Taking shrooms for the first time tomorrow doing 3 grams what should I expect

Taking shrooms for the first time tomorrow doing 3 grams what should I expect.

>3 grams
Not much.

Idk the first and only time I took shrooms was over a weekend, dropped 7 grams on a friday and then 9 grams on saturday, was pretty intense. Things would swell up when I breathed, I felt like I knew the meaning of life, laughed uncontrollably, when I hung out with cats I felt like I could speak cat. Had so much fun with cats that I went home and watched thundercats, was super trippy. There was a wasp in my apartment and I felt like it could feel my radiation, would follow me around if I walked about. Also walked up and down Congress ave (Austin, TX) and talked with a lot of street artists, learned a lot and really opened my perspective. Then some hippie dudes smoked weed with me, Gave me a burrito wrapper with an alien drawn on it and it said "Bless Up!"

Also there was a tranny living in his/her car outside of 7-11, he had a tv hooked up to the car, and the tranny was hanging out with a couple of cab drivers. I was like yeah I'm totally fucking hijacked right now, I wanted to see the car with a tv in it

The tranny was like "Went to Austin, tripped balls, and went to see the Buick Skylark with a tv in it !!!!!! lolol" and joked around with the tranny and the cab drivers about how weird the world is but how fun it is too.

So, 3 grams? Idk if you will trip very intense but as far as shrooms go they open your perspective. You will have fun regardless.

Happy tripping!

A good time

btw do you know what kind of shrooms you're taking? Mine were called "Golden Teacher"

Crazy shit for good or bad. Basically your brain gets crossed and it plays tricks on you. Ex. Looking in a sink with beard trimmings but you will think they are ants. Going into a room with low ceilings will seem extra low and weird. Seeing a green light and thinking it's the greenest light you have ever seen. Awesome body sensations. Shit is funnier or massively more serious. Everyone's trips are unique. One thing for sure, good trip or bad, it will open your mind to a new way of thinking permanently.

No idea what kind they are the dealer just said they were strong and only do 2 grams. I bought 6 and going to split it with a friend.

in that case split the whole lot with your mate and just keep in mind that whatever shit you feel will pass in a few hours. you can avoid ruining a good time

Dont listen to this guy. 3 grams for a first is a very good dose, especially if they are high quality. Prepare for things to get trippy

Wow that is an insane story. I need to get my hands on some psychedelics

Three Grams is ok it's a bit light, 3.5 is what I consider normal. But may I suggest, grind them up throw the powder in lemon juice and take them as a shot. Also don't eat anything for a few hours beforehand. This will make them kick in fast, and give you a slightly more potent trip. This is called lemon tek you can look it up so you know I'm not Bull shitting.

Not that guy but just be patient in your jounrey when looking for psyches and if its chemical drugs test them. just to give you a heads up tho, they will be nothing like what you will expect them to be. Thats what so cool about them

as an experienced psychonaught i have some advice. when you take the shrooms as with any drug you are in it for the ride. you cannot overcome the high. If you fight back it will fight back harder and you will lose. so relax go along with whatever happens and i guarantee you will have a great time

>Also don't eat anything for a few hours beforehand.
This is horrible advice. Do NOT take on an empty stomach.

any tips for a first time acid user?

Don't bother if your only doing 3 grams dries, go 10 grams fo sho

'also 3 grams isnt much dont expect full hallucinations. expect racing heartbeat possible stomach ache (ive never experienced this with shrooms but i heard it can happen) "breathing" walls (walls "expand" when you breath in "contract" when you exhale) tracers (theres a computer mouse setting that simulates this), uncontrollable laughter, patterns will move (wood grain, oriental carpets, tie dye)

basically the same but it comes on faster so its gonna be a little more intense of a come up. racing heartbeat and the like so just take it easy and dont stress out if you feel a little uncomfortable. ill tell a story of the gnarliest drug ive taken in my next post

>Says advice is shitty, doesn't say why >must know what he's talking about

Not much for garbage mushrooms.

The first time I listened to this bullshit and I took 3 grams and was communicating with some foreign being made out of green energy communicating intelligence through golden energy waves for what seemed like an eternity.

Happened in my hometown last week.

Happened in my hometown last week.

