Is Neymar's son white?

Is Neymar's son white?

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>blonde hair
100% white germanic aryan genes

Is that really his son? What the fuck?


I've seen a lot of people who are pardos with children who look like that in Brazil.


>another kid that will turn brown when he hits puberty

Many kids have blonde hair as kids, most of them don't keep it.

Yeah, his mother has Italian ancestry, hence the blond hair as kid, as soon he grows up he will look like a typical Brazilian.

It's already getting dark.



>italian ancestry
>blonde hair

he probably bleached the hair and skin of his baby as well


you mean his wife's son?

Eh. Most Americans have blond hair as kids but their hair niggers out as they age.

Holy shit that guys face annoys the hell out of me

No wonder Brazil is what it is when you look up to faggots like that


Many Italians have light hair when they're kids, it darkens when they become teenagers.

zlatan got bleached too

>No wonder Brazil is what it is when you look up to faggots like that

Neymar is considered a hero and the most attractive man on earth here. We love Neymar.

i was blond when i was a kid too. many people are blond here. not that shocking

it's like he's wearing whiteface

I'm sure he's a great athlete and based on what I just Googled about him, he seems to give at least some of his money to charity (unlike other like Messi who wants to hold on to every penny even if it means tax-evading)

He just gives out a diva vibe and looks like a guy who spends an absurd amount of money on haircuts

So, fake whites? As expected from a country full of Turkish rape-babies.

those are the skilled that i needed

Imagine you're some poor nigger from some favela with nothing to eat and then you become a millionaire celebrity and every girl wants your dick. You would be a smug fucker too.

Says the fat short manlet, josé it's time to go to bed

Don't be rude, you fucking shitalian nigger, animal. Mexico is far superior to your african wasteland.

I guess

I could also think coming from humble backgrounds that the money I have is more than enough and knowing that there are people who can't afford food, least I could do is pay my taxes. You'd think rags to riches inspires empathy but yeah, it doesn't seem like it.

lmao why do argentines hate italy

Because we are Amerindians and we support our native brothers.

Greetings to Slovakia.


Is that really his child? Neymar has that african hair, not even curly or anything, literally nappy african hair

it's the same guy. Also because we call them muertos de hambre, which they are by the way

They don't it's just this guy who wants spred this "meme" shitposting in every thread.

I swear he is in every italian related thread, at every hour of the day and night

to spread*

I can't tell which is worse, this dumb argie or the "I'm greek" turk.

What are you talking about? We share the same MENA ancestors.

Same thing with Melanesians

>comparing anyone to Iki

not wise desu, he is 3 tiers above any other shitposter on this board

BaTmAn*LoKo is white.

Nermann is such a meme guy i love him

>Le race mixing will kill whites

We come from behind and take the lead as always

It will though, whites will not be majority anywhere in the world in the future