Be me

>be me
>in 20s wasted away most of youth
>kisless virgin
>incredibly insecure and neurotic, but over time have learned to hide behind apathy and inner misanthropy
>actually work to look at least decent, but make up for it with garbage self defeating attitude
>live with insanely religious family
>actually invited to party
>will be weed, alcohol, most likely other drugs
>would use any and all available drugs normally
>won't be able to since coming home to normally paranoid and overreactive family
>want to go but don't know if should due to this
>feel like I need to take this opportunity to actually make friends and enjoy my life, but this bullshit family of mine is holding me back, but I can't afford to move out, otherwise I'd be long gone
>wat do pls

should I just kill everyone in the house and enjoy freedom without having to move out

I can't even fathom that there are people my age who can go out to party until the middle of the night and come home drunk and high without getting any shit. If I were to do that I'd legitimately be immediately disowned at best. This is why chads and normies fuck all the time, while I just wither away and turn to drugs.

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Take ecstasy if possible. You'll feel greater empathy and will connect with others a whole lot better than you ever have before, plus you'll feel on top of the world

Just do it, go to that party
Don't give a shit about your family
Really, if you want, just go

The main issue is either going with family knowing or just lying, going, but then coming back home without them knowing I actually went to a party. If they know I'm going, they'll definitely be suspicious of me and probably will do some crazy shit to find out what I've done.

Move out of that house by any means possible, even if you have to find a job or move to another city.

Good luck enjoying life with a murder charge, only prison and ass rape can come from that. you might get a week of fun till people start looking for your family. respect the rules or get a job and move out.

I know it sounds completely fucking retarded, but a big part of me wants me to stay because of my dog. Fucking love him, and nobody else in the house would take care of him properly, all of them are fucking lazy self absorbed controlling cunts who feed off their mutual dysfunctional lives. But seriously, I was thinking of joining the military just to leave, get more money, etc, but fuck that. I think I'm seriously going to start looking for a second job or get a loan to move out and I'm just going to steal our dog.

And then there's still this matter of the party tho

Act like a man and fucking go out. So what if you get in trouble? It's your life, grow some balls and be controversial

op might get his first kiss there though

yeah blame your family some more fucking pussy. do what you want, you're an adult, and if your family doesn't like it then save some money and move out.

Plenty of people I knew grew up in the same situation man. You know what they did? Snuck out and snuck back in at night. They got away with it most of the time. And if you don't want to get caught being drunk and high, then don't come back drunk and high.

Either just have a little. Or stay there long enough until your comfortable getting home..

>I can't even fathom that there are people my age who can go out to party until the middle of the night and come home drunk and high without getting any shit.

That's because most people your age aren't living with their parents, einstein.

My parents aren't cool with me getting drunk/high either. But that doesn't matter because they are hundreds of miles away and I haven't lived in their house since I graduated high school.

It's not hard to afford a shitty 1 bedroom apartment.

I agree with the others though, you're over 18 so your crazed parents have no control over your life anymore. Worst they'll do is kick you out of the house.

Why not just move out and talk to them about taking the dog with you? No need to steal it. If you are telling the truth and they don't really love it that much they would probably be cool with you taking it.

Simple :
Move out.
That's it.

but who will make him chicken tendies and wash his jizz towel?

1. Grow a pair
2. Take a shot load of drugs and duck birches
3.tell your family to fuck off
5. Profit

Goddammit I hate autocorrect

As someone that has been in your exact same situation before, my advice is to just fuck it and go. Seriously, whats the worst that can happen, your parents get angry? So what.

Grow a pair and go have fun. I wish I did when I was in my late teens

I know exact;y how you feel. I have a family like that, am a huge misanthrope, and have envy towards others my age. Tell the world to fuck itself and go have some fun. Even if you hate it, you tried something new. And that's something you can say you've done. You'll regret anything you didn't do, but won't regret many of the things you did do. Stay strong, fellow user.

Just join the army, study for the asvab and get a tier 1 job. Tier 1 jobs will pay up to $40k for sign on bonuses. Get the GI bill, tell them you want to get the kicker (basically you pay in like an extra $100 a month for your first year or so but when you get your GI bill you get like an extra $500 a month).

Spend 4 - 6 years in the army partying your dick off, you can't do drugs but you can drink and fuck like you've never known.
You'll basically be forced to have friends and it will be a blast, worse case you spend a year or so in the sandbox but it's really not even that bad.
Then you get out, go to college with your GI bill and start your life. Your family will have no hold on you.

Seriously, it sounds like something that would benefit you.

put your problems into art user

That's exactly what I've been contemplating lately. Part of me would go for 11B to just immediately stick my dick in the sand, but the other part of me is saying to be sensible and get an MOS that'd suit my future career, but then you don't get that nice enlistment bonus. I've tried college for about 3 years now, but am giving up on it since I've failed every semester for like 2 years straight.

Time to cross the barrier between boy and man.