You wake up tomorrow as the king of all western civilization

>you wake up tomorrow as the king of all western civilization
What's your first order of business?

Execute all progressive liberals

Universal income.

Then slowly work towards making Europe and America homogenously white.

Legalize all drugs

First act only?

Enshrine all power within myself, and prepare myself to act as a benevolent dictator.

remove kebab

its probably the 1500's and if im lucky i will get electricity to the world a few centuries earlier.

kill people like this that think the world operates on binary and that its 1D. "All the liberals/conservatives are bad, but i am good mentality"

Send everyone that supports the War on Terror to the middle east to fight that war. Its stupid and hopefully they will get a new "respect" for war or get shot

Legalize all drugs

good luck. Mericans have the worlds most heavily funded military and they cant take care of a few dune coons with nothing in Afghanistan.

All the tough soldiers come back with PTSD and bitch about literally everything.

gonna throw big grand gala for everybody. then we'll have parties all day. Give hardworking middle class people comfy couches and lower taxes by 5% . for special snowflakes ill put them in private institutes so they have to work up the money to pay for their hobbies.

Nuke sandland. No more black box to dance around.

The first order of business would be for me to find out how I woke up in that position

"Make Jerusalem christian again. Deus Vult!"

We tax vaginas.


Benevolent to whom? That sounds like the mindset of every wannabe marxist but in the end you just end up looking like a tyrant.

Exectue any progressive liberals and start a massive crusade against islam while doing so

love how people complain that all muslims are terrorists and are constantly living in fear of muh ISIS and stupid shit that doesnt affect their daily lives at all

Want to actually have 1 billion people radicilized and start consciously trying to blow shit up.... thats how. No nation would stand a chance. Yours would crumble in a second.

Americans shit their pants and started a 15+ year "war on terror" because of like one attack. Imagine all of them actually getting pissed

We deserve that world anyways.


>All the tough soldiers come back with PTSD and bitch about literally everything
I'm sure you'd do better, right?

Execute all people in middle america that complain about Confederate flags. Execute all people in middle america that complain about ISIS

Execute all people on coastal cities that complain about "Muh gender pronouns"

Execute all people that support prohibition

I'd abolish all government agencies except the police and the army, abolish all taxes and replace with a 1% flat income tax. Remove all laws regarding regulation and basically have ultimate freedom minus doing things that harm others like murder.

Wait and see what happens.

Keep trying

umm ya. I do better by not going off to fight pointless wars that arent/havent solved anything.... literally nothing lol

So ya, its not hard to do better. I am sure you are doing better as well

First order of business? Permanently deport ALL non-whites. I don't care if they are married to whites or adopted. Half white children go too (75% is the maximum allowable cutoff).

>keep trying


Post on Sup Forums

Give it back isntrael

What happens is people create new laws and regulations because they want safety and order and aren't retarded 13 year olds

I'm not even a racist mate, but I'd nuke the fuck out of all of North Africa, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Send in the troops to drag Kim's tiny yellow cock into the ocean.

Probably make sex less suspect in the eyes of the population (Ya know how it is, like how tits are immoral in media but violence is fine).

Circumcision is genital mutilation, only to be done for medical purposes.

Fascism. Good ol' Starship Troopers Fascism.

Decriminalize most drugs.

Kill the Filipinos.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Ah fuck you then, im not samefagging daaaaaad

Id kill all people who don't understand america has 300,000,000 people, and that you can paint a negative group of any and every group of people, because 1,000,000 *carefully selected* examples seems to prove a point to people, when that makes of 0.33% of the entire population.

People like you essentially need to be sterilised. Too gullible, too stupid.

Ps: if you said "kill all conservatives" id have said the exact same thing to you.

1. They can't create new laws retard. Im the king, they are simply peasants.
2. I have a police force to keep people safw are you fucked in the head?

>Fascism. Good ol' Starship Troopers Fascism.

Those sound like regulatory measures to me cockwhistler


Common misconception. When power is divided over and over, intent becomes muddied. Execution becomes flawed or nonexistent. Outcomes are a common source of disagreement.

