Hey Sup Forums

hey Sup Forums

so basically i smoked weed for the first time and didnt tell my gf about it for a week or so and when i did tell her she went apeshit because i went behind her back or whatever, she used to be really cool with weed and drugs and stuff like that but apparently that's changed, now whenever i bring up weed she gets really pissed off and we're actually on the verge of a fucking breakup over this shit because i said i was interested in smoking it with her because i enjoyed the experience

make me feel better/worse i dont give a shit tbh

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sounds like you had a control freak bitch of a gf, OP

you are better off without her.

Similar road, different place. It'll be okay, one way or another, user

slap her on the clit and tell her to fuck off

so yer like, 16 I bet.

Anybody that has that big of a problem with weed is either 15 or never grew up.

she's not controllant she just has mad trust issues and i have a short memory and impulses which is a fucking terrible mix, i can feel something one second and express those feelings, forget about doing so and 2 months later feel different about it and she'll pick up on that and claim that i lied. and i did go behind her back with the whole weed thing but it just sorta came up when i was out of town visiting a friend

or lives in a town and within a friend circle that is very disconnected from weed in general

my advice to you is return here when you're 18

fuck this shit thread

im taking this thread over

ps post some cool videos

gf prolly has anxiety issues just tell her to fuckin calm down and that in adult life / metropolitan areas weed is popular to the point where you could slip on a banana peel and get high

get it rolling, new op

ill pass the torch onto you

Wow she seems like a total bitch man. Sorry. You've got to stick up for yourself and tell her she needs to get over it. Accept you as you are. If she can't handle that she's not worth having around.

You can find pussy elsewhere and you can find someone who respects you a lot of places.

sure thing
here, have another video

Same shit happened to me man. My girl had smoked a ton in high school and I smoked for the first time with one of my buds in college. She got pissed that my first time wasn't with her. Almost broke us up but it didn't.
Just remember that its just weed man, dont let her make you feel bad for smoking it. I smoking together would fix this whole issue




>bitches be crazy

So much this.


This should have hardly been an issue at all with your girl - much less a notion of betrayal. Frankly it comes down to how much your willing to compromise. Trust issues are not something that go away overnight so you can either tough out her bullshit and concede to her in the hopes she continues to put out, or you can go on the offensive and see how it plays out. Relationships are a long series of compromises and the ideal one involves the least amount. Never let her run your life.

Stupid fucking crazy bitches hooooly shit. This is why I hate women

Does she realize how common weed is, and the fact it's just weed?


ayy lmao

Beach said the comparison, nor aside rang the substance. Pollution struck a budget, nor fat woke the red. Engineer rid the degree, nor partner punched the ear.

Go smoke a joint, and tell that girl to take a deep breath. Of oxygen, if she so chooses to be lame.


So you were being an individual, making choices as an individual and she's angry. Listen, that shit can be about anything, coming from experience. Did smoking weed lead to you stressing? No. Your girlfriend being irrational did.

Tell her that you understand she has some shit to work on, but that it's unfair to hold you accountable. Assuming you aren't a loser, nothing bad will come from smoking a little pot every now and then, and creating arbitrary rules against shit like that is toxic for an individual.

Simply put, it's not a rational thing to get upset about.

>friend circle
so yer 16

Thats pretty cool man

im 18 you fucking degenerate

>inb4 still youngfag

whatever i dont give a shit, why try with you guys

update coming in a sec for that half of a man that gives a shit



op here

this was me, forgot to clarify
tl;dr : told her to take some time apart and decide if she can put up with my shit, if not we're through because i dont want to spend the rest of my adult life with a girlfriend that resents me for past mistakes

i basically told her that she was correct about us not being a match and that i shouldnt have to change the way i am to be together with her (she started saying that as a reason for us to break up because she's having a breakdown) and i told her that i shouldn't have to spend the rest of my adult life making up for some past mistakes i made in my teens (not only the weed thing, some other lies and dumb shit too) so i said that she can take as long as she wants to reflect on our relationship and see if shes able to come to terms with me being a non perfect humanbeing and that we should take a break from eachother until that day comes.

honestly its gotten to the point where i dont even feel bad about the things i did wrong in our 2.5 year old relationship and i've come to terms that if she doesnt feel like she can put up with my shit i'm not going to put up with her not putting up with it i guess? i dont fucking know im in a lot of pain right now sorry, keep this drugs thread going it's making me feel a lot better about shit in general

Tell her you're sorry and give her a good reason to stay with her. Don't TELL her the reason; show her.

If she's that mental over something so benign as weed, lose that bitch pronto.

fuck her doggystyle and show dominance, she a control freak slut

>i dont want to spend the rest of my adult life with a gf that resents me for past mistakes

>past mistakes
get the fuck out of here, you smoked weed retard you didn't take heroin and rob a liquor store

fuck this girl and break up with her