Looks delicious right about now, dosnt it?

Looks delicious right about now, dosnt it?

What's stopping you from ordering a large pizza pie and eating it all right now?


They don't have cheese in the Goddamn Philippines and I'll be fucking goats before I eat a slice with fake fucking velvetta knockoff on it. Fuck you.

It has ingredients I am allergic to in it, it's far too greasy and unhealthy a food, and I have some self dignity so I don't need to eat to comfort myself.




Just give the delivery guy a blowjob... Hell give you the pizza for free don't worry

I'm poor

>Papa John's

I dont like pizza. Pizza is fucking overrated as fuck

Go kill yourself you faggot autist piece of shit. You're probably the same type of faggot who eats tofu and calls for the banning of eating animals.


you go to college, haflway through the first semester of your first year and you'll never want to look at pizza again. it stays with you

did it last night

ate half of it last night, other half for lunch

deep dish alfredo with half cheese half sausage and pineapple from Domino's

also I got those weird cinnamon thingies



what kind of fag uses "overrated" to describe pizza




The one restaurant in my shitty little farming town that makes it is closed right now.

It's 7:08am, most places won't deliver at this time.

Pineapple on pizza = fuck yeah. Cunts who think it's weird - why are you only complaining now? It's been on hawaiian and every fucking pizza since the dawn of time. Fuck you.

worked there went thru the training where they convince you it's healthy b/c it's high quality ingridents... ate the food got fat, been skinny my whole life.. never again

It's the new fad; they complain because it's 'cool'.

pineapple aint cool