Daily reminder that circumcision is a healthy, natural way to reduce STD's and make your son's life more enjoyable

Daily reminder that circumcision is a healthy, natural way to reduce STD's and make your son's life more enjoyable.

Jeez, you're not even bothering finding proper bait...

and it fulfills the covenant with Israel



You're not even trying you autist

daily reminder that op is a faggot and if you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight no immunities


your mother is safe for yet another night, user

It is. But the problem is that your son will be judged as a jew and in the 3thrd world war he'll have some issues.

Also, a daily reminder that biology it's fucked up.

What if you have phimosis tho

Circumcision is cleaner



Circumcision is body mutilation

so are dick piercings

>Using tools to cut penis

I'm pretty sure OP had a circumcision in his brain.

Aaand bait caught. Amazing.

Only for Muslims and Jews fucker.

Ant eater dicks will argue otherwise

Well traditionally they would bite it off, take your pick.
Crusty dick faggot

I was circumsized as a child (not a Jew) - it is a sick practise and removes AT LEAST 50% of the sensation of your penis (for me it's even more, closer to 2/3) - do NOT do this to your children!!!

Fuck you, do you have some idea how this shit is annoying?!
I would like to know how wtf precum feels, any user can explain it?

How do you know you lost 2/3 of the sensation?

nice meme faggot

You don't know that.
>filthy nigger

Those are volentary

He was fucking whores non stop in his first 9 months

Nice numbers friendo

>Daily reminder that circumcision is a healthy, natural way to reduce STD's and make your son's life more enjoyable.

Barbaric mutilation. You're a dumb fuck faggot, op.


>reduce STD's
Nearly as effective as just cleaning your fucking dick sometimes. Studies which showed HIV reduction were from the third world.