I'm drunk, obese, and statistically likely to die in less than 20 years

I'm drunk, obese, and statistically likely to die in less than 20 years.

So fuck it, Foul Bachelor Frog thread.






can you keep going please, also I have diabetes so we are dying together





OP here, mild diabetic on metformin instead of insulin shots, thank God. hang in there, bro.






I do that but in the time it takes to open a new tab I forgot what I was going to search





I'm dying over here

I stopped answering the door years ago.


This is the best






Finally a good FBF thread.

Holy shit these are so accurate it hurts.






Kek, same


Me right now

Don't know how to spell a word. rearrange sentence or go into black slang


same here too




I also take metformine, are you me



Holy shit I'm in tears



too real Sup Forums too real



For months I've been having a single meal around 5 am and going to sleep at 7 am.

Total disasster

This one's fire.


Pleb, just wipe with the packaging

>we take metformin
>we're on Sup Forums
>we shamefully fap to traps
>we shamelfully fap to anime
more than likely, yes. yes, you are me.



I wonder what a black frog's would be like

Except for the tube tv, that's super comfy






oh fuck this one cuts deep


Penis in the morning penis in the evening penis at super time, when you've got penis on a bagel you can eat penis anytime.




Then you start rapidly inhaling trying to sniff it out but you normalize to the scent before you can find it and it disappears again....




This, I can't tell you how many times I just wanted to sit down and relax after a hard work week and NOT be bothered by acquaintances online hammering on me to join their teams.








This happened all the time when I was on methadone and had severe eve damage.

I'd write up unintelligible e-mails to my boss at 3 am where every word was some unknown word like covfefe. Made me think the president is taking methadone.




holy shit ghetto laughing while crying react image


I just let it slowly dissolve and give a test flush hours later. Eventually it goes away.


again, fucking this




dis cracka gon git a bladder infection