Album has no ending

>Album has no ending

>Album has no beginning

>Album has no middle

>Song has ambiguous title

>album has no songs

>Album never existed

>the album loops

>with the title being, "Now I am become death"

>albums ending comes before its beginning

>Album bumps you in your whip

>song ends abruptly and awkwardly and the band claims that it's signifies the finality of death; but it's actually because they are shit songwriters and couldn't find a suitable place to stop it at

good thread

>Album bumps in the whip, heavy

I'm fully erect

Talk Talk?

>thread has no end

you're here forever boi

What is "Emptiness Will Eat the Witch" by hanl

Although honestly I like the ending myself.

What went wrong

thx fr lttng s knw

Nonagon Infinity