Sup Forums whats wrong with my big toe?

Sup Forums whats wrong with my big toe?

It's black

Started as an ingrown but i picked at it... Not sure i got it all..

you will regret touching it,you shouldn't touch an ingrown nail and just let it be

Haha... What i expected

Is it too late now? Should i just wait for ot to grow back at this point? Its gross and gets like this everyday after work (clearly its infected)

It's ingrown toenail, and it looks like like it's getting infected. Go to a doctor

cut off the toe

take a thin blade and pull out the nail and clip it

There is this weird bubble thing thats grown here I feel like maybe there is a piece of my nail behind it shoved up there somewhere because it hurts like a bitch if something hits it

At this point im almost attempted to do this lol

Do a toenailwallplasty. Only hope.

go to a doctor. unless you dont want it to get fix?

Infected ingrown toenail. Had it myself. Go to the doctor to get some antibiotics to reduce the swelling/pain and a decent chiropodist to get the nail sliced out. They'll freeze your toe and slice the ingrown nail out. It's not sore

Take a knife and put it in between the toenail and the skin until pus comes out

squeeze the pus out

soak the toe in warm water for 10 minutes

dip toe in H2O2 for 5 minutes

rinse in water

repeat as needed

i used to have both of my toes like this,just go see a doctor (if you can) and don't touch it ever again.
also yes let it grow back

Ingrown nail. My ex had it twice until a doctor had to scrape it all out

This sounds like it will be painful lol.. Thanks all

I had exactly the same problem, I struggled for years with that fucking thing...tried all sort of things...nothing seemed to work.....until I went with a specialist and he cut the nail from the front edge to the very root...problem solved

You got a ingrown

had the same thing done on both toes, no problems ever since