Tfw an evil portuguese dictator destroyed our original language

>tfw an evil portuguese dictator destroyed our original language

Other urls found in this thread:íngua_geral_(Brasil)


he wasn't a dictator, he was a prime-minister and you should be thankful for him civilizing you


mba'e la he'iséva ko ka'i...

ahaha... delet

guarani nhẽenga inti oripitá nheengatu nhẽenga irumo :) guarani nhẽenga ipe oripitá tupi antigo irumo :)

E-moîerekuab orébo
îesu, nde memby-poranga
T'e'i-katu oré 'anga
s-erobîá, s-aûsub-etébo,
i mombegû-abo,
i ndibé nde moetébo.


Message to Brazilians:

I will no longer post the banana meme

>inti oripitá
>ipe oripitá
ndaikuaái eté mba'evé che irũ tupí

why tho

I have much more important posts to make and the getting banned for 3 days is bothersome

I know that feel. European empires are so cruel.

Must say that I enjoyed these posts

teẽn ocica ixé irumo

So did i


Tupi as Brazilian official language when?

do you even potato history?

mim indio
mim falar lingua de indio

People are cruel and at the end of the day when you have a look at different nations, it's all the same tribal/nationalistic bullshit, with varying degrees of constraints placed. European nations would be tearing themselves apart like the Africans if they were able to, like they did in the past, for example. Same shit, different people.

Brazil still has like 200 languages and one of them has a spotlight in linguistic: It's called Piraha. The guy who studied it claims this languaged destroys chomskian linguistics.

maybe some years/decades. We still got some 30k native speakers of the XVII century language which was the lingua franca of the whole brazil in the amazon, and some fellas at University of São Paulo and an italian in the beginning of the XX century managed to document it, it's pretty easy to learn and actually is everywhere in Brazilian portuguese vocubulary

Também já li disso. É bem interessante.
A sério, eu só não emigro para o Brasil por causa da violência.

well, MERDASUL has guarani as official language
i'm sure that if Brazil introduced tupi, xavante, whatev to be included as official languages it might get approved

você é preto que dança samba em tanga comprando muamba e comendo acarajé

I read about Tupi before, but you made me really curious, where should I start if I want to learn some basics?

Anglos heavily discouraged the use of our language and forbade Catholics (the religion of most Irish) from being educated. Then the famine happened and many Irish died with more being forced to emigrate to places that required them to speak English for getting jobs. The English speaking populations in Dublin and the north were barely affected.

o mais comédia é que o tupi é assim mesmo lol
ixé caryoba (eu branco)

2bqf, as far as I know there are only physical dictionaries and grammar in portuguese. And most got recent re editions which were never uploaded. Also there is a distinction between Old Tupi and the General XVII century language that lasts up till today. I can get you an old PDF of the first edition of the nheengatu (XVII language) dictionary which got a grammar too which was made by an italian noble. but it is portuguese and it's kinda written in an archaic way even for portuguese speakers. The new editions are much easier to understand but still not available in PDF. I will digitize them someday

uê, tem muitas palavras de origem tupi como Ibirapuera, qual é a surpresa?

pra ser sincero, o Brasil não é tão violento quanto parece. Se você não vive numa favela o máximo que pode acontecer é ser roubado
nenhum hue, tupi tá em todo lugar. é que pouca gente realmente sabe sobre a língua. A maioria só sabe dizer que algo é tupi ou não. Mas provavelmente não sabe nem um verbo ou como é a gramática

não podes sair à noite
não podes andar com o telemóvel na rua à mostra
não podes andar por onde quiseres sozinho
brasil é muito mais violento que portugal
é dos países mais violentos do mundo

Fizemos sexo anal com elas

Wtf, I though learning indigenous languages is pretty popular in South America, and Tupi was fucking lingua franca for some centuries, why there aren't any resources to learn it?
I'll search for something later, but now my priorities are Mandarin and later Japanese, so maybe one day...

tupi wasn't a major lingua franca. it was very important in the interior rural/jungle areas to interact with the natives but apart from that portuguese prevailed not only in writing but in urban areas

>não podes sair à noite
>não podes andar com o telemóvel na rua à mostra
>não podes andar por onde quiseres sozinho
lol eu faço isso toda hora, e olha que moro numa das 50 cidades mais violentas do mundo. Ninguém se limita por causa disso lol, isso é escravidão e coisa pra espanta gringo, mães e dar dinheiro pra mídia e argumentos pro Sup Forums. Ninguém mata ninguém aqui sem motivo meu caro. A maioria das mortes é entre traficantes e policiais pelo tráfico de drogas.
t. já fui numa favela comprar drogas

>t. já fui numa favela comprar drogas
oh tu já és amigo deles por isso é que ninguém te rouba :^)

Well it's mainly because amerindian societies mostly haven't invented writing and had to rely on catholicism and foreign writing system to survive. Also it was mainly a spoken language and this became true after XVIII century, and since most non-urban dwellers were mostly non-literate there was little to none written resources of it. There are tons cultural aspects we've inherited from them, but language unfortunately isn't one of them. Paraguay is the best example of what is nowadays amerindian languages
There was no urban centers in Brazil until you guys discovered gold in Minas Gerais. Then the influx of immigrants from Portugal and Africa, the expel of jesuits which were the ones that taught the language plus the Marquis of Pombal ban, killed the language. Even the Portuguese governors spoke the language until the XVIII century, it was pretty common for them to ally with the chieftains and get native pussy
Bom não é você que tá perdendo buceta japonesa, preta, mulata, indígena, alemã, italiana, libanesa e todas as outras que seus antepassados aventureiros desbravaram :^)

>tupi wasn't a major lingua franca.íngua_geral_(Brasil)

Huetuguese sounds more ridiculous and monkey-like than native languages, you monkey.