Philip Glass Thread

Also, does anyone know where I can find a better version of Itaipu / The Canyon - 01 Mato Grosso?

The version on YouTube is the same as the one I bought on CD, but it has recording errors.

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Sharing some of my favorites, this one is not for the faint hearted: Symphony No. 5 - 07 Suffering

Hes shit

Thanks for your opinion.

You think this until you grow up

It's interesting, I used to hate this stuff but coming back to it I really key into it.

Like in the past I recognized what he was doing: taking the foundations of classical form/style and reducing them to their most basic components. But idk, back then I was much more pretentious and like "but the rhythm isn't super complex and the melody isn't super complex so it's bad"

I'm glad I grew up.

Akhnaten can only be truely appriciated if listened to in full. Here is an appetizer, Act 2 - Scene 3: The City - Dance (Conclusion), but really, listen to the entire thing, you will not be disappointed.

Hes not bad, just mediocre.

How is he mediocre? Compared to what?

Einstein On The Beach is one of the best things to ever happen to music or theater, end of story.

Also, WHERE is his 11th symphony? It was released not too long ago but I can't find a DL for it, not on soulseek etc. Any luck?

literally every single other minimalism composers
minimalism is a talentless hack genre to begin with anyway, literally classical for people who don't like classical

It was debuted but I don't think there's a record, is there? I don't see it on Orange Mountain Music (Glass' label).

>literally every single other minimalism composers
How is he mediocre compared to them?
This is the problem with people who dislike Glass (once me, a while back): their dislike is his simplicity but simplicity is neither a bad thing NOR representative of his music.

This is it, its on his personal website, I didn't bother looking for a CD for sale. I think I found a DL link, will post mega when finished to confirm its legit.

Other minimalist composers, Arvo Pärt for instance.

If you dislike repetition and slowly evolving patterns, you won't like some of his music. You should probably listen to some Rachmanichov instead. It's a matter of taste.

Still, it must be said that I probably will not be able to ever truly trust someone that says they dislike, say, Koyanisqatsi.

I actually just found this on Apple Music, so that's an option if you'd also like.
How is he mediocre compared to Arvo Part?

Oh that would be grand.

Thanks in advance user.

In addition, it's apparently not his 11th symphony. It's a compendium of rearranged works to accompany a book I think? It's weird.

I don't dislike his simplicity but his cliché and predictably tacky approach

could you please be specific
what about it is cliche?
what about it is tacky?

My bad, you're right, LIFE is not his 11th symphony, but has been rereleased this year for some reason, as it was originally commissioned in 2006? I'm very confused.

yeah this is a fucking weird project lol

I listened to the samples on Apple Music[1], but only the first track sounds familiar.


And yes, there is no record for the 11th symphony unfortunately.

eh it'll come m8
I haven't even listened to all of his previous 10 yet so personally I can wait

listening to 9, beautiful work.

It is, 2 and 5 are my favorites, I'm listening to 5 again now.

Music in 12 Parts is fucking GOAT, saw his ensemble perform it last year and it was probably the best concert i'd been to.

how do they perform that anyways? surely it's not literally in one sitting

they played it with two 15 minute breaks and one hour-long break. their stamina's pretty crazy anyway

that's very fair
oh yeah absolutely, I have the 2008 recording of the piece and while they definitely lost energy over time, it's by far some of the hardest music to play

It's legit boys, will post link shortly.

i'm a different poster but i think i know what he's user is getting at,
Ideas from le mont young and steve reich have been more advanced than glass' works

and here we are

>Ideas from le mont young and steve reich have been more advanced than glass' works