Is he the first confirmed autistic President?

Is he the first confirmed autistic President?



Oh my fuck. The denier in chief on a fake Time cover with a byline about global warming. You can't make this shit up.

>photoshops magazine covers and posts them everywhere
>makes up shit constantly
>tweets like a 12 year old girl

Might be.

Will he admit to the Russia thing on twitter to attack someone else?

You only know what msm wants you to know

Does that include Alex Jones, Fox News, Breitbart and Drudge?


autism is a millennial thing.

Can't trust any news outlet really, and that does include Alex Jones

Only by accident

so what are you doing with your life?

>Constantly cries about fake news
>Literally frames and hangs fake news on his clubs walls
You can't make this shit up

wow, so retarded.


not suprised

Thats erdogan from turkey. Hes actually diagnosed with autism.

reynolds wrap isnt tin foil, it's aluminum foil.

so eric trump then?

All joking aside, there is something legitimately wrong with Trump's mental processes. Seymour Hersh just published a report on how Trump's own intelligence people told him in no uncertain terms that Assad did not gas his own people, but Trump was so emotionally gripped by the pictures of Syrians supposedly dying from Assad's poison gas attack that he ordered the military to send cruise missiles into Syria. He is literally so emotional that he cannot differentiate between truth and fiction.


Explains why the gubment gamma rays is leaking through.

you no it

Yeah its not like CNN just admitted the entire russia bullshit was entirely fake, right?

His voters are literally blinded by their tribalism to see the truth
He's turned his back on us....the golfing EVERY weekend should have been the first indicator but now it's pure nonsense from the right....they're acting like snowflakes ( right b/fag)
>no wall
>defund schools and allocate funds to religious ones???
>no infrastructure
>no Chinese currency manipulator
>war with Syria imminent
>no tax reform, even with Goldman Jews running economic policy
>Hillary not jailed, wtf, "they're good people"
>he's a globalist and a nationalist
The list goes on in short six months....all presidents are ruled by the wealthy elite obviously
>healthcare reform packs in estate tax repeal, and defunding 800$ billion to Medicaid which vets use and people with disabilities
These (conservatives) don't even try to hide their lack of heart for their own constituents, party before country

>CNN just admitted the entire russia bullshit was entirely fake
I'm sure that's why the FBI are investigating it...

they didn't

When they were investigating Hillary Clinton, you told me it wasnt such a big deal. And you know damn well nothing will ever happen. In 8 years you guys are still going to clinging to the thought of him being impeached.

Remember when that guy literally tweeted he had a video of the clintons saying racial slurs????? Yeah fake news is on both sides you shill

Trump voters don't want to be informed, only enraged.

tries to sound intelligent.
look asshole Obama never cared.

>both sides
Not to the same degree nope it isnt. Its only liberals that are extremely buttmad over nothing.

They actually did

tries to look important to cover for his failed life.

nuh uh

prove it. no they didnt.

>8 years
>thinking Trump will get a second term



Obama obviously didn't bailing out the banks and creditors instead of bailing out the debtors
>not defending the drone king
But shows how you are a partisan shill and can't agree he's flip flopped on too many issues to understand why he's losing his bases support....and the senate bill is the last straw
The voters might be dumb, but this bill does not create the "free market" the (conservatives) whine about
If they cared so much they would've passed state bills to test their philosophy

At the rate the Dems are going, Trump might just win a second term.

defending a news syndicate.

not what we're doing. we're calling out obvious lies.

I see the autistic children are awake.

doesn't see what I see.
must be a shill.

Yeah because of their party leadership, but if they dump pelosi then you'll see true Bernie wing take over
>single payer healthcare
>free college
>infrastructure spending

If Hillary didn't mess with the primaries, trump would've been raped by Bernie in the debates....remember when trump backed out of debating him, because he knows who'd win

Won't defend your own principles to some user

>Die for Israel

why the fuck has pelosi been in power for 16 years? it's like a dictatorship.

Don't 404 the thread because you don't like opposing opinions
>muh free speech warrior
>freedom not socialism

Next you'll tell me your a gay conservative kek

>base has become utterly broken
>approval rating already in the shitter (Bush exit levels)
>dems almost guaranteed to vote in next election
>HRC may run again, but not likely to be primary in order for party to save face

She brings in the big bucks, which is evidently more important than winning elections or having sound policies.

Thats the defense from Hillary wing dems....obviously there's been a change of tone post Bernie

Following the loss of the 6-Georgia district they finally should be realizing the error in their quaint ways

I voted for trump but his failure to pass legislation that isn't an E.O. is just plain sad

The Dems have two messages: Trump and Putin are pals and we're not Trump. First, even the Dems are backing away from the accusation that Trump and Putin colluded together during the 2016 election. Second, HRC tried to run on the platform that she wasn't Trump, and she lost. But the Dems think this is somehow a viable election strategy. The Dems are going to get btfo if they don't embrace the Sanders wing of the party.


Pretty much
They problem's always money in politics and term limits.....these dinosaurs from both sides have cemented funding from the top all shill winning as strong incumbents
But with this new senate bill, even if it doesn't pass, will show where the heart and soul of the republicans are...deep in the pockets of donors and healthcare ceos, same can be said of the ACA but at least it helped people out more than forcing them to spend more of their taxes incomes on low quality coverage
I'm center right, but single payer is the answer


>you told me it wasnt such a big deal
Uh what? I never told you anything you fucking moron.

You are a fucking sheep. You have bought into this stupid "us vs them" mentality, and now you can't see through the bullshit of people like Trump, because "he is one of us!"

I literally couldn't give two fucks about Hillary. There weren't really any good choices during the election, but to say that trump isn't bad because Hillary was bad is just blind ignorance.

>Its only liberals that are extremely buttmad over nothing
Trump i butthurt 24/7

He can't stop talking about an election he won over half a year ago. He just can't get over the fact he lost the popular vote, and it's very obviously eating away at him every day.

>forgetting that Trump ran as the conservative Obama equivalent, with his "Have HOPE America! I'm totally not like all the other politicians, I'll CHANGE everything!" message.
>doesn't have "You're a racist if you don't vote for me again" to fall back on.

I though dementia was eating away at him every day?

This is so true it makes me sad.

Trumpets can't defend trump and always fall back on "well what about *insert trumps enemy of the week*"

>15 IPs, 62 posts

Do you guys think you're fooling anyone spamming these threads and talking to yourselves?









>shut it down






I don't know about dementia, but he obviously has a lot of issues, mostly regarding his image and a need to be liked by everyone.

Which itself isn't a bad thing, but the fact that he is constantly broadcasting his insecurities to the world, and literally making stuff up to try and twist reality to his own self image is quite troubling.
The inauguration crowd size for example. Or boasting about holding the record for time magazine covers (he has 14, Nixon had 55)

The main problem there is that a lot of the time he is speaking from ignorance, but he refuses to learn, and refuses to admit when he is wrong.






















Georgia 6th was a Rep landslide district. Every vote since redistricting ended with at least a 61% Rep votecount. The 2016 one was 200,000 votes for the Rep v. 125,000 votes for the Dem. The special ellection however was only won by a small margin. 135,000 votes for Rep v. 125,000 votes for Dem. Reps lost a fuckton of suburban voters, while the Dems kept their base active.
The media reporting only made it look like the Dems have a good chance winning because drama brings ratings... Dems of course did it to motivate voters.