The Night Of Finale

I never come to Sup Forums. I had to come to ask what the fuck I just watched. Why would HBO string me along for 8 weeks on a show that is going to end with nothing to gain. Literally nothing. I feel betrayed.

Oh pls

The episode was a great finale. Knew I'd see someone whining about this.

Anyway, there's some speculation that the financial adviser guy can be seen throwing away what might be a murder weapon in some bags of trash in one of the pictures that Box showed the DA

So even though they didn't show the murder, I believe it's safe to say Naz is innocent

I'm fully aware that the accountant did it. The show just executed it so poorly. I feel like I just watched the Sopranos finale.

The Sopranos ending was surprisingly good actually. I always treated it like it was shit til I actually sat down and watched the whole series. And in its context, it's a great ending.

Not sure what you would change differently for the Night Of's ending...I thought it was fine

you should know by now that HBO has gone to shit. They worship at the alter of pretentious and arty to make people believe they are getting their money's worth.

sorry Detective Box and The Killer didn't fight on top of a subway train brah

It's kinda fucked up we didn't see fatma again.

Do you think she was alright? Did she get another job as a lawyer?

Pretty emotionally satisfying ending but I really, really didn't like how I was somehow supposed to root for the fag detective and cunt prosecutor when they decided to go after the accountant at the end. Like, fuck you guys you should both kill yourselves.

Also that it ended up being that financial guy was lame as hell. That's always the way with these shows though. It's always the guy you've seen for less than 5 minutes with a whole backstory that gets revealed out of nowhere in the last episode. Horrible writing but it is what it is.

Overall it was a good show

I loved the show, but ended up just hating Nasir. He made me feel things about stuff. Was this supposta happen?

>mfw plebs insult telekino
I guess subtlety isn't you strong suit. Because all the tiny things, like Box walking out of the courtroom, Helen holding the knife and pondering, the sense of relief Helen feels after not pushing for a retrial, etc all made it such a perfectly poignant finale.

Still don't get the point of the eczema shit. Would love to see some hints on how the financial adviser committed the crime.

Ye don't know why there was no closure involving her character.

How were any of those subtle? Are you really proud to notice what literally everyone else watching noticed?

>Would love to see some hints on how the financial adviser committed the crime.

Should've just checked the internet before posting this.

>nothing to gain
He literally gained a cat. Fuck you OP.

>He thought the point of the show was about the trial

It wasn't a whodunnit, it was a character piece.

Pleb detected.

>the point of the eczema shit

He has eczema when he is not a "proper" lawyer. He cannot wear dressing shoes and has to wear sandals.

For further reference, see how the DA puts her heels on the table and gets out wearing more comfortable shoes.

The Night Of finale threads are like the retards discussing the ending of Take Shelter all over again.

Characters, you retards. CHARACTERS.

The eczema Is theme about overcoming your faults

And the Indian bitch had a resolution just because you didn't get to see her whole life after the trial doesn't mean sage didn't

It's interesting how financial guy got Stone after the stepfather.


D R O P P E D.

Maybe the problem is that these characters are not interesting, and only the situation Nas found himself in for the first couple episodes was

I found the characters interesting and relatable. What would have made them more interesting to you?

That's a super vague and broad question, I couldn't answer that

I won't say the characters were bad, but not compelling enough to say that it makes up for how every episode became more and more a cliched detective and prison drama.

That's what seemed so stupid to me, the step father had all the motive in the world and the financial guy was just "hurr im a cuck and i gamble", such a deliberate red herring it's kind of insulting to my brain

for a triggered racist, youre a shit one.