Is being highly intelligent more of a burden than an advantage?

Is being highly intelligent more of a burden than an advantage?

There is a difference between intelligence and smartness OP.

High intelligence just makes you depressed imo lol but if you're able to efficiently use your higher than average intelligence then I guess it is more of an advantage

But chances are you're actually not that intelligent.

if you're using your intelligence to apply it to something that keeps you busy then it's probably an advantage.

if not you'll probably just be depressed. i fall into the latter. i'm smart but literally have no interests, hobbies or passions.

depends on whether other people consider you intelligent or if you are just an arrogant fuck, to be honest

Depends on if you are retarded

Right there with you, user. I've been trying to keep busy recently though, been noticeably happier

I'd suggest if your intelligent then you wouldn't be depressed because you'd make effective use of your time. I reckon you're more likely some pseudo-intellectual i.e. a fedora wearing nerd.

Forgot to add; what I've found, is being drunk all the time is key. Makes you care a little less

Intelligent doesn't correlate with motivated, newfriend

>ITT stupid people get together to pretend they are smart

>thinks he's smart
>Forgot to add

Lol ffs sake man just die now

I'm highly intelligent with math & some science, yet I struggle with other science studies as well as literature, history, and politics. I know there's not much you can do about politics at a national level, but you can try your damnedest at the local level and do _some_ good. In the end, knowing that you can only do so much is nice, but quite annoying. I just don't give a fuck anymore and try to make money and be happy. Those are the 2 most important things in my life, and I couldn't be happier. I was able to get a college degree and further myself. I'll be dead within 50 years so I'm going to make the most of that time as I can, and not hurt anyone.

it is if you're surrounded by idiots

Go watch one punch man

Idiots, idiots everywhere

In America, absolutely.

Is being retarded more of a burden than an advantage

Depends on what form you have, but usually no.

Mensa fag here. It makes relating to people harder for me because people are stupid. Plus for me it is coupled with a mean lazy streak. Definitely have squandered my potential. But good thing is I am never incompetent in my pursuits if I put my mind to it. I can coast through life easily so that's what I do.

That plus addiction....

I think it may depend both on your life choices and overall how you view intelligence

Fake and gay

Only if you're stupid

Squirrel Girl? Dem some nice pink nosed puppies

what the fuck are you talking about

>Be in mensa
>Doesn't understand the words fake and gay
> Mfw poster is both and retarded

I don't know. My intelligence got me my job, but I'm miserable.

everyones intelligent. intelligent means nothing its wisdom that you should strive for. when your wise i could see getting depressed a thing but since your wise you dont get depressed instead you just see whats wrong and create ways to deal with it. sorry my english not proficient

Your English is fine!
And yes this is very true, it has helped me to grow beyond my previous nihilistic view of the world

depends what you consider intelligent op. I think really fucking stupid, but then I meet people in the real world and Im blown away.

I believe so, I was commissioned into the army after college through ocs and then left and continued to graduate school and I seriously wish I would have went into a trade after High school. I would have Never been introduced to the darker parts of reality and the pessimistic ideologies introduced in college. I envy my ignorant counter parts that work as lineman making 40 dollars and hour and smashing beers after working not giving a single fuck about society and the economy deteriorating.

>Doesn't realize all those line men are far more intelligent than he is
> Being this dumb

Where the fuck did you get that picture holy shit I'm dying

Where the smart people are