We get it your white...but what kind of what are you Sup Forums?

We get it your white...but what kind of what are you Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


maybe in america.

Those aren't all the types.

I don't see where I fit in

You're not gonna buy it, but top left.

I am wanna be nigger white, because niggas get mad white girls!

Somehow though, it's not working.


this guy fits into upper left white person type

Notice how this is also a poltical compass.

I'm a mix of authoritarian left and libertarian right, with a pinch of the other quadrants.

I'm literally a mix of all those together.



124 combo among others, poor selection, op is retarded and cant spell you're

Master race white guy checking in.
Not sure which one I am, but I voted for Lord Trump and have only molested my sister 3 times....

....and daughter 4 times.

This kind

>faggot, feeling he needs to be represented by his sexuality and not his social demographic
>typical white faggot, confirmed.

they would've been top left, just in the military

imagined self
actual self
(pic related)

It's "you're" you dumb nigger.

You are a special kind of moron, aren't ya...

What kind of what ?


>only molested my sister 3 times....
>....and daughter 4 times.

You don't sound very white to me, slacker!

Im a hippie.

I'm this kind of white guy