Foods you eat that others think are gross/strange

Foods you eat that others think are gross/strange.

whats wrong with fish, fish is delicious.

Yo mommas pussy

For me, I love Organ meat(liver/kidneys/heart), also I enjoy sardines and crackers, not something you see alot in the Western US.

This one also throws my family off, I love sour cream, I can eat that shit like ice cream. Give me a spoon and a container of sour cream and it's like dessert for me.


pickled Herring, not just fish. I realize this thread is gonna be based alot on where you are from and your Nationality. So list those when posting.

I love pickled herring holy shit

>Give me a spoon and a container of sour cream and it's like dessert for me.

Holy shit I never knew those existed.

Mackerel with tomato sauce

Shit's fuckin good yo

Pickled herring is delicious, it's very popular here in Sweden.

Tripe, and pig intestines. Delicious.

Horse meat.
"Filet de cheval sauce marchant de vin."
YUMMIE! So, oh so good. I'm not even French.

I'm the same with sour cream.

Liverwurst, blood and tongue sausage and pretty much anything shoved into an intestine

asian pussy

It tastes like sushi right?

also you eat it left to right

somethng like that

Nice nips on the nip.

I like to put M&Ms in my grilled cheese.
Anything chocolate and cheese is fucking rad

Its not that weird, so you should try it.

Do you add some wasabi before eating her out?

I sometimes like to pair it with a nice pilaf, or asparagus

Fuck you thats fucking awful

Used to eat Dorito, cream cheese and bologna on white bread sandwiches in high school, they were delicious

My dude!

shes a beauty ;)

nah wasabi is too strong but some good and salty soy sauce does the trick

I can very clearly remember walking in on my dad dipping pizza and cheatos into a tub of sour cream at 3 in the morning and then running away when i turned the kitchen light on


I used to put doritos on my bolonga sandwiches...pb&j too

hmm thats not the pic i uploaded
wonder where it went

Thats common. Doritos in a pb&j is a fucking delicacy, but not that weird.

Sweet and salty, just like my M&Ms in my grilled cheese

Seriously, fucking try it

Pickled eggs and sausage.... mmmmMMMMmmmm...


Sour cream is the base for lots of shit.

Its taste like a tarty clean cream, its delicious.

sour cream is the base for ranch and all sorts of dressings. even onion dip.

And then there is plain yogurt, which is just thicker sour cream.

Ill mix sriracha in sour cream and dip my pizza in that shit till I cum in my pants and fall into a food induced coma.

This is god-tier with a few ice cold Budweisers

I would like to try this

Is it boney?