Hi Sup Forums (random) board of 4channel website

Hi Sup Forums (random) board of 4channel website.

So this is where all the cool white neo nazis hang out right? You guys are tough and cool. I heard all about you guys on Reddit so I decided to come here and see for myself.

So what's up cool nazi dudes?

Other urls found in this thread:


Go away

Wrong board. You're looking for Sup Forums

Those guys banned me for posting this same exact thread. They're mean.

This is where all the cool nazis hang out so I'm sticking around the random board of channel 4 website.



Somebody gave you sarcasm lessons today you stupid big nosed nigger jewish baboon, are you trying to be fun and cool you little maggot?

Yeah I'm trying to be cool like you nazis. That's why I came here... I'm sick of the left wing shit stain of leddit so I came to the cool nazis of 4channel

Yes indeed, but you'll have to wait in line nigger


This thread is bait. Stop replying.

if you really wanna hang out NIGGER

What's bait? Are you implying I'm a fish or something? Shit up dude... Go play with your baby dick.


also we aren't nazis (mostly) were assholes

Nah he meant bathe he smelled the nigger odors bath nigger.

No. We're nazis you dumbfuck. If you aren't part of the superior white pride, then you're otherwise an autist cuck.


I have a gas chamber in my basement reserved just for Jews like you

You mean Sup Forums you fucking sjw cuck.



All those filthy hands should be cut off

You're on the wrong board, go to Sup Forums.

You need to be gassed

>If you aren't a racist, you're retarded

Does the idea that a race is inferior to you make you feel better, user? It shouldn't. You're still more of a sub-human than any of them. You have no friends, no life, your family hates you. You're a disappointment.

You can be 'proud' of your race all you want, user, it won't change anything. You're a fucking autistic loser and always will be no matter the color of your skin.

Kill yourself.


Lol my bad dude I'm drunk as fuck I could have sworn all those kids were niggers and that woman on the right was a nigger too wtf kek

You came to the wrong board

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of Sup Forums-culture if you honestly think *THIS* is the Nazi board.

This board is the birthplace of "Anonymous". and as such it's culture is pretty much a direct mirror of that group's.

Protip: Anonymous fucking hates Nazi's.


I feel like slapping you so hard right now buddy.


Herr Reichspräsident!
Abgeordnete, Männer und Frauen des Deutschen Reichstages!
Schwere Sorgen lasten seit Jahren auf unserem Volk.
Nach einer Zeit stolzer Erhebung, reichen Blühens und Gedeihens auf allen Gebieten unseres Lebens sind – wie so oft in der Vergangenheit – wieder einmal Not und Armut bei uns eingekehrt.
Trotz Fleiß und Arbeitswillen, trotz Tatkraft, einem reichen Wissen und bestem Wollen suchen Millionen Deutsche heute vergebens das tägliche Brot. Die Wirtschaft verödet, die Finanzen sind zerrüttet, Millionen ohne Arbeit.
Die Welt kennt nur das äußere Scheinbild unserer Städte, den Jammer und das Elend sieht sie nicht.
Seit zwei Jahrtausenden wird unser Volk von diesem wechselvollen Geschick begleitet. Immer wieder folgt dem Emporstieg der Verfall.
Die Ursachen waren immer die gleichen. Der Deutsche, in sich selbst zerfallen, uneinig im Geist, zersplittert in seinem Wollen und damit ohnmächtig in der Tat, wird kraftlos in der Behauptung des eigenen Lebens. Er träumt vom Recht in den Sternen und verliert den Boden auf der Erde.


KEK look at the woman next to him giving the sideways like ''You better lift that fucking hand up Heinrich before they send you camping with the jews''

No we hate those faggots too.

Why? It's literally the truth. It takes ten seconds to google search "Anonymous" and "Sup Forums" to read up on it. No matter how cringey and meme-tastic Anonymous has become, it's still factual truth that they originated right here, in Sup Forums. It's forever part of the boards sub-culture whether you like it or not


Anonymous hates Nazi's but they also hate any sort of bigotry, fascist or not. Homophobia, racism and animal cruelty are popular targets and enemies of Anonymous

Je mehr aber Volk und Reich zerbrechen und damit der Schutz und Schirm des nationalen Lebens schwächer wird, um so mehr versuchte man zu allen Zeiten, die Not zu Tugend zu erheben. Die Theorie der individuellen Werte unserer Stämme unterdrückt die Erkenntnis von der Notwendigkeit eines gemeinsamen Willens. Am Ende blieb den deutschen Menschen dann immer nur der Weg nach innen offen. Als Volk der Sänger, Dichter und Denker träumt es dann von einer Welt, in der die anderen lebten, und erst, wenn die Not und das Elend es unmenschlich schlugen, erwuchs vielleicht aus der Kunst die Sehnsucht nach einer neuen Erhebung, nach einem neuen Reich und damit nach einem neuen Leben.
Als GlossarBismarck dem kulturellen Streben der deutschen Nation die staatspolitische Einigung folgen ließ, schien damit für immer eine lange Zeit des Haderns und des Krieges der deutschen Stämme untereinander beendet zu sein.
Getreu der Kaiserproklamation nahm unser Volk teil an der Mehrung der Güter des Friedens, der Kultur und der menschlichen Gesittung. Es hat das Gefühl seiner Kraft nie gelöst von der tief empfundenen Verantwortung für das Gemeinschaftsleben der europäischen Nationen.

Now I feel like stomping you out, shut up SHUT THE FUCK UP STOP TYPING.

Sir I will be proud to give you the rundown


Sup Forums likes cats.

Pretty much draw the line there.

