Ylyl thread Sup Forumsrothers, fuck 9fags, fuck bananas and fuck donuts

Ylyl thread Sup Forumsrothers, fuck 9fags, fuck bananas and fuck donuts

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*spits on you*





5/10 posts were dubs.



Welcome to Neo/b/

Last thread i made had 29 dubs in it, i guess i am blessed or smth

Fuck, didnt even click on the theead yet and already lost









I've been here since January 2008 , and these threads have gotten increasingly unfunny.

And they weren't even funny then.




Then why are you here now?
Go lurk the trap threads


Lost to you getting dubs loosing to that

>like i would actually lose to that
Sarcasm, user.


>>thinking i actually tought he lost to that

Kill yourself

I never thought I'd live to see unfunny facebook/twitter memes that start with "when you...." on Sup Forums.

This is actually severely disheartening.


How about we post some funny Filthy frank/idubz memes.


When your mom comes in your room and you dont want your mom to come in your room

>using >> for greentext
>Caling someone else retarded


I was only pretending to be retarded.

>>using >> for text
>>calling someone else retarded
>inb4 we're all autistic retards
Really user, this is what we are going to do today, throw cum covered shit at each other?

Best ylyl in years. No banana. Limited donut. No pickle. No pear.


Isn't that basically what we do everyday?


Go back to your containment board

No, sometimes we throw shit-stained cum or piss bottles








/b is literally autistic /soc


Its funny cus its true

How many Hispanics does it take to clean a bathroom? None thats a niggers job!!!




Dub get fgt witness

For real this time i was kidding that time


as a slightly fat guy, I'm legitimately attracted to fat women. but so far they've only ever dated me out of desperation. I'm pretty much at peace with no one ever loving me, so as long as I get some pussy I don't mind the reason

They're actually out there! I love my cuddly 330lb bf. Just give it time user.


Are you a 10 year old on Facebook ?

Fucking lost!

20/28 threads are for fags isnt that nice?