Shrooms are really fun or they can be a very eye opening experience about yourself. Just get in a good place with nice lights and good entertainment and stay in a positive state of mind and it will go well. Just remember anything that happens is only temporary.

friend buys 100 hawaiian baby woodrose seeds that contain lsa a precurser to lsd proper dose is 3-4 seeds after 30 min my stomach turns into a knot and i feel like im dying. i lay down focused on my breathing but the cramp got worse as it kept popping into my head. strangly enough when i focused on the cramp it didnt seem as bad within like 1 hour the cramp subsided and i had a great trip. fast forward 2 weeks im with friends we all take seeds. I tell my friends that they are gonna get a gnarly stomach ache and to just relax and go with it. friend doesnt take my advice and starts watching tv. he couldnt get the stomach ache out of his mind eventually went into a room by himself and just layed down the rest of the day. i along with my other friends layed down and relaxed. didnt pretend the stomach ache wasnt happening but also didnt let it get to us. after an hour we were all tripping balls

3 grams isn't a lot. You'll trip and it'll def be a good perience, but for $50 you could get 7-8 tabs of acid and trip ballz

>This is horrible advice. Do NOT take on an empty stomach.

?? Wtf are you talking about?

Have you had any bad trips while taking shrooms?
And if so, what was it like, and how did it feel. Because i've been wanting to take psychedelics but I don't know if I should be too worried.

Also hello fellow Austin Sup Forumsrother

i should mention the reason why there was a stomach ache involved with the seeds was because of other chemicals in the seeds (obviously i shelled them and soaked them to get rid of possible pesticides) there shouldnt be a stomach ache with lsd but if there is any negative side effect dont pretend its not happening just kinda roll with it. not the end of the world

Emotions become exaggerated and it can be very easy to freak out. I had a panic attack my first time because I made the mistake of taking shrooms with two very unstable girls. If you're tripping with other people make sure they're level headed or don't trip at all. Your emotions will run off of the feel of the room, if people around you are freaking out you'll freak out, of you're listening to sad music you'll be sad. That said just know that shrooms won't kill you, even if you vomit and feel extremely scared you'll be ok and you don't need a doctor. Don't worry about your deep breathing, it's normal. Expect the room to feel like it's breathing as well, and time is going to be distorted. For me moments were oddly segmented yet also intimately connected. You'll feel like you're really living in the moment.
Pick a feel-good movie or some happy music, or just explore your room and talk to people. Things that seem boring to you can be interesting when you're tripping. Both times I have done shrooms I wanted to document my thoughts and feelings, so I took notes the first time and made videos the second time. It gives you a cool momento to look back on. If you think you can handle it go outside, walking past shops and homes can make you have a deeper understanding of how people have lives as complex and important as yours, it's very cool.
Also be aware that you will not be able to sleep on shrooms, even a few hours after the come down when you're physically and emotionally exhausted you won't fall asleep, so take it early enough so that you have time to go to bed. Have fun user.

>chinese research chemical = acid

not who your asking but the scariest thing that happened to me while tripping was this girl i was banging at the time became evil incarnate and had the fuckin fires of hell in her eyes. it was really scary and i had to leave the room. didnt talk to her much after that

Oh, well thank you anyway lol

wrong. lsd exists its just hard to find. ive done lsd about 5 times and 3 different research chemicals. the only rc i can confirm was an nbome

Yes a couple times and they both took place when i was in a somewhat off mood before hand. I would just let the negative thoughts and whatever run its course. And afterwards i would feel better or almost like i learned something about myself

I took shrooms with depressed people so I should've known they'd be crazy. One girl almost threw up and asked to go to the hospital, the other girl gave in to those bad vibes and started acting more sad/isolated. That freaked me out and I got serious couch lock, basically became a mute and my mind was racing all over the place. I just sat and wrote everything down in a notebook including how scared I was, how much I worried about everyone, and what everyone thought of me. The way the shrooms messed with time I felt like the emotional agony was going to last forever, but I eventually came down and I was so relieved and exhausted that I just passed out.

if the worst thing that happened is a ruined interpersonal relationship your in no actual danger. i actually watched the movie shrooms (horror movie bout a trip gone wrong) the first time i took shrooms i would not recommend

you made the mistake of staying in the same place with them if you would have forced yourself off that couch and left that space i bet you wouldv felt better

Next time I tripped I did it alone. I watched a movie that was too intense for me but besides that it was an amazing experience. I listened to beautiful music and nearly cried to Bach, I went on a walk and enjoyed the scenes around me, I just talked to myself for a while too and it was great. I completely blame them for how awful that night was.

Be in a good "safe" environment where no one can fuck with you. A room or in nature. Be with a friend. Keep a good mindset and know that you'll be okay no matter what.
Have fun dude. Be safe

Where can I get some?