Ok niggers my bank account is 8 numbers strong and I've transcended emotions

ok niggers my bank account is 8 numbers strong and I've transcended emotions

Am I god yet?

>advertising it

i finally have a stable bank account with 6 figures, why do you gotta do this to me

>I've transcended emotions
>Posts about it to make other people jealous/some other reason

literally no

can i have 2 grand please

Ethereum investor?

can i get my gf back? or at least can i get nier automata?

if anyone can give me one good reason to get jealous over others money i might even consider

>my bank account is 8 numbers strong
My bank account is 12 numbers strong so what? Oh....you mean your balance, right you fucking retarded faggot?

and now? most others in this thread understood, you didn't. tbh that should make you the special one since you can't even find a point to make

The point being you can have a large bank account but still be a stupid retard. You must be the life of the party with your grasp of simple grammar rules.

so's mine.
The number is 30722018.

bruh your getting mad about someone making a simple grammar mistake while it aint even their first language :^)
stay salty bitch

Why do you feel the need to post on a website that you have 8 numbers in your bank account? Who the fuck cares?

close. Take LSD every week for a few years and report back

you do obviously else you woulda just left already

>aint even their first language
how would you know unless you're op and in that case it seems you mastered the douchebag part of the language salty bruh

language rules never mattered to me.
Apart from conveying your thoughts to others language doesnt serve any other purpose so why make it more complicated than it is?

you're right, go on sounding like a retard and have people laugh at you behind your back. at least you have your 8 numbers

well people laugh at you for being a retard even though you dont sound like one so i think im better off

fuck of poorfag

my back account is 3 numerals bigger than yours you fucking jew

Zeros before the first non-zero digit don't count dumb fag.

Also show balance and timestamp