Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daugher you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically Sup Forums.

Fucking americans and their weird fetishes.

THEN.... she comes home with a nigger that she "loves."

Le cuck maymay xD

OP is a faggot who doesn't understand rape.

>op wants incest

You are fundamental flawed in your assumptions. You raise your children to be happy and functional members of society. I hope my daughter finds a happy and stable relationship as an adult, because it will make her happy. As for the sex, who fucking cares. Most people have sex, its not any of my business.

>think rationally
Have you, ever?

Wow, having daughters myself, I'm actually kind of mad now. This is kinda gay. I don't want to fuck my kids at all or anything like that. But wtf do I get out of this? This is bull shit. My life has been thrown away to raise girls that other dudes are going to violate the hell out of later. Lame. Might as well blow my head off now.

You don't know what cuckolding means, or why it is something to be avoided.

You are passing on your genes, thus satisfying your biological imperative. Of course you wouldn't understand that because you will never have children.

Any anons in central Texas who are serious about wanting to fuck their daughters (or another relative)? Respond with an email.

Well, someone did that for my wife so I guess it's only right it comes full circle

Get that out of the way before I get 50+ replies about a typo...

>ravage daughter
>kill and eat body
>ultimate thrill

The fundamental flaw is that he thinks everything in life is about his own enjoyment and pleasure. His sole criteria for the value of something is how much money, pleasure, sex, whatever it will bring him. Anything that doesn't benefit him immediately is worthless and a waste of resources.

That he will die alone, unloved and a virgin is a sad but foregone conclusion.

Agreed. OP is a fag.

It's only cuckold if you're already fucking your daughter. For over 90% of people, this isn't the case. So no. It isn't.

Yea but you get to fap to her panties while raising her, give her baths, install hidden cameras, etc

Do you even dad?

You get daughters, who are fucking awesome. If they aren't, then blame yourself for raising idiots. Or blame yourself for having kids with a woman who will poison your children.

More fundamentally, you are propagating your genes, the only objective meaning to life.

WTF is it about Amerifats that all they all want to fuck their children?

Or just dick her yourself until you're bored with her and hand her over to the nigger.

Why wouldn't teach her how to suck and fuck?

You reminding me that the whole point of life is to breed only makes things worse. I bred girls. And one day, someone will fuck them, and I will get nothing for having thrown away my own selfish desires in order to be a dad.

It's the chemicals in the food and water and stuff. Illuminati is doing it

You don't have kids or a wife.

Well you're half right.

as a fetish it originated in 13th century France

if i have a daughter i'll raise her to be really emotionally repressed and submissive.
i'll make her follow my orders in every aspect of life, especially marriage.
I'll train her to be a top tier 10/10 girl, so she can rein in a spoiled manchild with wealthy parents, then divorce that piece of shit for money.
she will have no actual free will, but merely the perception of free will as she will be acting under my directions all the time
in this way, she will merely be an extension of my will and just a tool to further our family wealth and influence.

same goes for all my other kids

The only thing that makes you a cuck for having a daughter is thinking having a daughter makes you a cuck. In fact, I can't think of anything more manly than fucking a chick so hard that she grows another chick inside of herself

That's not wrong though, is it? Even philanthropy is a form of self therapy... is it not?

If helping people made you feel like a piece of shit for whatever reason, like you had just killed a kitten, would you still do it?


whats this bitches name again

I have two in college. I love them, and I like them. They're good people. They're smart, they get good grades, and they try hard as fuck at what they do. Thats all I can ask. I enjoy watching them embark on a journey better than mine.


>they're superior to you

that's your first mistake. you didnt work hard enough yourself, so now you have no right to tell them how to live their lives. so you have to deal with it mentally as if you wanted them to turn out this way.


Better one

Sorry nobody cares about you. Maybe you should have tried to not be an asshole.

Girls are cool, I'll have you know. Perhaps you'll meet one and not spill spaghetti out of your mouth.


