Before having sex with my gf last night she told me her pussy was a little sore and to be quick or wait for in the...

Before having sex with my gf last night she told me her pussy was a little sore and to be quick or wait for in the morning. I asked her why out she just said that happens sometimes when it’s close to that time of the month. Does that really happen? Pic not relate.

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don't wanna give you wrong impressions but...
I think she had another dick

About to have her period is code for I'm horny as fuck you stupid virgin. She cheated on you. This is where it begins

It’s just a pic I found on So you guys think she cheated? That sucks I licked her pussy to get her wet.

Not unless 'time of the month' is code for getting railed by some other cock.

Yes that whole area is tender for girls the day or two before her period. I always have to go gentler on my girl around that time of the month

Yeah that’s what I read online too. Besides I don’t think she would’ve been so tight if she had just been fucked.

>coming to her period = horny as fuck
This... My GF really becomes a nympho these days... I literally fuck her twice, thrice a day and come to a moment I can't cum anymore, I just stay hard and fuck the fuck out of her, until WE both become sore on our sexy appendixes...
So, you should be more aware in 28 days dude...

Virgins virgins everywhere.

A lot of women get extremely tender vag, tits and lower abdomen a week before.

Old fag checking in
20+ years married to same woman
Yes, soreness due to menstruation cycle is a real thing.

She is always more horny during that time and we do fuck multiple times a day.

People saying it's cause she's getting another dick are either trolls or perma-virgins.
(I suspect the 2 groups overlap)

Cool thanks guys. Definitely not as curious now

Here’s my gfs pussy for the help guys.

Dump em all dude we won't tell her

yeah my girl only gets sore after i fuck her or she masturbates, so shes either cheating on you or pleasuring herself.

>Clit pierceing, and considering she is faithfull
Are you sure she only has sex with you user?

What does a clit piercing have to do with anything?

its trashy, implying she is trashy in other areas.

Was her actual PUSSY sore, or the inside (cervix perhaps)?

nice to know your opinion on piercings.



OP answer I'm on my monthly right now and can give my experience. But not all women are the same.

It wasn’t sore on the inside.

Don't listen to these stupid fucking virgins. Yes, that can be a thing. Woman that have ovarian cysts have all kinds of issues related to menses.

>our sexy appendixes

Then she is bullshitting, or has been getting it on with another dude/some larger toys.

I get a sore lower abdomen before, during and just after my period. My cervix becomes super fucking sensitive and can't take a huge pounding unless I'm really horny/loosened up for sex.

Your external vulva area does NOT get sore, that is not a thing for any woman. The action for a period happens inside the vagina and ovaries/womb. Nothing happens on the outside, so something else is going on there. Maybe she shaved and cut herself and is ashamed? Maybe she was playing and got a bit too rough? Could be anything dude, but it ain't her period.

Ovarian cysts are INTERNAL. She has no pain on the inside, OP said.

>Clit piercing

Oh boy

yeah its common for women to get tender breasts and vag. women may also get supper horny

Stop listening to 15yo virgins on issues of this magnitude.
If you are really worried she might have cheated, go ask in a forum where the chances of getting trolled by 90% of the replies is lower than Sup Forums.
And stop falling for low quality baits like the clitpiercing=unfaithful one

Hey, I've been giving genuine advice!

>supper horny
speaking of which, it's almost 5pm, I'm bout to go fuck some goulash

Well I know she rarely masturbates so I’m back to where I was at the beginning.

Tbh im on my period but never feel sore. On the other hand, cramps are killer but only time ive been sore is too much sex.

Rarely doesn't mean never. Maybe once a month I get tingly when no one is around and have a fiddle. Don't rule that out entirely.

Don't listen to the other retards. Sore pussy only happens when she got railed or had dry sex
PMS is sore and tender breasts and abdominal cramps at most.

Thanks I won’t.

Hahaha what do you mean by railed?

The thing is, you are trying to figure out why she was sore, when you can't even be sure she was honest about being sore in the first place.
It's a slippery road you are heading if you start assuming she was not honest

maybe she caught something like a light yeast infection - that happens sometimes before the period

Completely plausible also. My discharge looks fucking disgusting before a period, I don't want anyone down there.

>The action for a period happens inside the vagina and ovaries/womb. Nothing happens on the outside
There's no way you're a girl, and if you are you've gotta be about 14. Due to the hormonal changes before, during, and after menstruation, women can have all kinds of issues "outside" of their sexual organs, from headaches to back aches to stomach aches, basically any kind of muscle aches/soreness, as well as digestive issues, and a whole host of other symptoms.

Educate yourself on your own body, for christs sake. Some fag on Sup Forums should not know more about your body than you do.

All of those things are still internal, you idiot. There is no EXTERNAL aka SKIN/VULVA pain, which is what this girl is saying she has.

