My brother awoke from a coma two weeks ago and has been learning about recent events...

My brother awoke from a coma two weeks ago and has been learning about recent events. Yesterday he learned that Trump has become the president, and his response was "how the fuck did a reality star become the fucking president? What kind of fucking idiot would vote for him over an experienced politician?" He said this before learning who trumps opponent was, his political stance and party affiliation.

Are you one of those retards? How can you justify your support for such a stupid, stupid person?

> He said this before learning who trumps opponent was, his political stance and party affiliation.

And after?

He is smarter than you will ever be as demonstrated by his vast wealth.

coming up with a bs scenario hurts your credibility to the point i cant even take you seriously

What in the fuckarony are you talking about?!? First of all, how long was your brother in a coma? Second, like all a good percentage of all Sup Forums 'political' threads, this reeks of troll.

democracy is fucked

He maintained his statements

>inherited wealth

Because it makes you angry

>posts fictional bullshit

Dr Ben Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon but he has retarded policies. Expertise in one area doesn't necessarily apply to another. Trump may be great at scamming architects and lawyers, but he's a shit president. The guy can't get laws passed when a majority of congress is sucking his dick.

fake and gay. how did he not know hillary would be the democrat's nominee in 2020? we knew it after obamburger won the general in 2008.


He was out for 7 months after a surgery took a wrong turn. He suffered a stab wound to his liver and a blood clot was released during the repairitive surgery

It takes brains to put all your money into an industry that happened to be booming at the time.

Wrong. Fake new

i meant 2016 btw.

>The guy can't get laws passed when a majority of congress is sucking his dick.
How would you know? That has never happened. half of his own party is against him and all of the other party is. So only 1/4 is with him and he is still getting shit done. He has banned more Muslims and defunded more abortions than you have.

Actual OP here.

It doesn't matter what happened after. You're dumb.

>better use my brother's trauma as leverage in political arguments that I start on a board for fucked up porn

Sorry to hear that. Could you elaborate on why Trump is such a 'stupid, stupid person' ? What are you refering to ?

He started a mortgage company right before the housing market crash.
That is not the action of a competent businessperson. Not to mention the multiple bankruptcies and failed businesses.
His wealth is from licensing out his name, which is also his brand, which was built by his father. The man literally rode his father's name to success

So you're telling me your brother suffered severe head trauma and now would vote against trump? Isn't that close enough to what we've been saying all along?

Samefag here, obviously i am the victim of some troll'a'rony. Papa bless.

>which was built by his father. The man literally rode his father's name to success
This isnt true because i dont know his fathers name so the only reason I and 99% of other people know his name is because of The Donald

Note to self:
This guy is on to me, but he hasn't seemed to catch on that the story is fictional. I'll have to keep my eye on him

It's too painful to talk about

OP you got destroyed in the trolling thread. You didnt have any comebacks and your overall point was weak.

lol, case closed, 'ave a giggle, Sup Forums is gone to shits forever

I was just after the (you)s so your point is moot

he's no daisy