Out of no where couple days after shaving this little shit appeared on my fucking dick

Out of no where couple days after shaving this little shit appeared on my fucking dick.
Haven't fucked for a handful of months and never had this before. It's been like 3 days.
Wtf can it be and should I start getting worried??

You might also Want to get that polyp checked as well.

i would be more worried about whatever is on the top right of the pic

infected hair or pimple most likely

pop that lil fucker

hahaah yeah what the fuck is that

It's from a bee sting I had a allergic reaction to back when I was 2 or 3 years old. Been seen by a doctor for it, practically a birth mark as far as I know.

Does it itch?

dont pop, leave it like that

Nothing to worry about lad,
Its just a pimple, they hurt like fuck, dont try and pop it because it just agitates the are, just wait a week or two and itll fuck off, i get them every so often.

Ingrown hair, I've had one for like a month now right in the middle of the base of my shaft, on the balls side. Idk what to do to it tbh, mine isn't quite as obstructive as yours probably is, I can fap just fine. Just don't irritate it too much.

You're a syphilitic monster that must be dealt with.

It's an ingrown hair. Stop being a bitch. Wait til it looks like it's about to burst and pop that shit. It's such a satisfying feeling crushing one of those and pulling out a long hair. To avoid, wash your dick more. Especially if you jerk off a lot and use lube.

No itching at all, just irritated feeling. Like it hurts if it rubs against something.

Just an ingrown hair lad, it happens with shaving. Nothing to worry about.

OP, c'mon man use your head. you shaved a few days ago. It's not an STD, obviously. Can you not tell when you get a pustule?


enjoy your herpes

that's not a bee sting, looks like a bitch gave you herpes

We'll w/e it is, I've had it there since I was like 2 or 3 years old. And I wasn't that fucking slick at 3 years old.

well get it frozen and removed, its ugly af

When you wash your dick dry it fully, don't pop it & just wear comfortable underwear.

The thing on your dick is just an ingrown hair or zit or whatever. The thing on your thigh is genital warts dude, get that shit frozen off. Idk what dr told you that was a bee sting but you're gonna have a hard time selling bee sting to anyone you fucking.

you should cut it off.

About you question.. Dont worry, pop it in a day or two

Try to pop it.

it's true ?
Watches at $ 0?