BRAZIL IMPEACHMENT DAY --- IT'S HAPPENING (kinda - more 6-8 hours for voting)

L;DR: Today our senate vote for Dilma to be suspended. We need ½ +1 of the present senator’s votes

>Brazilian Senate opened the session which will analyze the acceptance of the impeachment process
>a simple majority is sufficient to remove her from her duties immediately
>VP Temer already has a staff ready to take the country
>Dilma already took out family photos from the presidential office

>>>>>>>We are at step 3

>>>>>>>Stream Links
>Official Gov’s Stream
>Jovem Pam Stream – PTbr comments
>G1 Stream Senate

>>>>>>>Quick Dictionary
PT – Worker Party (commies, Dilma party)
Bolsonauro/Bolsomito – Our Trump, right wing politician with dank memes
Coxinha – Slang for righwinged people
Mortadela – Slang for commies
Judge Sergio Moro – Judge that that started the huevolition
Pedalada – Commie brazil’s “jeitinho” to cover the gov internal debts
Giant Duck – It’s a hue chant – I will not pay the duck/bill – “I will not be responsible for someone else wrongdoing” - Ducks + Bill correlation

>Super Impeachment game
>Star Duck game
>Lava Jato anime intro
>Operação LavaJato Opening 2- Believe!
>Impeachment day's anime intro
>Impeachment Bizarre Adventure - Brasília is Unbreakable

Other urls found in this thread:


first for brazil is first world
[insert urgent pepe]

Segundo pra João Amoedo presidente


First for the DUCK

Didn't some dude in Congress try to get the house to revote?


Are quads compensation for 1st?

Eight for Curitiba

pls post more anne e. mae grills kissing

Make Brazil Great For The First Time!

Yes, and people just ignored him like the retard he is

literally who

Literalmente quem


Its the QUACDs!

Come to Brazil for the Olympics, Stay for the newly self imposed junta

The dumbest party in the history of the world.

What we need is a Bolsonaro to reinstate the dictatorship and form right wing death squads

how much longer until people actually start to vote?


se matem pls

estatismo socialista foi o que nos coloco nessa merda

e aí, quem vai pagar o rombo fiscal, se não vai haver aumento de impostos?

It's gonna start around 1 AM probably

literally no one cares about your shitty third world country Brazil you fucking dirty mutts

Embrace for inflation


From an American perspective, I'd blame the extended use of slavery, the history of authoritarian rulers and the comparatively low levels of immigration(as opposed to Argentina, Canada and the US).

Have you hear about Bolsonaro's philosopher master? The old man lives in Virginia and wants to bring the fucking Brazilian Republic to the ground.

Good luck monkeys.

Found the proxyfag

We care,you're not supposed to
Now get the fuck out of our thread Tyrone

Você disse excelência?

Also, Bolsonaro 2018

The issue we should be focusing on in Brazil is not the coup, but the systematic racism and discrimination against non whites in the country ; at least 70% of your deputies/senators are white, 23% or more are mestizos in various degree of mixing, a lot of them being very whitewashed and about 5% of them are black. We are talking about a country where blacks are the majority in a lot of states yet they are completely underrepresented in your palamentary chambers

The party has its economic ideas in the right place, but it doesn't go beyond that in any other meaningful area and, what's worse, it will never be able to bring any real result because it has a dumb view of how politics work.

Parties are not business.

Nice, I love my hometown

>argentina is 100% argentine
>elect a white president



Get a load of this faggot

Blacks should not be given important positions anywhere in the world,they're made to play football

>a hue hue is calling me a nigger

oh the irony

eu não entendo esse meme

I personally agree
They are idealistical
I'm going to vote for them, but they have literally 0 idea of how politics in Brazil actually work
They have no game and don't take risks


>blacks vote in white people
>woman vote in men
>we need more black people and woman in parlament

It's not our fault that they are dumb and can't elect someone who wil protect their interest and that is assuming that the whites protect only the interest of the whites which isn't true.

people who browse Sup Forums are white middle class kids too inept to go outside and make real friends. they're fine with the racism. you're not going to get any reasonable pov in here.

The days when Sup Forums visitors were smart people able to discuss are long gone. it's all TRUMP IS GOD, EVERYTHING HE SAYS/DOES IS RIGHT now.

>white middle class kids
>middle class

You underestimate my shitposter wealth

"papo de viadinho"
"sou retardado e vou passar a vida inteira defendendo uma posíção política que nunca vai ganhar nem eleição de porteiro"

se teu pai visse as merdas q tu faz no pc te dava uma cossa

Eu sou pai de senpaiília, mas meu pai e meu avô também apoiam o Bolsonaro. Aliás, ele já tem 18% das intenções de votos nas pesquisas internas.