So much asshattery.

They pee from another hole, too.

She wearing one not because she just want wear one, she want every nigger to see it so, nobody wear something nice or watever decoration for nothing.

Having pain or soreness in your pelvis is a very common symptom. Where was it stated that OPs gf said it was actually her skin/vulva?
Also, thought of another external symptom: acne.
You dipshit.

Take note, you special chap

I said nothing happens "on the outside". That means externally.

There can be pain in the vagina, pain on the cervix, pain in the abdomen, back, neck, head, even thighs. There is no pain on the external part of the fucking vagina (vulva).

Is acne painful now? I always saw it as irritating.
I asked him if it was INSIDE her vagina, he said no. She said her pussy is sore. That only leaves the outside, unless there is some middle ground I don't fucking know about?

That's not the clit you immense idiot. It's the lower labia.

I literally can't believe you are that stupid.

hardcore rough sex.

You need to check yourself then. I know periods can alter pH but for it to happen every other time before period says something.

If she has a clit piercing, it shows she has no shame of strangers seeing her pussy. That can be seen as a red flag.

Also, I've never heard of a woman having vulva pain/soreness. That's complete bullshit or she really got railed, or has some sort of STI that's affecting her.

You're in for a world of shit user.

Holy shit you're an idiot

Honey, no.. Her lower labia are on the opposite side of the pic. Have a look closely. Her clit is rather small, it seems. Definitely a clit piercing.

I don't mean it's medically wrong, it just looks gross to me. Had all my levels checked to make sure, it's perfectly normal.

Yes. I, with the vagina that functions, am an idiot.
I did say every woman's experience is different as a disclaimer before this, but you insisted on sharing your male opinion. Which, by the way, is invalid if you have never experienced a period.

Girl here. Yes you can get sore, on your labia or on the inside while you are PMS, PMS means PRE Menstrual PRE means BEFORE the period. Your tits and nipples can also get sore. Also your labia, tits, and nipples can swell.

This doesn't happen to all girls because not all girls have all the same PMS symptoms.

Check out my porn while you are at it:

Also she doesn't have her clit pierced its her inner labia.

Scratch that it is her clit but the fact that the pic is sideways is what confused me.

You're joking right?

>I said nothing happens "on the outside". That means externally.
So you're saying women don't have period symptoms that are external, outside their good to fucking know, genius. And here I believed my girlfriend when she told me things outside of her body hurt, like the table next to her, or the tv. What a lying bitch.


Are you actually brain damaged?
External can still be on the body....

Finally a girl who actually understands the female body.

Hey you

take note. Maybe try googling some shit. Get educated so you can stop making an ass of yourself.

You are correct it’s a hood piercing. And she got it because I asked her to.

Vagina owner here. Not giving tits or gtfo, I just wanted to give you the facts, believe it or don't, I don't give a fuck.
Don't listen to these fucking virgins.
It does happen.
You get horny *during* your period, not just before.
Idiots obviously don't know anything about female hormones.
Just before a girl gets her period is generally very uncomfortable- cramps, general aches and pains, soreness, etc...
Its PMS.

Next time OP don't turn to Sup Forums for advice about women's health from a bunch of beta virgins.
Try Google.

She just said the piercing is on the labia, when it's on the clit hood.
Fucking moron.

You just keep digging yourself deeper and deeper into the retard hole.

>Clit piercing

Female here also
External pain is a thing? Seriously?
Am I just lucky not to have it? I have never heard of it in health class as a teen, from any female friends, or anywhere at all in general.

More like you do, mate. Shove your tiny cock up your ass. Your overcompensation shows you have one.

tits or gtfo

>dat link
I b drunk. my bad.

You literally admitted you were wrong and didn't know what the fuck you're talking about, and then in the same post told me I'm the retard for arguing with you about the shit you just admitted you were wrong about.

I'm not a misogynist, but women like you make me understand how I could be.


No. I asked about it for education purposes. I feel I misunderstood her or got the wrong info. You're just being a dick now. You were this whole time, even. I was being a know-it-all bitch because apparently I was taught incorrectly. But you.. You can't even say "hey, this is what the fact is, not your shit". You just insult. Straight out. I appreciate new knowledge - not asshattery.

This is why we invented the tits or gtfo rule.
Women show up unrestrained and this turns into an argumentative shit show.

I dont have 6 fingers on one hand, did not really hear about it in health class, none of my friends has 6 fingers on one hand. Yet, it is not just a myth, it happens.
You see how your logic is flawed?

Okay, I can admit that. But I'm sure you understand that I was literally taught there is NO pain on the outside. I found no source for that so I believed it. You see how that works?
People can be taught incorrect information - we all know that. I appreciate the fact that I could learn something new here.

You CAN get horny before, I do, but not all women do, some don't.

