Why is every single Comedy show a fucking lefty brainwashing?

Why is every single Comedy show a fucking lefty brainwashing?
Even European women start feeling wise and informed because they watch your fucking show and they indeed feel superior like they have any knowledge from those fucking shows about politics.
Why is there no comedy show with a little more neutral approach or even rightwing?

because jews run the entertainment industry

>Michele Ganeless is President of Comedy Central, a position she has held since 2004. Based in New York, Ganeless reports to Doug Herzog, President, Viacom Music & Entertainment Group.

Comedy Central has turned into garbage over the last year and half. Pure liberal bullshit. Sooner or later they'll realize that chasing after SJWs won't fix anything.

You know you fucked up when pic related is taken seriously on your show.

Because Juice.

I would honestly kill for a good right wing comedy outlet, though.

He's a Kike

It has to actually be FUNNY to be a comedy
If you get your news from a comedy show then you're like literally retarded like omg I can't even like seriously

>Comedy Central has turned into garbage over the last year and half. Pure liberal bullshit.
Nigger hate to tell you but it's always been like that. You've only just noticed a year and a half ago.

there are five global media conglomerates that control everything and they are all anti nationalism

the media is CIA controlled propaganda

it's all trash

The Jew media control shit was funny 2 years ago but not anymore

I knew it was liberal but it's only recently been cranked up to 10. They only picked niggers for the news shows to show how progressive they want to be.

I think they are trying to compensate for South Park's political incorrectness

>its a coincidence that they are nearly always Jews

A coincidence is thinking of a song when you are listening to the radio, then changing to a station that is playing that song

What would you call it if every single time you thought of a song and changed the channel that song would be on?

because the truth hurts

You would be amazed on how many people in europe watch the daily show as their primary information on american politics. It is so annoying to argue against those people.
"xD lol omg you got that info from fox?! omg haha it is so biased"
I don't know, it really bothers me that fucking comedy central brainwashes especially young liberal women. ofc they brand it "comedy" but they are selling their stuff as if it were facts. You only hear trump/republican bashing 24/7, not even one tough joke on hillary clinton.

That being sad, some folks are alright imo, e.g. colbert (at least the comedy aspect comes across) or jimmy kimmel.

Discard their opinions. That's it. They're just being ridiculous.

Comedy and entertainment has become bogged down in a single-minded ideology. Comedians which were known for previously "breaking the mold" and "shocking audiences" and being "counter-culture" are now mainstream streamlined widely-accepted public pop figures. And what THEY say, goes.

Look at Daily Show. They were in fact settled against the Bush neocon establishment and very pro-war media wings in the early times. They rode a good wave after that, but after Obama came, they flatlined hard. They became the establishment opinion. Safe. Predictable. Boring. And a clone of everything else around them. Trevor, Oliver, Wilmore, Samantha Bee, Colbert, they're all FUCKING IDENTICAL.

The "shocking controversial" people we get now are fucking FEMINISTS who think saying "aww yeah I have a vagina and I'm gross! ur all sexists!" like lena or some other bitches are actually counter-culture. Or beyonce doing her fucking dance which media were all telling us was "Wow shocking!!!" even though it was just the exact same fucking progressive cancer as everything else right now.

The big figures of the next few years are going to be the ones smart enough to go against the mainstream and ride the wave of ACTUAL controversy and neglected audiences. Look at people like Milo or other figures like him.

Or, well, fucking Trump.

I guess you haven't seen Colbert recently. He used to be funny though.

Project harder, burnout

>What would you call it if every single time you thought of a song and changed the channel that song would be on?


Ofc I discard, but it still bothers me from time to time. I remember when one could talk in a constructive way with each other about politics (with good friends at least), now you are constantly moving against a constant flow of bullshit.
I remember being able to talk interesting stuff with my ex-gf, now it is just "lol omg he wants to bang his daughter".

>Comedy and entertainment has become bogged down in a single-minded ideology. Comedians which were known for previously "breaking the mold" and "shocking audiences" and being "counter-culture" are now mainstream streamlined widely-accepted public pop figures. And what THEY say, goes.

Comedians being mainstream is nothing new, what I think is new is the idea that comedians bleating out (usually mainstream) political opinions in a snarky voice is somehow subversive.

was never meant to be funny friend

its not a coincidence.

pattern recognition is something that comes with higher IQ

those who rule and control will impose their political and cultural views on the rest, and thats what jews do

Also crazy how much it is about fucking race relations. In the entire gop primaries, race was not a single time an issue. Not in one debate did anyone try to appeal to one certain race or go against one certain race. on the democratic side, they constantly appeal to "the black community" or similar. It is such a fucking twisted game the left is playing, because while they are actually defining and dividing people in racial groups while simultaneously accusing their opposing political forces to be anti-black or similar. Same with the fucking comedy shows. Trevor Noah cannot talk 5 minutes without making some muh white people so racist joke. And holy shit if you watch mtv nowadays, it is just batshit crazy...

>he wants to bang his daughter
Well shit nigga damn me too lol
That's why you gotta be prepared. With facts and shit from reliable sources. Can't go into a fight unprepared.
Yeah sure you'd probably piss someone off but fuck them who cares that's cos no one likes being wrong or know-it-alls. But shit I'd rather a know-it-all than someone who don't know shit.

jews hate white people, and agitate minorities to further hatred

thats the whole point of the revolutionary spirit of trotsky. the danger is what will occur to whites what happened to the russians by jewish bolsheviks

Stewart and Colbert were great back in the day for a few good years, the tag team years. Oliver's weekly shit cannot compare to their sheer cultural force.

The Rally was a turning point for things getting too stale and then it got really shit in stewarts last like 3 years or so

My point is that things are getting way too fucking stale. When media serves us some "wow shocking!' thing, it's just them just saying mainstream opinions criticizing mainstream-hated figures like Trump in a snarky fucking voice.

All of these faggots have identical political views and ideology

I dont discuss politics in groups anymore, chanes of a friend getting butthurt or pearl-clutching too high. But when I discuss with people i dont care about, I usually just troll them for my own pleasure. I think thats what it has come down to, if you watch at the current left youth vs. right youth (altright). the left go batshit insane and try to be as offended as possible, and alright on the other side, a la milo yiannopolous, they just troll the shit out of them and burn everything down.