I think that, at this stage of our history, we have proven ourselves incapable of democratic majority rule. Truly, only the smartest of us should have the "true" power of government.

Remember that government is simply a system by which a society is allowed to exist in. It is not *the* society itself.

Much like money and military power = a nations strength, the ability of an elite ruling class versus a flawed individual should be self evident.

Pot, Mugabe, Mao, Pinochet, Mussolini, others - they had power, but little intelligence and/or restraint. Certainly averse to delegating power & responsibility.

As benevolent dictator, I would gather the smartest, recognized minds in each field. They would be asked, rather than drafted. They would arbitrate complex societal dilemmas, as well as plan for the future of my society.

As benevolent dictator, I would have the power to veto their decisions. That would be my only power. As benevolent dictator, I do not have the expertise/knowledge of my circle of elite minds.

But as a common man, I would keep my ear to the ground, and I would act as the ultimate fail safe. I would not act personally, but as a conduit of my people. However, if everyone told me to kill myself, I obviously would have sense to ponder if such a course was the wisest.

Ultimately, issues would come down to my fallibility as a person, and as an intellectual. But the question is what I would do. not what is *correct*.

Anyone claiming to know what is *correct* is a conceited fool. I am merely throwing my hat in a hypothetical situation.


I saw an extremely right wing anti islam website complain there were 3000 muslim terrorist attacks (worldwide) since 9/11. That numbers probably wrong so lets change it to 100,000.

Most terrorist attacks involve 1 or 2 muslims. But lets say the average is 10.

UN reports ISIS has 30,000 fighters. But thats an estimate so lets adjust that number and pretend they have 1 million.

For the math inclined i just blew any possible actual statistic way to the extreme and i am now (exagerating both right wing and UN estimates to the extreme) stating we know 2 million muslims are terrorists.

There are 1.8 billion muslims in the world.

So these 2 million terrorists i totally made up make 0.11% of the entire muslim population.

So.... Why are we scared?

Because stupid people are really scared of large numbers and do not understand how many fucking people live on earth, and dont know the first thing about statistics.

Execute all right wings


Answer the Jewish question and remove all blacks and spics from our lands.

End Islam

kill all the men and have every woman in my harem

This is what all socialists think they're going to do. Then a Joseph Stalin kill you and your family and uses the system you set in place to brutally rule over your people.

Benevolent dictators live very short lives.

>ITT: People create nation-wide hugboxes

I order the arrest and execution of every non-white starting with jews.

All their wealth shall go to the state and I shall use these funds to create the biggest army the world has ever seen.
After creation I shall let this army loose on the rest of the world and conquer and eradicate the all of the non-whites.

Impossible, I think not!

This. I don't get why people think it's edgy. A minimalist government, and as much freedom that is practical for the people. Honestly, it's not much different than what the US is now, just more streamlined.

Genghis is that you?

Order the peasants to create my own personal McDonalds restaurant in my bedroom, employees consisting of 10/10 hotties, nude, at all times

I am scared of all the shit countries who think shiria law is ok.
And all the people in general who think its okay.

>kill people like this that think the world operates on binary and that its 1D.

you would kill everyone who thinks in binary? for example: there are two kinds of people, those who think in binary and those who don't?
more power would be wasted, you can start now

>All drugs are legal including trade and production but it's regulated and taxed and selling to minors is illegal
>Tax non hybrid/non-electrical cars hard
>Education is universal and free. Tax private schools hard and instead build better governmental schools which cost extra cash. University is also free for those who have proven themselves worthy of it.
>Suicide is completely legalized. forcing a mentally-ill person into hospitalization is only when he's a danger to others. Establish medical suicides for anyone over 21 who wants it and has proved to be resistant to any other treatment.
>Add confiscation of all property to the list of punishments for top criminals

True most aren't terrorists, but most muslims even in 1st world countries want sharia law, believe in stoning gays and think rape is okay. There's some guy who did research on it all over European mosques and its like 8-% of muslims have those beliefs. They're not compatible with our society

execute justin beiber and hs fans