So what are these?

So what are these?

And how i get rid of them?

Gay herpes



I happen to not be gay so..

wart, wrap in duct tap 24/7 and rub with pumice stone once every few days

don't do that freezing shit, it just spreads them around

source: had like five of these fuckers years ago

Needle through the center - heat until searing pain ensues. Repeat as necessary

Also on another finger

Just normal warts. They go away some times but it takes months or years. You can freeze them off, burn them off, or use an abrasive if you are patient

Its a wart, put some antifungal cream on it and it will eventually fall off. I used to have one on one of my fingers and it would fucking hurt like crap whenever I would touch it.

Why are your hands so dirty? Get a wart remover.

Do this OP.

But after a shower or what ever take a nail file or even a sharp knife and scrape as much off as you can without it bleeding or hurting an then wrap with the duct tape.

Something in the adhesive irritates the skin in the area and assuming you don't have AIDS or some shit your immune system attacks the wart.

They look like verrucas! You can get cream to treat them.

wart....Compound W....will get rid of it....Drink your Ovaltine!

I went to the podiatriast and had one removed from my sole 2 years ago by liquid nitrogen freezing, followed by simple cutting to remove the dead tissue.

I had one more recently, and I just cut as much of the wart off as possible until it starts to hurt, and then apply the solution on the left, repeated 3 times, and now there's no trace of it left.

Anyone have recommendations for warts on bottom of foot? Think they're called plantar warts. Had two of these faggots for fucking years and nothing gets rid of them. Tried freezing, tried duct tape (falls off) tried cutting them out.

The one you have will eventually turn to something like this. I used to have one and although it would hurt, I loved to pluck the little growths one by one. They would grow back almost immediately tho.

It's called a verruca, they spread if you don't address it. There are over the counter methods that burn them off with freezing nitrogen and they work really well. Another option is using some sort of cream and duct taping that part in your fingers while you sleep.

I also have had them, since I can remember. If you aren't persistent they come back

Have you tried using a cream?

Thieves oil a few times a day over a few weeks.

Its a bit of a hippy method but I had a huge one on my toe a year ago which I removed using thieves oil, its painless and leaves no marks :)

God me too
Looking at this makes me cringe now

put some bandaids on that shit so you don't spread it to anyone else you fuck, also don't listen to faggots on here about creams and shit. GO TO THE DOCTOR AND HE'LL SORT YOU OUT ON THE SPOT

get a Bic lighter and leave the flame going until the metal piece gets hot and put it on there. can also freeze it off. i used fingernail clippers and cut mine off, its been a little spec ever since and that was like 6 years ago

serves your right for having nails like that

I think there are only specific doctors for this who specialize in skin care. Agreed though that they ARE contagious. Not really as contagious as the common cold but they can spread, they are viruses after all

Eat them, and gain an immunity

I had one a few years back and i just got a nail clipper and started clipping the skin. I would stop once it started to bleed but I would do that every 3 days. Then one day i got the edge and just pull that shit. it came off and haven't had them since

What you have to do is get something to cut down to the red seed at the very core. once you cut it out, it'll go away completely in a couple days.

it hurts a little and bleeds a little, but it's worth it to get rid of these pains in the ass.

Dermatologist, and its actually the HPV.

Bro your finger is mad gross.

And I'm pretty sure those are warts. Only way to get rid of them is go to the clinic and they will liquid nitrogen it off. Will gut when it's applied and will hurt a few days after but they'll go away.

Had a few on my hands and 1 in my sole.

You can also buy wart stuff off Amazon. But liquid nitrogen is the best.

It's been so many years. I used to have this memorized so I could recite it out of embarrassment when people would ask why I had 20-30 'bumps' on my hand

There is some truth to this. When I used to have one and I started applying the cream, the were some little black balls that would come off. The problem is when the stupid shit burrows deep in the dermis and reaches your nerves. That is when its hurts like crap, even when you touch it lightly.

At least it ain't herpes.

thats mad gross . im never going to a gym shower or swimming pool any more

i'm pretty sure you'd have to leave your room at your parents' house before visiting either of those places would become a possibility, much less an issue.

I just burn them with a liter. It hurts a bit but they peel right off

I have them from my job, because it involves wood and a stone oven,so yeah i think i'm going to start using gloves

Image: All my life learning and i still dont know