Question to Latin Americans

Why are you guys so proud? I mean, clearly you bought into the nationalism meme, rebelled against Spain and Portugal which in hindsight was definitely a mistake. And to me it makes little sense since you speak the same language, your culture is based on theirs, you think like them, so what was the point of separating from them? You only got poorer and your nations immediately fell into decay, and to this date haven't recovered. Dare I say, you might never will.
What's even more curious, is that even after seeing one country make this mistake, others followed.
>I fucking hate the motherland, we want to be free
>achieve independence
>turn into a generic shithole no one wants to live in

Really? What makes somebody go "Yeah, I definitely want that" even after seeing the same thing like 15 times?!
You could've just stayed under colonial rule, mooched off their money. Look at my country. It's a fucking shithole, but it is slowly improving. After communism, our economy was rancid dog shit. But we said, who cares about independence, joined the EU and now we have free money flowing into the nation, almost like an umbilical cord, keeping us alive. Genius, right?

I mean who gives a shit about "freedom" when you can't even enjoy it, because if you were to walk out at night or even day really -you're at risk of either being kidnapped, murdered by drug lords or simply mugged by some favela monkey?
Why don't you guys just return to Spain and Portugal? You could tell them, hey, we're sorry, we made a mistake, it won't happen again. Heck, you could indirectly leech off EU moneys. Why won't you give up this foolishness? Independence clearly isn't working out for you.
So let me ask again: why are you so proud? Don't let false ideas stand in the way of your better judgement and a chance for a better life.

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We don't have a problem of Portugal becoming our 28th state. I mean by the time they left Rio was the Portuguese Kingdom capital :^)

Cuba was a Spanish colony almost until the 20th century and they're still a shithole.

I can't tell you about Latin Americans being full of hubris, because they aren't. They know its a shithole, and only like it for the people they're surrounded with. But what I can tell you is that you're talking out of your ass over shit you know nothing about and should shut up.

t.hank you.

Doesn't Brazil already have states with a greater number of ethnic Portuguese than Portugal?

estimates say we have like 150 million portuguese descendents. Also there are like 2-3 million eligible for PT citizenship right now. which is only acceptable if you have at least a portuguese grandpa

Brazil is our warrior breeding ground. We're going to need them soon.

Their 2 biggest cities have more population than Portugal, although they aren't all Portuguese.

this too much shit in one single post to take it seriously m8

Perú will try their best!

>I mean who gives a shit about "freedom" when you can't even enjoy it, because if you were to walk out at night or even day really -you're at risk of either being kidnapped, murdered by drug lords or simply mugged by some favela monkey?
Why don't you guys just return to Spain and Portugal? You could tell them, hey, we're sorry, we made a mistake, it won't happen again. Heck, you could indirectly leech off EU moneys. Why won't you give up this foolishness? Independence clearly isn't working out for you.

Didn't read lmao


That fucking wall of text. Learn to tldr faggot

There was a secret operation created two centuries ago called Operation Portubomb. And the goal is to remain shithole long enough for European and American powers to slowly eat themselves away with degeneracy. After global powers are weakened by their luxurious lifestyles, Brazil will attack and restore Portugal's power over Europe. The problem is, Portugal dumped too many niggers, and they aren't really known for long term thinking or planning.

brazil didn't rebel against portugal
simply, a prince rebelled against his father and became emperor of brazil

Our issues are rooted to the moment we were colonized, staying colonized wouldn´t have changed anything.
And why would they gave us money in the first place? If anything, were they in a economic crisis, they would easily rely on us through taxes or whatever to keep them rich and us poor. This wasn´t a paradise when the Iberians ruled.
You look at things so superficially that i suspect this is bait

And the Portuguese king himself kinda warned his son that he preferred his son to govern portugal than some republican rebels if independence was inevitable

the us of a




Actually one of our writers thinks we lack pride
>By "Mongrel Complex" I mean the inferiority in which Brazilians put themselves, voluntarily, in comparison to the rest of the world. Brazilians are the reverse Narcissus, who spit in their own image. Here is the truth: we can’t find personal or historical pretexts for self-esteem.
Yeah our country is shit but you guys exaggerate too much. There are cities where it's not that violent. I've never seen a favela in my life. Also it was our Portuguese King D. Pedro I who gave us independence.

