Wanna see this chubby BITCH naked?

Wanna see this chubby BITCH naked?

Would rather see the bitch with a blade in her stomach the fat cunt

...well get on with it.

That's not chubby, that's just fat.

Yes please.


No, disgusting.






I'd like to deposit my sperm in her cervix.

'Merica chubby

Wwyd to this big ass

Throw up on, because its fucking disgusting


Dont do mcdo

It's specifically in America where we use chubby to mean slightly plump or barely overweight and not like foreign idiots who use it as a synonym for fat.

Your girl is obese.

Was replying to the retardness of OP
That disgusting pile of shit is awful

Mericas thinking that "that" is chubby is stupid. When it is. As you clearly state, obese. Id argue morbidly obese
