E voting

What is your opinions of e voting?
this seems like a great idea.
What are some arguments for it?
what are some arguments against it?

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this is the video


Great banter. People are not informed enough about the majority of topics, don't have them vote more.

Also hacking is a thing... good luck with that e vote thing.

Seems like a great idea. I don't see how anything could possibly go wrong.

I mean, as is, is it really 100% honest?
Also you shouldn't focus on the end of "who's voting" but more on "how to educate all minds"

>australians proxy to shitpost directly into your political system
The ultimate in emu subversion tools

he is a straight white male.
sjw won't listen to him.

he seems to have Bias for universal health care and muh 1%...I like the idea, but I think it needs to be ironed out.

Any sort of push for digital voting means that one party is looking to rig elections.

That is a good thought too, some one my suppress certain comments to allow one idea to go forward. Also it seems to have a upvoting system. So it would just be like reddit! XD LOL ROFL.

>Make account.
>Mysteriously vote anyway for the next 50 years.
Having said that, this probably happens even without e-ballots.

how do you recount e-votes, or am I just an autist?

Any system that takes power away from politicians to the uninformed masses is bad.

Dont get me wrong. Politicians can be scum and most of them are. But they have law degrees, commerce degrees, medical degrees. The whole point of politicians is to represent us in areas we cannot fully represent ourselves.

You take it away from them you have funding for only special purposes that will never be fixed no matter how much money are thrown at it.

We have people here saying all the money set aside to replace our C130s and P3K's should all be spent on child poverty. People dont have a clue outside of their tunnel vision.

The best solution is either shorten terms if we are talking American system as Americas system wouldnt work so well with a system like MMP. And to make it easier for people to defeat sitting members of an office so its not bound to someone in a party. More political input is welcomed but giving the power to the people in its entirety would be the dumbest move ever and result in so much catastrophic shit we would be back to feudal times in under a decade.

Well, how do you tell, the E-votes are true? How do you validate them? that is another thought.

Most people are fucking idiots and can't be educated to actually give informed decisions on political issues. I don't want hordes of retards ruining every single goddamn issue because they can't see the long-term benefit past their stack of gibs. We already have the issue of people endlessly voting for more gibs, so I sure as fuck don't want it to require even less thought and effort. Can you imagine the mindlessness of the horde? Anything remotely emotionally compelling would get upboats and passed through.

Also, there is never any kind of guarantee of security with electronic voting. At least with paper ballots, you can go back and count them; sure, some government worker could tamper with all the ballots, but that's a lot more work than interfering in a system run by the government that they are a part of.

Obvious Jew, is obvious.


>from the 1%
>to the 100%
>101% in total

Actually, you should be focusing on 'who counts the votes'.

Elections aren't decided by the voters. They are decided by those who count the votes.

>implying good enough encryption doesnt exist
>hasnt read the satoshi white paper

There would be no more gerrymandering. Sup Forums would swing elections.

That was my thoughts, so E voting is a good idea, but it would never work.

Electronic voting is an awful idea on a practical basis.


Lol. Good post.


I was all excited about this new idea, but not any more, fuck you guys are kill joys.

First explain what's wrong with paper ballots.

>inb4 it's 2016
>inb4 technology makes everything better
>inb4 luddite
>inb4 zero reasons why a system that can already yield a winner within hours of polls closing isn't good enough

We have it here but there is no reason whatsoever to trust it. 80+ year olds voted in droves overwhelmingly for the party that won, and there is no way to observe the process and ensure its validity.

>Re-Engineering Democracy

That totally doesn't raise any suspicions.

This guy is too much of a raging leftist for me to get behind what he's selling. It's clear he has an idea in his head of an ideal society and expects that everyone would vote the way he predicts them to. I also thought it was funny how he kept emphasizing that the system wouldn't be run be a corporation like there was ever even the remotest chance of that ever happening in a million years.

I think the "1%" system should be kept around because it does a good job of filtering out crazy shit (though I guess that's starting to fail now). Like take his example for example, "let's defund prisons and use that money to give everyone free shit lmao." You probably think that's retarded, but would the majority of Americans? Or imagine if a vote to ban guns passed because Commiefornians and Jew York outnumber Texas and the midwest. Civil War 2 Electric Boogaloo: muh guns instead of muh slav... I mean muh states rights.

So much this.

>direct democracy

It's been tried.


It's racist

Look up this documentary called Hacking Democracy

Nah, that's a kike.

>implying that people won't vote in their "best interest"
fucking leaf

As if the voting wasn't rigged enough.

>implying things will be different
noone even counts the votes in modern times
e-voting will make things more simpler for disabled and old people

You might as well throw democracy out of the window.

That's not what I'm implying at all.

Sounds like a way to get the Chinese to vote for US laws via hacking.

People who question this idea or are for it really need to take IT Security 101.

No. Voting by mail order in Oregon and Washington already enables a lot of fraudulent bullshit as it is.

Глacyвaл cи "зa" нa peфepeндyмa, нaли?
Пoздpaвлeния, ти cи идиoт.
Beчe дopи нямa дa e нyжнo нa мaнгaлитe дa cтигaт дo избиpaтeлнитe ceкcции, зa дa cи пpoдaдът глaca, щe минaвa чoвeк нa дaдeнa пapтия пpeз цигaнcкитe мaхaли c eдин кoмпютъp oт къщa нa къщa, и щe глacyвa вмecтo мaнгaлитe. Пък ти cи миcли, чe бaбитe и дядoвцитe дeтo дopи нe ca дoкocвaли кoмпютъp щe им e пo-лecнo дa глacyвaт.

It's an extremely easy way to rig an election.

Good times come from evoting.
Pic related.

E-voting is a bad idea. Some of the reasons were already listed down here. The point is, e-voting is easier to manipulate.

>Allowing NEETs and basement dwellers to vote
>Making fraud easier
Also why is this video unlisted with only a couple hundred views? Are you an actual shill OP?

no, I just live in california and was interested by the idea, but I have changed my mind.

Horrible idea

It's not a bad idea because of the fact that it is digital and "something might go wrong" -- no, only someone who doesn't know about security would say this. Voting is already digital. You go into the mall or wherever the polling place is and cast your vote on the kiosk touchscreen, which is sent back to the main tally. The real problem with click-to-vote from personal devices is the attack vector is much larger. It would not theoretically but very practically be possible to break the entire system. It would be the most savory target for an attacker and would yield more money than hacking any other organization on this planet. Everyone trying to hack something + government employees = it will get hacked.

Nah, if you want to have a say in politics, you have to move your fat American ass.

>hax0rs will vote several times through some easily exploitable method
>retarded people that the founders didn't want voting now can vote
I don't see how it can go wrong.

Less work

Only the left likes to delude themselves into joy

The truth hurts
