Pic unrelated. I need this settled ASAP and I can't have my post buried again

Pic unrelated. I need this settled ASAP and I can't have my post buried again.

I'm trying to settle a waifu dispute in a manner as unbiased as possible, so I, of course, am opting for asking strangers on the Internet.

Which would you rather smash: someone who is a hybrid between a squid and a human with suction cups on their hands and small tits or someone that has with huge tits, is made up of millions of ghosts, and wants to die?

Small breasts is always better.

i want to fuck a little girl

which one has the most feminine benis?

Sorry, both of them are of-age.

Only one of them has a benis, and it's the one with big tiddies.

If she wants to die, does that mean we're raping her?

then i will spurn both of them. tell your friend that.

>If she wants to die, does that mean we're raping her?


100% squid.

You can't smash a ghost right?

Squid here I come


Thank you.

Smol tiddy yus Would fuck owo

I know who you are and I swear to God.


Secret Journey. You're welcome.


i recognize squid girl, is it from Nulu Nulu a beautiful greed?

btw squid gurl is the best, suicidal fat ghost bitch can go rot in hell

It's not Nulu Nulu. Sorry man.

Enjoy getting a visit from the FBI, faggot.

unless the fbi is a little girl i wont answer the door, they dont have anything i want.

OP here. A bit more info to spice things up: the squid girl is essentially clueless about the world around her because she's been living in captivity for the majority of her life. Ghost buddy over here is a kuudere, from the Victorian Era, and dresses in a long cloak.

but both are still not lolis