I'm genuinely stunned. Well played Sup Forumsrother

>that's your first mistake. you didnt work hard enough yourself, so now you have no right to tell them how to live their lives.
I don't know what you're going about mate, I worked out just fine. I'm retired at 45, with two girls in good colleges. Universities, actually. I just would like to see them do well. Which, they are. I'm not telling anybody how to live.

I'd like to see you pull that shit off. It sounds like you can't even get your shit to spark enough to talk to a girl, let alone get two through life.

Yes, cunt. Go play in the traffic.

Luckily my daughter isn't interested in boys. She introduced her girlfriend a couple of weeks ago. No there are two girls I can spoil and spend my money on


...he dost protest too much.

I'll be a doctor in less than 7 months.
Im a mensa member with an IQ of 134.

I take care of myself and do boxing 4 times a week.
I'm a prime physical specimen and I'm about to start a startup company with a few friends on the side in the next year.

So no. My life is great. I push myself. I enjoy pushing myself.

Also, college/university isnt shit. people go there to either get brainwashed or cynical, while pounding/getting pounded.
Any degree outside of STEM/law/finance/medical is useless. It's skills that matter.

So unless you've raised two girls who have decent career prospects, sit back down.


Please don't ever stick your dick in anything.

Me, neither.

I can't take you seriously now

Man I can see your micro penis all the way from here. Reel it back a little bit
there buddy.

I don't know or care what the context is of this conversation, but the fact that you used your Mensa membership as some sort of impressive creditantial made me kek.

Welcome to MGTOW

credential, but yeah.

damn it. overdid it =(

>not enjoying the benefits of having a daughter

you are doing it wrong.

What if I told you the women can do other things besides bring married, like having a job. Retard

>So unless you've raised two girls who have decent career prospects, sit back down.
One designs visual media at arguably the best place in the country, and the other studies biology, ecology and chemistry. She refers to it as bio-chem,but I don't think thats the words that'll be on her diploma. Probably just Bio. They'll do okay.

"Think about it rationally"

I'm gonna stop you right there and let you know, you're retarded. Nothing that you have said can be defined as rational in any way.

>this is my fettish

He raised them well is what he did.

People with IQs of 134 don't think in such straight lines. You binaried yourself, bub.

youre wrong because is right

also by thinking like that, youre more likely to have sex than a whiteknight faggot, and more likely to have a girl love you, you just wont really care about them as much

you should probably let her know that visual media is difficult to get a job in unless she's really, really good. like top 2-5%

unless its biochem engineering, she's looking at a research position or a further PhD.

but being girls, all they have to do is shack up with guys in decent careers and become housewives.
lawyers, doctors, engineers, even accountants are all fair game.

I'm also on the spectrum. mild, but on the spectrum.
I've memorized pi to 120 digits which i recite when im anxious.

Basically this, user thinks because he cant fuck his daughter he is wasting his time with her.

I dont actually disagree at a fundamental level I suppose but IM not enough of a sperg to actually rage about it.

If I have daughters, ill deal with it. Hopefully sons only.

>You get daughters, who are fucking awesome

you get to deal with emotional issues and nonsense for the rest of your life... fun

even when they are married, you still have problems. a son you can kind of just leave on their own at that point, a girl will always be bitching and then looking to you when her husband fucks up. funny enough, she will still take his side over yours a lot of the time

sounds like a lot of fun, awesome

>I can't take you seriously now
Yeah, thats where I hit the ejector button.


Only if you ain't from alabama

you, OP, are a humongus faggot.
you realise you did the same to someone elses daughter?
why dont you move to some islamic shithole,
where the people have exact the same kind of "philosophic thoughts".
america, pretending only for themselves to be free, not realising they are the equivalent of talibans to the west. now go pledge to a piece of cloth, tell yourself you're free, tell yourself that god chose your nation, and keep repeating, so you can't hear the laughter of EVERY. OTHER. WESTERN. NATION.

fuck you, fuck your daughter, fuck your family,
fuck your country.