>You could've just stayed under colonial rule, mooched off their money
Now there's some profound ignorance of I ever saw it.

Which, you know, is how Portugal also started, so that's a nice rhyme, in a way.

Yeah. There's no way that Brazil would've stayed a colony for as long as the Africans did, much less until now, so independence was inevitable.

And to be honest, all things considered, it's nice that it wasn't anywhere as violent as it could've been. Which goes to show once again that Lusos are superior to H*spanics when it comes to not fighting their own blood.

>who spit in their own image. Here is the truth: we can’t find personal or historical pretexts for self-esteem.

Don't feel so specieal hueboy, that's literally all of Latin America.

Or it shows how weak Portugal was that they couldnt fight the french and your king had to escape to Brazil
But i love you anyway

Those are just, I think the word is, malinchistas. I can't picture a whole continent being so cucked by either the euros or the burgers.

this. it also allowed for a peaceful transition for brasil itself. it was one of the most powerful countries in the americas at the time of its independence with one of the more advanced and best constitutions in the world

but we did fight the french and win
also, as opposed to spain who basically opened their asses and said "come on in!"

What, as opposed to how Spain handled it?

Keep in mind this was 50 years after we had our capital leveled and 40 years after the Spaniards and French invaded our country.

To be honest. That's the entire new world has identity problems. The only ones excluded are Mexico, because they have their Aztec history well documented, and AMerica, because they have their superpower status to take pride in.

Even Canada lacks a proper identity.

brasil has identity it just choses to shit on it


Brazil has multiple identities competing for the "one true identity" that's the problem with multiculturalism

Being colonized by Iberians were a mistake itself. Accept your true Nordic overlords

Go to any spanish-speaking news site comment section or forum (that also includes sites from Spain) the self-deprecation/self-loathing is rampant. I think it's an iberian thing.

I'd say that after the US, Brazil has had the most cultural relevance to the world. It's not a close second place, but Brazil has had a strong impact in Music and Architecture and other such arts. And lets not forget the aeroplane AND the hot-air balloon, both demonstrated by Brazilian engineers, despite the memes.

Definitely more than both Mexico and Canada, the only other two contestants.

Food is also better than everywhere else that side of the Açores.

Why do I know that you're a gaucho?

Learn to history m8, Spain got cucked by Napoleon (even though they were allies) and started a civil war, at the same time England was invading the american colonies, for example, Argentina was invaded twice (1806, 1807) and both invasions were repelled by local militia with almost no help from Spain.

Also some countries in South America aren't as bad as you think, numbers dont lie GDP (PPP) is pretty high compared to other countries.

because you don't need ''achievements'' to be proud of the place you live/were born, otherwise we all would be suicidal and depressive fucks, there's literally nothing wrong with enjoying the good aspects of your culture/people/country

Almost every failed country in the region you can name has a superiority complex. You just need to be realistic as a society. For instance, you barely see chileans on this board bragging about our achievements, although it's a well known fact that we have it way better than everyone else in South America both in paper and irl, but that is meaningless if we still live sorrounded by countries that can barely afford roads, and that we are not even near the 20 best cunts in the world, which is at what we aim. Of course you need to have some sense of patriotism but is pragmatism that makes countries develop.

What do you mean? I'm not a delusional mulatto claiming SOUTH BRAZIL GERMANIC N SHIEET. I've been to different regions in the country, and while "competing" is an exaggeration, the regions do feel completely foreign to one another.

