How do other europeans feel about the fact that when 'white people' are talked about...

how do other europeans feel about the fact that when 'white people' are talked about, they really mean people from this area (this isn't a Sup Forums thread btw, because of amerika most people think this)?


fuck white """""people"""""


The whole idea of whiteness is a divide and conquer tactic made up by rich virginians in the 18th century, don't go looking for logic in it.

>identity politics
you people are an essential component in the device that perpetuates our failure.

>tfw red region

kent master race

It should look more like this 2bh


Too much effort to leave cities blank

According to Benjamin Franklin, only the Celts were white, so the British islands and France are the only white countries. BTW, UK and France are the countries which contributed the most to the world, coincidence? I don't think so.

>UK and France are the countries which contributed the most to the world, coincidence?
you forgot germans

Not that I necessarily agree with him, but one could argue that western and southern Germans are just Germanicised Celts like the English

True, only the descendants of the Belgae + their tribute-paying colonies are really white. Everyone else is a shitskin.


but that's correct

should i bow down to my chocolatey overlords?

I think that short term wealth that exploded in the 400 years of these northern European peoples comes from a desolate place of purely economic monstruosity and insane hyper individualism, which is why they'll self destruct soon and vanish from the historical stage.

Blue is the real Europe and it'll last forever, through good and bad.

Indeed-true europeans are actually way more xenophobic and would distance from another based on feuds spanning back hundreds of years, sectarian conflicts, differing dialects and national founding myths-or just living under a different lord. Not just the mere skincolour.

>K and France are the countries which contributed the most to the world, coincidence? I don't think so.

100% true. Of course here is a little reminder that WE basically founded France (as Salian Franks), and WE WUZ the first to colonize Britain and as their earliest nobility shaped them and prepared them for their grand future destiny.

You're welcome my sons

Belgian is not a real ethnicity.

>Literally claim our ancesotrs
>His name is literally named the land of the belgae
You're the descendant of the Belgae not of the Franks, red-blond haired friend


Actually it is. Celto-Germanics.

>fake country made up of distinct French and Dutch people that exist soley to terrorize Congo and shield globalist empire headquarters that has no French and Dutch people since the only people who live there now are technocrats and third world rapists

M8 the Franks were a confederation of tribes that lives on both sides of the Roman border here. The reason they were able to muster up an army so quick is because they were financed by the local salt trade (salt was money back then, Roman legionaires got paid half of their soldy in salt). The salt-winning pits of the Menapii and Morini, coastal Celtic Belgae, can still be seen today. And retired Nervian cohorts moved it to the Frankish tribes on the other side of the Rhine.

Also, half of the Frankish tribes have got names derived from Gaulish, and/or had a Gaulish speaking nobility, which was typical for the Belgae (Caesar called them Germani Cis-rhenani).

Belgae just got absorbed into the Frankish confederation. Carausius the Menapian was the first to declare himself both Roman emperor and later emperor of Britain and Northern Gaul.

Fuck white people

Whiteness is an idiotic American meme which I despise with all my being.

You fucks like to shit-talk us and we are too modest to start dick-waving, but you can check everything I stated here yourself, these are historical facts.

Also Belgian ethnic composition hasn't changed since the 5th century. And the Germanic migrations never affected us much.

Another fun fact: Caesar claimed to have genocided the Belgic Eburones, but the area was repopulated shortly after by the Toxandrii. These names mean the same: taxus (yew tree) people. Most Belgic tribes were Germanic origin who adopted Gaulish culture and intermarried with them. Only the coastal tribes were pure Celts.

Your ancestors were Gauls, pure Celts. Belgae were a mixture of Celts (coastal region) and Celtisized Germanics with a Gaulish-speaking nobility.

Franks, our ancestors, became your nobility.

Your theory was directly invented by Goddefroid Kurth around the XIXth century while our Tradition claim they were from Troy, and dwelt for a time between the Dhanube and the Rhine, and the oldest book about them say they come from Pannonia, they're literally no mention of Germans aside that we subjugated them while moving towards Gauls

Their tradition have nothing with those of the, as an example, all Germans claimed to be descendants of some Gods, Tuisto for the early Germans, Tiwaz for the Goths, Woden for the Anglo-Saxons while the Franks never had such claim, at most the Merovingians were the descents of a bull, they also put a huge empasis on long hair while this custom was never a thing among Germans which led the Franks to establish long haired kings among the Thuringians

And their laws is extremely SIMILAR with those of Hittites.

Fuck off blond cuck we have nothing to do with the Nordic-looking Gauls

And pic related are actual Franks, my ancestors have nothing to do with you, you're just a Gauls trying to LARP as the conquerors

My theory wasn't invented in the 19th century, it is based on the available literature, archeological and modern genetic findings.

BTW All Gaulish pagan holy places became Germanic ones around the late western Roman days. The people were the same, it is just that in pre-Roman days Gauls were the strongest and Gaulish was the language of the nobility as far as Denmark (Kimbri and Teutones, kings like Boiorix). The Nervii for example specifically forbade the import of wine and Roman luxury goods, to prevent degeneration. But during Roman days it changed, in the first two centuries Belgae tribes didn't have much to do with the Romans, but then the emperor declared all free citizens of the empire as Romans. Hence how the Gaulish language started to decline and Latin came in its place, especially in the cities and trading centers.

In Tacitus' days the Nervii and Treveri claimed Germanic descent (which was true - their names are also Germanic) to distance themselves from the "meek and worthless" Gauls, as the latter had become decadent from Roman luxury. Hence the tribes here started to adapt to the stronger newcomers, the Germanic tribes from across the Rhine. In those days, pagan beliefs included the belief that adopting the language of the more succesful neighbours would earn you their power of success.

And I am familiar with the Frankish mythical claims of descent from Asia Minor, Belgae had the same claims according to documents found in the middle ages. Both claim descendancy from the Cimmerians iirc.

fuck off, open any fucking history book ffs dumbshit


Open actual books wrote by the Franks instead of your shitty propaganda books wrote by g*rmshits circa 18-20th cenury

The only thing you're good at is destroying Europe, while we always tried to order Europe and make it a superpower

>pen actual books wrote by the Franks instead of your shitty propaganda books wrote by g*rmshits circa 18-20th cenury

I don't know what you are talking about, and I think I know a lot more on the subject that you. And never ever call me a German again, you smelly frog-eating walking turd.

I feel like reminding people that no matter how hard and daily you try the whole
thing started in the Iberian peninsula, therefore the first whites were Iberians

how does it feel to people living in that area that they will never, ever be able to change this?

Do you have litterature to suggest to me on the franks and their origins user ?
I'm fairly interested in the question since 75% of my family comes from Wallonia, Luxembourg and one around Lille (the rest is Breton).

There is a lot of content on the celts but it's harder to find something on the franks before they crossed the Rhine and became part of the Empire (for a short amount of time).

>I don't know what you are talking about, and I think I know a lot more on the subject that you

Go read the :

Histories(of the Franks) of Gregory of Tours
Liber Historiae Francorum of the anonyme
Chronicle of Fredegar
Grandes Chroniques de France
Genealogia Regum Francorum and so on

And i'll start considering you as an equal when it come to the Franks

Who /realwhite/ here?

boo hoo

we wuz normans n shiet