How to skip from a sexual abuse accusations

How to skip from a sexual abuse accusations

dont get close to anybody, nobody will be able to accuse you of anything like that. its the only way to be sure.

Yeh but if you afront the judges?

you fucked up you should never have developed a relationship with anyone not even your own family

Tell me how to deny, if there is an appointment and the authorities ask you questions

okay well that depends, is the person you are accused of sexually abusing underage?


have you ever wanted to live innawoods?
now is the time to start.

That's no make sense , please tell me how to deny acussatios front the authorities

Say you didn't do it.

youd do a lot better to talk to your lawyer.

you're fucked, you already seem nervous and scared which leads me to believe your guilty and in the interview with the police I have no doubt you'll crack under the pressure and slip up.

I talked one. But he said I need to deny all acussation. But... How need to be mentally prepared.?

I'll control myself , I'm asking how to say "i never done that" it's all.

just reply "no comment" through out the interview, you rapist monkey

you should've controlled yourself around the person you sexually abused, you gonna get raped in prison boy

What it means?

Reply no comment? This is ridiculous

Well did you actually do it?

no it's not, whenever I go to interviews with the police and I don't know what evidence they have on me that's what I say to their questions, where are you from


Sud america

Hey wait no

Is everyone in here literally retarded?

This is serious so shut up

did you allegedly abuse a boy or girl and what is it's age


Age 13 and no I didn't alleged anything now