Oh well, my mistake.
But do you think you had the strengh to fight a brazilian independence?

we did have some fights but both of us knew brasil had to come to be

Isn't that same in almost all countries? Southern America vs a place like New York.
If I'm not mistaken in Italia they have a standard Italian but each region has a different dialect that is as different from each other as portuguese and spanish and you see them saying that the guys from the north area different from the south. Germany has many places too like Bavarian which is the stereotype we have about germans but other germans complain they're not like Bavarians IIRC.
Spaniards have Catalans and Basques. etc..
Canada has Quebec where people speak french.

Brazil just became independent because UK wanted it. Don't forget, friends.

>But do you think you had the strengh to fight a brazilian independence?
Not on our own, obviously not, but I suppose that any movement like that would have had some part of Brazil supporting which would've helped.

Keep in mind though that we still kept most of the navy and intellectual institutions and, well, harvested riches, so someone somewhere could've had that delusion that that would beat a large and defiant population so the idea of a prolonged battle is not out of the way.

Not to mention that some Spanish colonies were already independent at that point so they could've had support.

I think he means more than languages. Although since Brazil lands smack-dab in the equator, there isn't as much climate variation as there could be, with the exception of the south (obviously) and other areas that aren't populated anyway (rainforest and interior).

True enough. I guess I'm wrong here.

Eternal anglo.

what's up with these random autistis that know literally nothing about this part of the world and they don't even participate in our shitposting threads yet they feel like sharing their important opinion with us. you don't know anything about the americas, sorry.

You guys watch too many Liveleak videos. I've been mugged only once in my life, and all they took from me were 5 reais (not even 2 dollars).
Brazil and the most relevant LATAM countries have very nice spots to live. In fact, if you'r erich, there's no point at all leaving your country, because stuff is cheaper here and you can enjoy status.

>rebelled against Spain and Portugal which in hindsight was definitely a mistak

So, you believe not being under Austrian yoke anymore was a mistake?

Fucking Spanish Empire was the worst to be colonized by I swear to God I mean even Portugal did it quite better, they didn't know how to manage anything, they just kept on exploiting resources and even so look at how they are now, the point is, things would be even worse if we were to be by "their side", I don't think I need to explain any further, anyways, your perspective on this issue is really retarded, I hope this is either bait or you just don't know shit about Latin America as much as I don't shit about Hungary...oh, and this

whoa. what kind of a rifle is she carrying?
are guns legal there? which villa is that? villa belgrano?

yes it's villa general belgrano, it's probably the most dangerous place on the galaxy atm

Yeah, i suppose brazilian independence was inevitable.
I actually admire that the monarchy was kept. I think we would have benefited more from a king or emperor than a succesions of military leaders that don´t agree on anything. But then maybe not.
My man. Nice Ecuadorian Shipost memes

literally the only mestizo itt that fell for op's bait is you
way to go

>I actually admire that the monarchy was kept. I think we would have benefited more from a king or emperor than a succesions of military leaders
Yeah, but it didn't last for long, sadly. Fucking Americans, man.


>Ecuadorian elections passed
>I thought Ecuador had a hope to be better with a non-commie president
>again that dump is elected

I'm sorry for your, ma dearssss ;_:

It is a sing of the upcoming relevance the region will have. Latin America will be, literraly, the only decent region that is going to matter in a future where most of the Earth's population will be on Africa. "Terrific" countries like India and China will be more competives than Europe/U.S. or Japan/Korea.

>some argentinian favela
>most dangerous place on the galaxy

this was aprehended by the police during a raid in Rio

It lasted a whole generation
and now brasil isn't torn in pieces unlike spanish america
so that's pretty cool i guess
but fuck the republicans tho

The only worthy Shitpost in all the ecuadorian memes sphere.

>now brasil isn't torn in pieces unlike spanish america
thank him

but, being frank, that's a bad thing :////////

except it isn't tho?

a big time drug lady was arrested and they found this with her. She nicknamed herself "Dealer Templar"

>but, being frank, that's a bad thing :////////
Even bolsomeme doesn't agree

I thought so too, that the Brazilian favelas are the most dangerous in the world until i saw some liveleak videos from Villa Belgrano in Buenos Aires. It is literally full of Brayans that are the descendants of german nazis chimping out on each other burning each other alive and shit. It is very depressing.