Every woman has different PMS symptoms. There are common symptoms but women experience a different mix of those symptoms.

The reason any of it happens is because hormones.

No joking soynds like she got fucked that day probably less than an hour before you arrived showered and dressed quickly.

>expecting people on Sup Forums to be polite and considerate of your feelings
Are you kidding me? You yourself just admitted you were being a know it all bitch.
This conversation is clearly over. You seem to have reluctantly admitted that I was right and you were wrong, and your only remaining argument is that I was "being a dick". Boo fucking hoo.
Have a nice life, snowflake.

The thing is, i too have little information about a lot of stuff, but i don't go around giving advice on things i am not 100% sure i know what i am talking about like you did. I give opinions and don't argue with anyone contradicting me unless they are obviously wrong.
Also, i am not the same user you were arguing before, my first reply was the 6 finger example
Well, that's really not why we invented the tits or gtfo rule, but i can see how it could have helped

Lmao, I get it. You have a superiority complex. You can't have a civilized conversation or accept an apology. Dude, YOU have a nice life because you're clearly defective.

Sounds like she's getting it from a bull dick. Sry m8

28 male here, iv been in a few long term relationships ( actually expecting my first baby girl with my wife now )

And I can tell you, everytime I told a girl I didnt care about her period they fucked me silly.

I can also tell you that its never " hurt " them to do so, as a matter of fact, they often tell me that giving them an orgasm helps with cramps and makes them calmer.

Because nature it compelling her to breed, so once you fuck them they feel better for awhile, its like an annoying itch they cannot scratch.

Most guys are just fags who are scared of a little blood, but expect girls to take a load on their face.

Plain and simple, she may have a UTI or something was put inside her vagina to make it sore.

But judging by that clit piercing, shes most likely a liar.

OP knows this, that's why he's here asking us and second guessing himself.

I thought I was 100% sure, user. That's the sad thing. I do apologise for giving incorrect information that could potentially harm someone or their relationship. That truly was not my intention. I appreciate the 6 finger example, though not entirely the same it was quite similar. I will, in the future, do research to confirm my information before dishing it out.

As I said before the clit piercing is irrelevant as I asked her to get it.

You don't have to apologize to these faggots.

As soon as they figured out they have been arguing with a girl they get all giddy in the shorts and are now just fucking with you because clearly you are taking this seriously where they are not.

This anonymous image board is the closest thing to a girl that 95% of these dudes will ever get.

Sad really.

Eh, I feel it's human decency to apologise when you're wrong, no matter the audience.

>accept an apology
You didn't apologize. You just played the victim card, as you have just done again.

Suck a dick
I have apologised. I also admitted I was wrong, thus being an indirect apology.

>asked her to get it

" baby you should get a clit piercing "

" but I don't want one, sounds like it will be painful "


You sound like an insecure douche.

That would be like someone asking your to get your dick pierced for them.

Who the fuck asks that?

I had a bf who made me get my lip pierced if I wanted to stay with him. He wanted me to be one of those scene chicks.

>I have apologised
Can you link me to your apology, please?

She wanted another piercing but where she worked wouldn’t allow the ones she wanted so I suggested her nipples belly button or clit. And so that’s that’s she did.

I can tell when a pussy has been cheating and that looks like a cheating pussy.

This is true, but they are prodding at you to get a reaction out of you.

They could care less about what you are saying.

example this guyHas just goaded you on again and you responded with But girls are naturally reactive and gullible so, no harm no fowl.


Usually I would be a faggot and make you paranoid, dear friend. However, I feel like I would rather ruin the fun for everyone else.

Yes. Sore vag happens. Especially if you have frequent sex, two or three days after she could still be sore and of course during the time of the month when they are pissing out blood it's going to be slightly sore and irritated due to how sensitive and dry it can get (dry because tampons).

So calm your little boi pussi down and get along with enjoying your day. For everyone else here, welcome to Sup Forums, don't forget to purchase some gold when picking up your summer pass.

What a monumental faggot.

Ill bet he broke up with you anyway.

Yeah that wasn't me.

>acts he's the supreme gentleman
>ends with some misogynistic bullshit

I think your fedora's too tight, bud

not gonna lie man, i had a two year relationship and she never complained about that shit once. either she cheated or theres something else wrong.

when i first read your post, i thought you meant that you had sex with your girlfriend EVERY night and that one night it was sore. if that isnt the case, she's cheated. sorry :c

I dumped him years ago.

user, I'll admit I'm wrong if you admit you could have been more polite with your information. I would like to be educated, not disrespected. I admit I was rude in the way I came across. Can you meet me in the middle?

That happens to me usually the day before or the day my period starts. I hate it, and it always ruins the mood when my bf try to have sex. So at the very least I like giving my bf blowjobs to make him feel good. Making him feel good makes me happy.