Borders locked up tighter than a nun's ass, but talks endless shit about how xenophobic Americans are

>borders locked up tighter than a nun's ass, but talks endless shit about how xenophobic Americans are
>had the most batshit insane leader in the western world for 9 years but won't shut up about Trump
>literally no culture of it's own
>universal healthcare yet citizens still would rather go to mexico to get treated
>obesity epidemic at an astronomical rate but doesn't hesitate to call America "the fat nation"
>every wrestler from there plays a giant dickbag heel and it's the most believable thing ever
>puts ketchup on steak and gravy on chips

what da fuq is Canada's damage, yo?

Other urls found in this thread:

Let's not forget the self-satisfied patriotic fervor with the fucking maple leaf on literally everything to remind them of what country they're in while simultaneously thumbing their noses at "jingoistic American rubes"

Its the frogs, you'd go crazy too if you had to deal with a large enough French population


Not to mention:

>Bitches constantly about global warming, all while having massive oil and gas exports that prop up its economy
>Hockey is their national sport, but they have to play in the NHL
>Whines about the crime rate in America, but has serial killers murdering dozens if native women every year since the 1950s.

>Bitches constantly about global warming, all while having massive oil and gas exports that prop up its economy

This one irks me so fucking much as a European. They claim to lead the way to a clean future but their entire export economy is based on fossil fuels. So many of them cried maple tears when the Canadian dollar was turning into litter due to low petrol costs.

Canada aka America Jr has taken all the bad habits of the country it wishes it has the strength to be but pretends it is some kind of wildly different utopia

>Hockey is their national sport, but they have to play in the NHL

To be fair the NHL started in Canada

As an American, I don't day this lightly, but...

We should take a page from France and change over to nuclear energy, phase out fossil fuels entirely except for motor vehicles.

>The NHL started in Canada

I didn't know that. I do know Canadian teams only make up about a quarter of the NHL now though. Theyre in the metaphorical cuck shed, even in the one thing they take the greatest pride in.

>and change over to nuclear energy,
that should work out well, the next time one of those crazy mudslimes decide to go all Jihad on us

The Stanley Cup has been sitting in America since 1993. That's pretty funny.

Bump, eh

We've been through more attacks than you and we're still fine, I don't get your point.

NOLA fag here. If you think all we do is speak French, you need to visit the state. Ive lived there for 24 years, and the worst is street names like Bordeaux.

Except NOLA is too black to count towards anything but ebonic

>every wrestler from there plays a giant dickbag heel and it's the most believable thing ever

spotted the autism

I thought Trump was gonna get rid of filth like you

Why are Canadians so devoid of a sense of humour? I'm ashamed they continue to exists as part of the Commonwealth.

i'm actually american. it's just that if you actually enjoy professional wrestling, you're a turd.

You sound like the type of person that reminds people "wrestling is fake" while glued to your TV to watch the latest reality show

I don't watch that shit either. Nice try though.

I don't think France has ever had a plane suicide bombed into a massive building by the jihadis

>literally no culture of it's own
Everything in that picture proves this statement wrong.

Umm, nuclear power is a lot cleaner than a coal plant. And with thorium reactors we could have cheap plentiful electricity for about 1000 years.

You seem to have confused disliking things with having a personality.

Focus more on things you enjoy, padawan. The personality will follow then.

Oh shut up, Dr. Phil. You don't know shit.

You do know that there are already nuke plants in the US, right? I've worked at a couple. They have security like you wouldn't believe. Plus it's very, very difficult to attack in such a way that would cause a reactor accident.

That's one state and Southerners are too intimidated by the lack of genetic defects in northeners to do anything

A game you cunts can't win.
A red hat.

Great culture there lads. Real distinctive.

What batshit insane leader did we have?

you want to destroy coal miners jobs you libcuck faggot

Yeah but we only have 1/10 the population of America.

Oh fuck off, Stephen Harper was Trump before Trump. He muzzled scientists and denied climate change before it was cool.

How was that a joke about wrestling? You were only pretending to be a manchild?

Good thing you're importing all those refugees to catch up then.

He also rode us through the financial crisis. Find one clip where Harper denies climate change. I'll wait.

You have to be a major retard to think Harper was anything close to Trump.

>Hockey is their national sport

The national sport is lacrosse, not hockey


Compared to what exactly? American culture is pretty damn far from rich.

You're replying to me but I'm not OP. Look up Arson, Murder and Jaywalking. It's literally a comedic trope to mix in dumb shit with serious shit.

Fuck summer, man.

So your choices are "stickball" and "stickball on ice". That sucks dude.

