay the markup.

No insurance company would pay for that.

Not to mention the drug itself kills the user as quickly as it does the desease as its old as fuck.

medfag here
daraprim is used to treat toxoplasmidosis which is one of the diseases of opportunity when you have aids
so basically we've been using daraprim to treat it for quite some time. he's using the money to find better treatments
is he a cunt? yes. the thing is, daraprim is a rare fuckin drug

>There is a difference between wanting to become rich and between a total scumbag.
I never said otherwise.
Wanting wealth doesn't make you a bad person.
But being a bad person makes it easier.

He is an arrogant fuck that likes to profit from idiots and people who cant fight back, first he raised the price like crazy of a medicine he just bought, thought he was pretty smug about it and no one could do a thing about it, when it backfired, he hired a PR firm "adjusting" the problem, you can see the aftermath til today, idiot will defend him like his personal army. For that alone he should rot in prision.

>Thinking he himself is woke

ok so why don't you give everyone the facts

Not only is it being used to treat a rare disease caused by aids, all the money goes to better research for a better drug
Insuranxe conpanies paid

>getting called out for being blue pilled
>doesn't put forth rebuttal

Drugs are only around 10% of medical costs insurance companies receive. To say this one drug only a few thousand use will raise rates is beyond fucking retarded.

we need Bill Murray to heist that shit

but he ISNT bad. He's a guy who had the opprotunity to make a choice between inconvenincing a few people made terminally ill by an easily avoidable STD and benefitting millions by using those financial gains to bolster the R&D of a bunch of new medicines.

morally, i can see that its still difficult to make that call, but he made the right call and the insurance companies have now made a show-trial by media for him.

this is just another big-media and big-pharmacy play for control. just like the trump/russia investigation.

When you literally know absolutely nothing about how the medical world works or about the business part of it functionso so you just listen to what the media says and it must be true because I'm too stupid to look up any real information for myself...

so the general consensus i'm hearing is that we're in agreement that he could use a little help.

what do we do?

Y'all hating on the player instead of the game.
The system that allowed him to do that in the first place is the real problem.
Half the butthurt people would do the exactly same shit in his position.

All those idiots claiming he was going to use the money for R&D, while that just magically came up AFTER he hired a PR firm and while every other pharmacy producer uses a general R&D percentage on all of their products instead of overcharging one alone. People are played like a fiddle.

Fuck him and his stupid face. Bitch deserves to die in prison.

Nothing you just said negates his investment in r and d. Even if it is only a percentage of profits that go toward it, it crating more profits makes it more money for r and d.. Are you really that retarded?

must be nice and cool down there with your head buried in the sand.

research kek what kind of research ? big pharma research ? do you know how they do it? wake up fuckface they are all crooks. research HAH

everyone call this guy a faggot

People richer and no less dodgy than him wanted to take him down. His kind of business is very common among the big players. But he made a bold move and he is too immature to handle it properly.

>defending the ultra-rich for their blatant taking advantage of needy and dying people.
>"big-media and big-pharmacy play for control!"
>for no reason whatsoever, ties it to trump and russia

You're the kind of shill-fag everyone hates.

No, people here think he's scum. Learn to read.

sorry youre not rich. i hope whining will help you financially.

>triggered cucks are triggered

Sup Forums used to hate people like this, but nowadays people think its cool to be a private army of some rich smug asshole who hired people to shill for him on the internet.

You're not rich either, fatass, and you NEVER WILL BE.

Start an online petition, ignore the faggots ITT they're all pussies from Reddit.

I advise you all to read up on him properly, he didn't actually do anything that bad and provided medication free to anyone who couldn't afford it.

Do your fucking research you retards.

wooooooohh someone's butthurt! are you gonna cwy about it on tumblr?

he didnt tie shit to russia. its just similar media bias. like the russia shit. go back to 2nd grade and learn simple reading comprehension skills faggor

theyre msm shills who cant be bothered to research things on their own.

im pretty sure there's a chance that trump might give him a presidental pardon tho

Increasing the price of the drug was the move, and he made it. Big pharma isn't a charity.

