Feminism will save us

Feminism will save us



Finally some feminism here!!!

Destroy patriarchy

Why be an annoying faggot when you can just be quiet?

Absolutely! I was grown up by two strong women, and now I am a proud Homosexual. Don't let hate win!


U can never silence us

>Doesn't know "Rosie" quit after two weeks on the job.
Guess she couldn't do it.

Only beta cuckolds are against feminism.

feminism ftw



Never submit

love is love



Yall niggas discriminating against non cis-gendered people and otherkin

yall niggas homophobic

Nah, you still can't


>Be a faggot.
>Wonders why people hate faggots>

Get this shit out of here and hobble back to your own parents basement you fucking spergs.

u homophobic piece of shit

>Into scat
>Is Autistic
>Is An Hero
Fuck off you kike.

You homohobic piecess of shit


Leave me and fellow user alone with your wetback bullshit.