Oh right the Simpsons started in Canada....

Yet American culture is all you have.

Rich indeed.

Seriously the whole time I was reading this I was thinking about Kevin Owens and shit and they i saw the weestling heel bullepoint lol

English, motherufcker. Do you speak it?

What do you mean choices?

>look up comedic trope

Now I know you're not funny.

But black culture is all America has.

He did not. You survived the financial crisis through your proximity to the strongest economy in the world you idiots.

Fucking literally took a second of googling to find Harper's climate denial circus.

Who's importing refugees?

Are all the leafs in this thread Quebecois or something? Your comprehension of English is shit. It's no fun to make jokes if you can't even read them.

hurr durr does it hurt when you think, megautismo

You clearly don't understand what culture entails.

No Harper has actually been praised for his leadership during the crisis. Sorry if that triggers you.

Also that wasn't Harper saying it. You shouldn't condescend if you couldn't answer a simple request.

Must be so embarrassing for you that you just heard someone have an opinion 10 years ago and never look it up.

America was the problem then retard

You don't need to prove it.

Honestly they're not importing refugees at the rate they claim, they say they are as a PR stunt to look better than America but they're not taking anyone in. They're fucking isolated like Japan except they're forced to share the continent, to their chagrin.

>a game you can't win

You do realise that a good chunk of star players on your american teams are Canadian right? And who won the olympic gold in 2010 and 2014 for Men and Women?

I guess school's out for the Leafs too, going by this thread.

Fucking baited hard, maple scented morons.

Canada? Wot's that?

NOLA is basically your average Mississippi Cracker, few real cajuns

You really shouldn't try being funny bro.

This. They're literally sandwiched between America, and if America didn't buy up their oil all the time they'd be fucked, so they have no choice in the matter.

And lol @ the leafs trying in vain to defend Diet America

Diet America?


sure why not. if their job becomes obsolete due to cheaper alternatives that's literally capitalism and the free market doing it's thing. propping up their jobs and providing for them despite the economic nonviability of their entire vocation sounds like socialism to me my man.


He means Canada u fuk


Looks like it. Almost feel bad for them.

Thank you OP and the others ITT for pointing out the smug hypocrisy I've always hated about Canadians on the internet since the 90s. Such fake faggots that everyone pretends are super nice and above the average American while being little assholes especially behind their keyboard.

I really am sorry you have to reach that far to feel better.

You can come to America where we're not shit at hockey, we actually let people in over here.

It looks like leafs are very bad at handling themselves when people aren't saying nice things about their silly country.

In Europe we laugh behind your backs when you make sure to let us know you're Canadian, because we know you're ashamed that there's nothing to distinguish you from the average American unless you point it out to us.

HAHA. They act so much like Osterreich does to Deutschland, it's an inferiority complex through and through. So entertaining.

Clearly Canada didn't teach you enough of a lesson in the 40's mein herr


Son, leftists don't push for nuclear energy. -Not- pushing for nuclear energy is fucking dumb as shit. It's exponentially more efficient than any other power source.

Fuck off kraut nazi scum

Dude even the Americans on here don't try to take credit for VE day that was all the Soviets. Are you trolling or truly disillusioned, or is there some kind of Canuck Simo Hayha I'm not aware of?

but trumop promised to save coal. dont call me son,

There were no soviets, just Canadians. Hey travelled west across the land bridge and hit the Germans from the east. People assumed they were Russians because they didn't know Canadians were so fast and smart at the time

dae canada didnt help ww2

Never forget you were just pawns in a British game of chess, lowlings

How the fuck did you end up here, old man?

Hooray for Aryan Canadians

Did all Canadian WW2 propaganda look this terrible? That guy looks like he just got out of a hospital and they threw a unifom 3 sizes too big over him

Two of the most difficult sports to play

At least they aren't the UK though.

don't jinx the glorious UK-free EU

So that's why all the mudslime attacks? Someone jinxed you? Or cause your shit?

Louisiana has zero French in it dude. It's vaguely creole and Cajun watered-down white trash and niggers. New Orleans is the only acceptable place because even if the citizens are ignorant, they're at least the nicest ones in the whole state.

Fucking god dammit now you've jinxed it

Obama got praised for getting bin laden. We all know that wasn't true at all.

It was actually I who took down Bin Laden as a drunken youth with more money than brains

Visual proof attached

There's no way that's an actual game

>underwater N'awlins, populated by niggers, faggots, and retards
fuckin wut m8. it's like Sup Forums in real life over there

How is it "in real life" when you're still on Sup Forums you massive retard

He said "there", so...Irony