Thing is pride is almost always an irrational thing. You usually feel proud for things you just got by luck. As far as I am concerned, I like the place I live in and the majority of people that surround me.

>that's a bad thing
It gives you more inertia: i.e. it's harder to get out of shit and change in a big way, but it will also support you guys once you get your path straightened down.

For now, it's easier to make your country self-reliant, and focus a lot of money in a small place that can make a world-wide impact and build from there (you know, when you solve corruption - Brasília could've been this but it was a mistake).

It's what the US did with New York, for the most part. Focus all your might into one place, and use it to get into the big league and start helping everything else.

Smaller countries simply can't do it for lack of resources or numbers, but it is also harder to align everyone onto the same goal knowing that someone will benefit more than the others.

What is the best place to live in Costa Rica?
Ticos keep telling me to stay away from San Jose.

Nice Quads.
Oh, don´t remind me. The problem is that most of our people are too stupid or poorly informed that our country is in an econoic crisis. It also didn´t help that Correa and his thugs set a dirty campaign on the opposition.
So now we have an ill president that'd probably leave in less than a year, and be replaced by a very corrupt vice-president, who's directly involved with the Odebrecht case.

>Argie butthurt
Never change Nahuel


For general access to services and jobs, you usually want to be near one of the four principal cities.San Jose is pretty shitty in general. Only a few wealthy parts are nice. I would say is better to live in Heredia or Cartago. Alajuela is better than San Jose, but I found it too hot. Those are the "metropolitan areas" here.


ok, thanks.

It was partly on Pedro's fault for not looking for a heir.
Though his own success caused his reign's demise, sadly. The young elite of his latter days never admired his efforts because they didn't live in bad times, thanks to him.

Fucking weeb go back.

>which in hindsight was definitely a mistake
I love when retards post like this implying that being a colony was good. They're free now, and in charge of their own land and resources, moron.

>the irony of an american flag saying this

Until you came with your Imperialism and bullied us!!
Jk ily

He's a very distinguished and respected member of this board. Don't insult him, pls.

What did he mean by this?
Yeah sorry about that man, we're cunts too.

I doubt most Americans would find their brand of imperialism likeable, if only they were aware of it

He is using those cancerous walfass normalfag tier images. What the hell, fucking faggots, burn in hell. Goddamn cringe.


We feel pride because we are Amerindians, and we are in the land of our Amerindian ancestors.

We kicked colonialists and reclaimed our territory.

We are Amerindians, who live and die with honor and strength for our land of old.

Why shouldn't we feel proud?

This lol

no he isn't
the spaniard is actually right on this one

More like negro de mierda hahahah

neither would spaniards or the pirates. or nazi germany. it was long time ago, it is about time you guys get over it. we are nice and cuddly now. it is time you start improving your cunts without our interference.

We are the definition of Amerindian.

don't insult based peru you motherfucking manolotard bitch desu

i.e. do it while we're looking at the OTHER brown people.

I'm peruvian you fucking mongoloid chilango cucaracho weeaboo manlet.

The average latin American is a 2 digit IQ mongrel midget with no education and no future.
The only thing they can be proud of are things that have nothing to do with them like their football club or things that would better off without them like their countries.
Me personally I only know people who fucking hate this country because I only associate with white educated people.

it's more like a third-world country thing, since we do that, a lot.

That was a brazilian favela you fucking retard, the poster was being ironic, villa general belgrano is a middle class german-argentine town

el buliado seniores jakajajkaakajkajka tiene miedo de salir porque al toque los amerindios le sarpan el celu juajuajk

>All the people are like this except me. I'm the special snowflake, the albert einstein of latin america
t. average man

Ah, now the picture do looks familiar in a Brazilian landscape

I don't care about much stuff in Argentina, why would I know about the real Belgrano?

i mean that particular cute peru that will do their best. i don't care where you are from but you better behave.

Sup Forums is for weebs, newfriend.
Lurk two years before posting.