Can God create a rock he cannot lift?

Can God create a rock he cannot lift?



He can create everything and can do everything, so it's impossible for him to lift it while it's not impossible

yeah this guy gets it
u suck OP


>Imagines a limitless being
>"Could that being put limits on itself?"
Dumb question

maybe you are a dumb person?

Philosophy 100 question, lol

God doesn't exist

Where is the rock?


dat guy looks like osama??

God would also be the rock, so whether it was lifted or not God would be the victor


doesn't really matter. but if you really wanna you can prob find the answer in the bible.

Yes and he won't be able to lift it until he wants to lift it.


>god is all powerful
>god creates a rock he cannot lift with power
Option 1 >god creates universe where the rock can be lifted
>god lifts the rock
Option 2 >god creates a universe where he has more power
>god lifts the rock

These scenarios are just thought experiments

Yes, because God can be omnipotent when he want (not always).

That means it is not limitless since it does not have the power to limit itself

If God wills it. Allah Akbar

this. its a basic phil100 question

no it's false

God's probably weaker than you think he is. It's gonna be hard to meet your expectations.

A rock is something that exists on the physical realm.

A rock that exceeds the limits of what a rock is, is no longer a rock. Therefore, God cannot create a rock he cannot lift because a rock that exceeds the limit of God would no longer be a rock.

Everything that was in existence, was created by God. The realms God inhabits, are hard to define but we can assume they are not physical realms. If they were physical realms, we could detect God. Also by being a part of the physical realm, God would be subject to thing that happen to all things that exist here. Atoms are atoms.

So with all this mind, it is safe to assume God exists on a non-physical realm. Does weight exist in non-physical realms?No. Therefore, a rock cannot exist nor be too heavy that it cannot be lifted.