Ya'know, just plotting the demise of all who aren't under the glorious flag of the Aryan race
And exchanging photos of family members we want to fuck



sounds pretty fucking gay

>"i feel like stomping you out"
>said the user on an image board
>he said on an imageboard

You are either a fucking child or a fucking autist, either way you're also a fucking idiot.

This isn't AIM messenger you god damn ignoramus, you don't get to pretend this is real life and not a god damn image thread

I don't what the fuck you're issue is anyway, you're just don't fucking understand what Sup Forums is.

>“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.”

Remember that you fucking toolshed



can someone post that gif of hitler with the caption "nope.... youre getting gassed"

>this is what /r/wermarcht actually believes


Love is gay with rainbow insert He-Man
Gif at your will


>being this new
summer sure doesnt change

>>"i feel like stomping you out"
>said the user on an image board
>he said on an imageboard

You are either a fucking child or a fucking autist, either way you're also a fucking idiot.

This isn't AIM messenger you god damn ignoramus, you don't get to pretend this is real life and not a god damn image thread

I don't what the fuck you're issue is anyway, you're just don't fucking understand what Sup Forums is.

>“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.”

Remember that you fucking toolshed

Autistic doesn't mean stupid I've met some pretty smart motherfuckers
Just put it simple he's a jackass


Sup Forums

you can post with nazi flags

Think I need to put a thing under this or edit the photo to say this motherfucker right here

Hey pal are you the founder of /b ? if so can you please explain it to us what /b really is without getting triggered? we're all waiting, you seem pretty old btw.

Sup Forums hasn't been a secret club since 2006 and I never said otherwise but sure okay

>Anonymous fucking hates Nazi's.

This what this piece of shit board has turned into

There are no secrets just memes

Sup Forums - Random

Anybody notice how it doesn't say "Sup Forums - Nazi's and Newfags"? Weird

>Sup Forums
pick one

You're a very delusional retard bro

>Sup Forumstards were ever actually racist and not simply attention-seeking trolls who get nervous around black people because they're secretly attracted to them
try again nerd

You know who you are bro? you're that one lonely autistic delusional child that always ate by himself at school had no friends and somehow still thought he's smarter than everybody, do you realize how fucking stupid you look idiot? also learn how to fucking type you stupid piece of shit, and since it's random couldn't random fucking contain nazi's and newfags aswell you stupid piece of shit.

fair enough

You're the one who is clearly delusional.... kid.

No but really call me names and post as many meme-reacts as needed, whatever helps you feel like you aren't a complete and utter failure at everything you do

why bother dude lol

It could.

It also could contain literally everything else. Like Anti-Nazi's and oldfags. "Random" doesn't stand for "Nazi" no matter how you fucking slice it.

You're the only one here who looks fucking stupid.

>Could just be a board or humidity tends to show self consciousness about itself trying to make each genetic difference as a comparison of I've got a better car but we do so with memes food for thought

Dude are you psychotic? you seem really delusional my guy, who the fuck said /b is for Nazi's only imbecile, you're confused pal very very confused, oh and dumb very very dumb stop being so stupid.

lmgtfy.com/?q=Sup Forums+nazi

Sup Forums is the second link

shut the fuck up now thanks

There are three types of psychopaths the Natural Born psychopath who feels cold and calculated throughout his whole life but cares only about the little things there's the bread psychopath or traumatic experience can shape his trauma then there's the Shell Shocked psychopath or witness something so terrible his brain screams out with only rage or at least that's my interpretation

kill yourself
it'd make your parents feel better







Oh wow you're a very smart guy look at you go!

KEK you're fucking hilarious bro I'v been spectating this shit I can't believe I actually laughed on /b that didn't happen in a while

I'm a fighter fuck giving up I got shit to do
Places to see people to tell the fuck off

Look bud if you really have any common sense and weren't so much of an idiot you would admit on being wrong and getting the wrong impression but instead you keep on going you're like my ex wife for fucks sake my guy I don't doubt that you'd be a cool guy to have a beer and a joint with and hear about your conspiracy theories but there's really no point for all this bud.

Who said I was talking about conspiracy theories I said there's an asshole in the room and it's not me or you


Holy fuck bro you're a total nutcase LOL

Listen Paul i'm not the guy you were arguing with you but I'm bored and read all this to get entertained let me explain it to you, NOBODY FUCKING MENTIONED /B BEING AN NAZI ONLY PLACE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING ON AND ON ABOUT NIGGER?

I was referring to the room = bored
I'm still within the right frame of mind
Psychoanalyzing everyone that's pain in the ass so I tend not to do it anymore not give a shit then again that's the life of a cynic

The future of civilization is extinction.

Tikkun Olam will turn this planet into dust.

Niggers and muslims are incompatible and they know it.

Judaism is a death cult.

Listen bro I'm serious I don't know if you got the wrong idea it was probably a misunderstanding but if you scroll up and read the whole argument you'd probably cringe due to your reaction, you really do seem delusional and autistic from your older responses.

Hey I didn't post the shit meme that was someone else you got the wrong guy I'm just the guy commenting on the sidelines



One eighth of the truth isn't the whole truth that's the real conspiracy

Okay dude fuck it they should just admit the both of us to John George then.

This would be more effective if you went to Sup Forums to troll

I follow a Fallen profit

lol you should just give up dude arguing with somebody obviously insane might lead you to insanity aswell

>where all the cool white neo nazis hang out right?


He's not really insane dude he just got the wrong idea lol confusion can happen and going on not admitting it trying to be a smart ass can cause you to seem crazy


this is now a faces of /b thread let me see all of you user fags also rate me.

Not sure if self-conscious self-centered or not sure if you just doesn't give a shit