Only if you intend to have a romantic relationship with your daughter. You disgusting degenerate.

>let alone get two through life.
haha. you think you got them through life

we've only just begun, m8. watch the problems that come during university and once they get married... i dont envy you

its why if i ever am supposed to have a girl, i will just have it aborted instead. i dont want to deal with a lifetime of emotional drama & headache

Because you're a child.

>trolled by a copypasta
fucking gold

Really? On the grand scale of weird fetishes in the world you think America is at the top of the list? We don't even come close to the level of weird fucked up shit that Japan does or Germany. It's a whole theory that places that were fucked up in a world war and then rebuilt have weird repressive fetish males as a result.


Its like one of the most common fetish world wide.

Nigga incest is vanilla

Technically, the origins of the 13th century fetish you're referring to and nobody else will be able to get on Sup Forums in a million years are in the 8th century, but France is correct.

in other words... like the politicians of the world =D

The fuck is wrong with you?

Dailly reminder that Lia Maria Johnson is an ugly freak

Let me guess, you are one of those virgins with ridiculous high standards.

>you should probably let her know that visual media is difficult to get a job in unless she's really, really good. like top 2-5%
Yeah, its a rough arena. Heres a secret. I privately liked it a lot, designing little jingles and shit. I like the visual stuff. Santa is by Coca cola, that stuff. My dad did this shit on Madison avenue, pretty much like the TV show, but way more fringe, he never totally made it.

I started slowly dripping this stuff into my kids head, and admittedly she has a gift for it. Then when I told her it was more like heiroglyphics than words - logos I mean - she was hooked. When you create a logo or any visual medium, it is without language, it is a word or a feeling without any barrier. People recognize it the most distant tribes, you've broached all communication barriers. Its fucking beautiful.

how can you have daughters if youre obviously a faggot?

role playing online? (hopefully)

>unless its biochem engineering, she's looking at a research position or a further PhD.
response2 - anything will work, as long as it has some advancement. For her, permanence is better. Example, I told her a couple years ago, something about a uniform, working for a state park, for a while, and get some experience with something that has stability and consistant rights. She at first balked at the game departments uniforms.

About a year later she said maybe that wasn't so stupid after all. I wasnt even fishing for it. True story.

>but being girls, all they have to do is shack up with guys in decent careers and become housewives.
lawyers, doctors, engineers, even accountants are all fair game.
They can do that later. If they want. In all likelyhood, they'll probably have families - I guess. Currently we just talk about not having families unintentionally.

No, I got them through my legal obligation. The rest is gravy. Now they have to live THEIR lives, not mine. But I'm happy to help.


Way to go user.

How can you not enjoy making fifty million people pissed off, or happy, whenever they see the thing you created?

People still use that little rainbow for THE MORE YOU KNOW. Every thing you see has a pattern, or a logo, or a texture. I like designs of cars, the wooden carved carpentry of a church, the perfect mousetrap. You either like shit or you don't.

So many dads on this thread, my god


Seriously, I do agree.
You are literally wasting 18+ years of your life.
Even If she grows up to be the 1st woman on Mars, at the end of he might she will still be sucking a dick.
Name 5 things that you actually benefit from having a daughter.
>I'll help. She can introduce you to her hot friends, of she's cool.
>Money. But only if she's a gold digger

Of course I raise her to get railed by a guy. My job as a father is to make my kids into the best people I can.. so they can meet people who hopefully were also raised well and they can have great kids too.

That's why you can kill your daughter.

this fucking copy pasta

they can make you and the rest of your family rich if they marry money.

Sometimes we get tired of teaching you how to make colorful crystals that are actually chlorine gas, or explode a super-hot spoon into your own faces.

that's why you use the gengis method and raise them for yourself.

>but retard children blah blah

wake up people it's the 21rst century, you can select the best available genes and have her impregnated artificially, or even just not have kids. or better yet, adopt a young one from some shithole country and you can have as many kids as you want.