HEY Sup Forums

HEY Sup Forums
I am born muslim and want to convert to christianity but in the christian belief there are 4 diffrent bibles. Why is that can somebody explain this please?

Because all religion is man-made. They write stuff a couple of thousand years ago, it sounds ridiculous 100 years later, they write a new version. Repeat this about 20 times. It's laughable. Good luck with your new invisible sky wizard.


What are you talking about? The Bible is a word used to describe a collection of Judeo-Christian books. There's the Old Testament and the New Testament. Catholics and protestants disagree over the inclusion of a couple books, but otherwise they follow the same bible.

Same reason as pink stuff for girls and blue for boys, so the manufacturers can sell more of the same thing. Its about money

Because all religion is a scam.

Most based response.

>falling for the skywizard meme


All institutionalized religions been hijacked. Get a bible read and pray by yourself. Avoid church and all religious media. Trust no one who holds themselves out as an "authority".

Im a muslim and Id like to know whyd you like to change religions, if you don't mind me asking.

>the Bible was only redacted about 29 times
My sides

honestly, regular christians don't give a fuck about the kind of bible you're reading. all that matters is that you don't go around blowing people up.

go to church on sunday then have brunch after.

This. Most Christians haven't even read the Bible, it's mostly a social thing

Unless you perform abortions, then it's FULL BOMB AHEAD

The only correct form of Christianity is Catholicism. Find a priest.

One nutjob, maybe once a decade. Won't win you many friends or celestial virgins

>4 different Bibles

Lurn2math faggot. There are hundreds, if not thousands of translations. That don't matter though because the Bible, except for a few cherry picked passages, is irrelevant. In fact the more you know about the Bible the less likely you are to be a Christian. You need to find you a good Church, that agrees with you on everything, even the stuff that you don't even know that you believe yet.

Oh, and Christianity is complete shit and failure just like Islam. The only good thing about it is done in English at least, instead of that retarded gibberish sand niggers are always wailing and shrieking.

i did say the regular christians like the normal ones and not the retarded extremists.

I'm roman catholic and don't give a fuck about abortions. I believe it's murder but i'm just a regular guy who likes brunch.

Fool, become jewish, the OG christians


>I'm roman catholic and don't give a fuck about the holocaust. I believe it's murder but i'm just a regular guy who likes brunch

Fool, become a Canaanite polytheist, the OG Jews!

First it is an apocrypha, so its a conglomerate of stories with only a certain set being considered cannon. Thus, some bibles leave out/include certain portions that others choose to include. Most of these aren't really all that important to the main message though.

Second it has been translated from I arameic to english, and thus based on what translation you get there are small changes. Thus, the standard in the US is the King James translation, but I think the UK uses a different translation.
There is also the issue of the old testament (first half) being translated from Hebrew first so...)

There is also the issue that each of the major branched of Christianity interprets the bible a little differently. For example, chatholics acknowledge the pope as the leader of the church where as protestants I believe acknowledge the king/queen of England as the head of the church. This doesn't change the book to much, but does change the interpretation.

Finally, the Mormons add an extra portion b/c they think their special.

Get a bible, preferably without any extra sidenotes by someone with an agenda. Just plain boring bible. Tell God you have no idea what you're doing but would he speak through the book. Read bible, listen to your heart. Trust no ones opinion. You dont need God explained by anyone. Everyone is equally biased and ignorant. Seek honestly and earnestly Him, through his book and He will speak toy you.

Just pick one. Doesn't matter. Not sure what is different about the various books, but as far as denominations are concerned, the differences at times are as trivial as how one interprets the sacraments or the lords prayer.

Get a king James' Bible, they're one of the better ones. Also, Protestantism/Evangelism ftw. Asuka best evangelion girl

>it has been translated from I arameic to english
It was written in Hebrew and Greek.

get go atheist, don't be a religion cuck all your life

This is probably the best advice you are going to get. You can even get free bibles online.

Fuck KJV. I like NASB personally but you should just read multiple parallel translations online (include KJV for poetic ye olde tone)

who needs religion when you can end this existential nightmare and just kill yourself. its super easy and fun to do. its five simple steps to eternal peace and happiness. basically buy a gun, buy bullets, put bullets in gun cartrige, load gun, shoot yourself in the head. bish bash bosh now youre dead and nothing matters anymore. also religion is a human construct that controls the masses through the fear of consequence. good philosophy filled with false hopes of eternal life after death. the more you know

because mohammed was a pedo and an asshole

Fool, Mr. Popo is all you need.