Pode chorar eternamente.

Vaza logo daqui, seu viadinho de merda

Boa noite, amanha vemos oq da

I'm baiting. Blacks are the personification of grief and misery, a weapon of mass dysgenics

I love this word filter

hey son, glad to see that you are getting rid of your commies, send help pls (no trannies)

Are Confederados a regional phenomenon, an actual ethnic group or is it just a muh heritage meme?
Wanting to know because I'm a 7th generation Dixielander with CSA ancestors.

so did it just start? how many have to vote yes? and how many have passed?

pesquisa interna da tua casa fdp? ele não tem nem 10% nas pesquisas nacionais e a maioria dos votos se concentra nas classes com menor quantidade de pessoas.

Hasn't started yet

viadinho eh teu cu, vai lá chupar rola do bolsonaro

They are opening their votes, not voting per se. counting the guy talking now, it's 26 yes x 7 no.

Blacks are less than 20% of the brazilian population, hermano.

Oops, 27*

They are called Faroupilha here in Hue, lok at google images

Sure thing, Pop

Vai lá chupar pau de preto no DCE, nu-male do caralho

so all these dudes need to talk then theyll start voting?

They're less than 10% of the population actually,they're just all in the Northeast or in Favelas so it kinda looks like there are more

>Nunca mais fale comigo ou com meu filho !

Yup, it's gonna end at 3-4 AM (BR) probably


They are in the appropiately named city of Americana in São Paulo state.
they like to keep to themselves

Pesquisas internas dos partidos, e ele já aparece com 11% na última pesquisa pública.

Renan said it's going to be over at 5 AM

fuggg i wanted to watch it till the end like the congress one



Also, why do you keep exporting your fags/trannies here? Like half of the brs I've knew are one of these


W-what...there are others?

You what? Wow

>"All races are equal"

It's actually pretty shit. You might pretend to like it to be edgy, but it really is a retarded movement

love me sum rochas

Remnants of immigrants from Alabama who settled countryside of São Paulo, in the second half of the nineteenth century.

Literally retarded : the picture

if you're going to rally against niggers in brazil you're fucked mate

Nós falamos português, esqueceu?

Nunca vi trannies na minha vida, já gays por outro lado já. Deve ser porque geralmente eles são bem rejeitados por aqui, então fogem pra sua terra.

2bh you're even fucked if you rally against niggers in europe

So what? There's no reason to say everyone is equal. If you think you won't get support, just shut the fuck up about the subject. Completely going against reallity and even a good part of the Fascist movement will just make the movement inconsistent and retarded

can anyone explain why they are impeaching her? Brazil has really become unhinged after the world cup affair. it seems like they tried to cover their societal problems over with a gloss instead of directly addressing the poverty well being of the people.

I saw lots of monarchists on the first protests here in Brasilia.

>Wanting a racist fascism in a mixed country

...Are you retarded, m8?

germany opened our eyes by removing the only thing poor brazilians had: soccer.

I'd hit that so hard

I can't blame them when you could choose pic related over Dilma.

She destroyed the economy and the country

87% Budget cuts on education
74% Cuts on sewage/water systems
20% Cuts on security

Plus unemployment is really fucking high,and shit is getting expensive

I never said i want a fascist movement here. Just saying that denying your roots to pander to niggers just makes you guys look like faggots. There's a reason why people like Bolsonaro and Trump are getting more support. It's because they stand by the truth, for whatever it takes.

Eu já tive uma namorada brasileira, era do Rio de Janeiro e mudou-se para cá com os pais, o pai era advogado e tinha uns negócios por aí e outros por aqui, ela era assim lourinha de classe alta. Anos depois também tive um caso com outra que dizia que a mãe era amiga da Dilma é que ela ia estudar para uma escola de arquitectura de elite, a AA em Londres porque a mãe conhecia um dos chefes do banco de Inglaterra, e lá foi, portanto devia ser verdade. De resto grande parte dos homens brasileiros que conheci eram veados

Thatcher said that socialism lasts until the money runs out.

Well, that moment has come.

I'm not integralist, my dear, nor vote in Bolsonaro. But they do have a point. The Integralist movement being nationalist in a country like Brazil, must be consistent with the ethnic composition.

Pigeons, even Salazar in Portugal adopted the banner of Lusotropicalism.

Falou muito mas não falou nada psh

>87% Budget cuts on education
>74% Cuts on sewage/water systems
>20% Cuts on security

shit lol and wasnt she from a leftist party too?

Do brazilian women have qt feet?

>it's better to consistently pander to people than to be consistent with reality

See, this is why no one respects Integralists

(also, sorry for calling you integralist, m8)

I know right?
have fun