Perhaps one should learn typing skills, retar

If you want to help him, make him less of a smug, amoral dick.

seriously, even if he did just make a fast buck off people, who did he screw over? a handfull of people who were too dumb to wear a rubber? cry me a river.


oh butthurt little faggor cant come up with a legitimate counter argument so he attacks grammar even with the poor grammar being perfectly comprehensible. you got sum penor that need some suCc faggor???

Either way the guy is pretty fucking smart, his free time he spends reading various text books etc and studying.

I on the other hand, Sup Forumsrowse.

ITT: Misinformed people.

Go read the fucking news article and get the info there intead of getting it from the cesspool that is Sup Forums.

I'm sorry, I don't speak autism. Can you translate it to English please?

typical bottomfeeder libcuck trash just resorting to name calling when his circular logic is broken. this is why nobody ever takes anything you have to say seriously. well, that and its always ridiculous by nature.

so i guess you lost the arguemenr huh?

>b-ut only look into it so much that he looks good
>ignore how when you look even further into this, you get how he used a PR firm and shills to spread "his side of the story"
>just parrot everything he had spread, this means you are totaly awesome

Let him get what he deserves?

As someone who needs epipens, fuck that faggot. I hope he gets spitroasted in prison for the rest of his life.

He might be those things, but he actually did nothing wrong in this instance. He increased the price because he knew the people who need the drug are supported by taxpayers.

oh look another faggot who just makes up shit without any evidence. give me some proof that there's a direct correlation to his explanation of the markup and this mysterious "pr firm" he hired.

you dont even have a name for the firm, do you? you just read it in the NYT and bought right in without a second thought.

go ahead, call me a faggot. its the only thing youve got left.


You don't read so well do you boy.
Go back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums don't taint /gif/ with this low tier shit.

He didnt even touch epipens you fucking retard! And even if he did it wouldnt affect you, onl yhe insurance company

> Implying HIV medication is epipens

the dude didnt mark up the epipens, that's someone else. and besides who cares? insurance companies cover that shit, and you can get coverage on average for the price of a cellphone plan.

Underrated post, this is true. The people were not effected, he did what a true hero did and fuck over insurance companies.

People are reading too much CNN these days.


Do you not know how Insurance works? What do you think insurance companies are going to take a loss or just jack up their premiums. You probably a fucking socialist and have no idea where money comes from or how it works.

not everyone can afford health insurance. especially now.


life isnt fair. insurance is there just to make it a little more likely to be fair to a slightly larger range of people.

things are bad and people die. thats how it is.

Nice strawman, not even a fucking commie. Proud libertarian

All medicine should be free!!! Whaaa whaaaaaaaaaaa Bernie 2020!!!

Nice rebuttal

>how dare you to insult my personal loverboy that cucked me so good
>now after a thread full of pro claims without any basis, source or anything, i will demand proof from you
>also you need to explain yourself right now
the shills are always so easy to spot

i knew he'd have nothing but some meme/insult combo. no evidence to back up a single thing to back up anything he's said this entire time. just an empty shill liberal

>watch me on my little fake high moral ground, asking for proof like a proofster, while not have delivered anything on my side to begin with

>there are still retards who think he did anything wrong
just goes to show how many newfags are on Sup Forums






would you like me to continue?

who's this asshat and why do anons even care

>we live in a world where some childish fag who plays league of legends has a net worth of $45,000,000

Let it all burn, there is no winning. The muslims kill pieces of shit like this but they're a bunch of animals. And if you get rid of them, then you are a slave to pieces of shit like this. There is no winning until the human race is no more.

Works for Australia cunt.

Free medicine != socialism, same as free police and fire.

how nice for you. go fuck a kangaroo

Can someone explain why he raised only the price for ONE medicine, why every other pharmacy company will have a general R&D rate on their products? If he was honest or serious, he would have never done that kind of crap, that instead reeks of lets see how far i can push the boundaries for profit.

I'm sure plenty of their muslim invaders have attempted to fuck a kangaroo if they were unable to find a goat.

Nothing is ever free, someone always pays.

Yes but thar can be very restrictivd, they have to restrict certain foods ans fats, you cant be obese

Enjoy getting screwed by insurance companies dumbass.

see Nice how you just managed to do exactly what was said. Also you think spaming links proofs anyting? What do you want to say with what link? You are just spamming garbage like the shill you are.