On/off thread

On/off thread




posting my favorites














How can anyone be depressed living in a world with so much variety and beauty??


honestly? being alone is an adequate answer.

because I will never have any of it. I can only look, but not touch. I can never cuddle with it or hold it.





Chemical imbalances are a bitch





Wow. Amazing how stupid people are to let bf/gf take pics...


After 7 years of trying, I haven't been able to get any dates. Had one, one night stand and felt like shit afterwords. I'm not ugly, but for some reason women are not interested in me. It's probably my personality or something.

So I've just accepted it, drink heavily and look at porn to satisfy my unfortunately very high sex drive.

I still feel depressed and sad tho, but I just carry on, it's not like I'm entitled to find love and happiness, so I've just decided I'm going to help people with physical therapy. At least I can do something.

Thanks for asking



beautiful breasts

thanks for dumping all these


discord dot gg /uBJGR


everybody knows a pretty girl like this... not too bright, and too airhead at times, but wet and sweaty in all the right places for a little weed.

Fucking love those tiny little nips mmmm




Any more?

Sadly no



Look man, it's not super hard, maybe just let some of your standards go. If a girl has some weight (I'm not saying a whale) it doesn't mean they are super shitty, besides after the sex you can watch anime and shit.

friend, i know this is Sup Forums but i believe in you that you will find your way to being happy and fulfilled. You suspecting that it's your personality shows that you know what to start improving. Life is full of suffering but no need to fill it more. you gots this

I used to have high standards in my early twenties, but I don't now and I can't get anywhere with even 5/10 girls who are autists and don't have a bf. I don't have a problem talking to anyone, 10/10 or not, it's just no one seems into me. i don't get it. When i was in high school loads of chicks were into me, but I was too naive to see it. Now it's too late. I appreciate it, but don't waste your atp typing at a lost cause.


thanks bro, but I've had my chance and I didn't get anything, so i'm just gonna pursue other interests.

God damn


i think the most wonderful part is that you can do both. I encourage you to pursue your interests (that arent potentially self destructive) all the while improving your communication. If you follow your passions i doubt you wont find women one way or another






Thanks man, I mean I wouldn't be opposed if a girl asked me out or was sending strong definite signals, but I don't want to waste my time, energy or emotions trying to pursue a girl and build attraction anymore. Maybe it will happen, but I have lost hope long ago.

Another thing is I would never risk my job trying to date a patient or a coworker.

I'm not a shut in and am sociable and like making people laugh, I don't think it's my communication, but that I can be abrasive. I think that turns people off (even my own family).






>get a password
>still have to pay

no thanks

I kinda need to see this in a bad way...