What's the meaning of life?

What's the meaning of life?

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The meaning of life is that it ends.

So, why it begins?

Whatever meaning we prescribe to it

Absolutely fucking nothing because it has no meaning unless you give it one.

to give life meaning.

to roll dubs like this

check these

I think you are agree. Knowing that we are the only animals that have reached intelligence it's plain to see that we're the only ones that ask about the meaning of living in this life when I think there's no meaning, just life, useless life, everywhere.

give up kek

Some would say we are god playing an elaborate game of not being god, some would say we are a random chance inside an infinite universe so our outcome was inevitable. More say it is a lesson to teach us something valuable before ascension, some question whether it has meaning at all. I ask you now, what is the meaning of a river? Yes it flows, but why? Gravity pulls it down? Well gravity pulls planets together too. What is the meaning of cold? To be something opposite of hot? If nothing could sense temperature would it even exist? Unfortunately Humans may simply be incapable of understanding the true meaning of existence, however we can speculate from duality that since you cannot experience inexperience, yet because you exist the option to not exist has to also be there, though unable to experience non-existence, we may simply be trapped on this side of the coin.
Best bet is to wait for death before making any conclusion. That'll prolly be the best evidence any of us get towards discovering true meaning.

To pass on your genes to the next generation
To be happy
To cause havoc
To teach
To learn from your mistakes
To learn from the mistakes of others
To make an impact on the world

There is no meaning to life.

You create the meaning.

God told me to live, love, learn and grow, to make a garden wherever i go and create beautiful things.

yes, God. who you and i are inseparable from. look within in total silence.

This is a message of hope for those that will listen, a warning for those who will not.

not to be a faggot and ask questions you won't get answers to

I'm proud of creating this thread.

I just wanted to know people's opinions.

no meaning.
the human species became so intelligent that it had time to think about stupid shit like "why am i here"

Whose life?

you create your own meaning OP.

Meaning of life is that you only get so long to do shit so fucking do shit.



Yeah that's the point I was trying to make.

Nice quads btw.

there will always be people that scoff and laugh at "The Way", if they didnt laugh, it wouldnt be The Way.

-*?*- wat

and always carry your towel (Tao)

As an individual, preservation and reproduction.

As a species, assisting the gene pool.

Give to society more than you take and make a better world. You will find fulfillment there.


Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 42

The Tao begot one.
One begot two.
Two begot three.
And three begot the ten thousand things.

The ten thousand things carry yin and embrace yang.
They achieve harmony by combining these forces.

Men hate to be "orphaned," "widowed," or "worthless,"
But this is how kings and lords describe themselves.

For one gains by losing
And loses by gaining.

What others teach, I also teach; that is:
"A violent man will die a violent death!"
This will be the essence of my teaching.

Because that's what it do.

What is "meaning"?

To explode, of course.

Evolution seems to be the driving force in the universe. Everything strives to improve and evolve and what doesn't dies out sooner or later. Evolution with regards to how different species develop and evolve into new, better adapted species, but also personal evolution. Man's drive to improve his situation, achieve more, learn more, conquer more, gain more power, whatever form it takes.

Those that don't evolve die out. Take a look around you and that's exactly what you might see. People that have given up, have become comfortable, see no more reason to learn anything or improve their condition in whatever ways. They slowly degrade and the same happens to their families. Stagnation is death.

So if you want your life to have a reason then go do something where you can learn and improve for the rest of your life. Not to achieve some goal like getting rich or getting ripped to get girls, do it for the sake of it and learn to enjoy it.

i love you, and all other comments like this one on Sup Forums

dank memes?

There is no meaning. You just are

Life is nature's way of keeping meat fresh. It's a cosmic accident.

The meaning of life is to find your own meaning. We all have our own unique consciousness which craves different things.
Time however is a collective subject, it is shared by all life. Humans can therefore think about time in a way that is profitable for other living humans, not only themselves like with our unique mind.
The answer I believe in when it comes to time, is that it shall be experienced in the present. You must remember the past in order to learn and evolve, but you must not get stuck in its abyss.
Same deal with the future of course, plan it in moderation but be careful not to obsess about it since you can influence how the future turns out, but it is impossible to have total control of it. Outside forces can and will affect your life in a way that you would not have deliberately planned.

You can never be told what your meaning is from the outside, you can be shown examples of how other people found their meaning, whether it was found in raising young humans, having a farm, being a philanthropic billionaire or whatever, you know.
The answer comes from within, do not get caught up by your perception and perspective.

You will know your purpose of your existence as a human being on the planet our old ancestors named Earth, when you find it.

When you have found it, you will do/be it and let the present, which is the future for us here today, lead you forward into that present's future.

What is life but moments and thoughts?
For every single window of life would not be without ticking time and conscious mind.

So unless you can stop time, it would be a foolish idea for a mortal to wounder about the future, wouldnt it?

So all you need to know is, be in the present and your meaning will appear before you.
>include me in the reddit screencap

Philosopher of biology here
Life is a set of constraints existing in information coded in sign relations. The meaning of life is to interpret meaning from signs representing its external environment in order to maintain the boundary conditions for being alive.
Life is one single thing organismal life acting on the individual scale is simply a scale of analysis, ecological and cellular life are the same thing with no actual seperation
Life looks something like picture related