I need advice on my dating site profile. I will post detail in desription...

I need advice on my dating site profile. I will post detail in desription. I am parshly autistic but please do not pounce me for it guys



Last one guys please give me some advice but not to be too mean thanks

Please help

Is this real life or bait?
Seems really b8ty m8.

Don't say "really lonely", the despretality could be misinterpreted easily. Also don't have a gay ass name like doctapeppers.

this is real I tried posting this before most people believed me but someone thought it was what you said and then the thread dissapeared I apprecate your advice

my big bro wrote all including name and site doesnt let me change name :((

Don't put "prefer not to say body type" either don't put anything or just say your body type and own it" if you're big you can change your name to like BigBrian72 or something

The population of dating site users breaks down into 90% male, 10% female. All those profiles of pretty girls you see are fake.


tell em that you wanna talk about the Scranton strangler

hey i posted this like once like 2 days ago liar

Help guys

Just use tinder, and sometimes online dating isn't for everyone, and you just have to find the one IRL like at the park or some shit

If you're that desperate and lie and say you're just visiting your sick dad or something and that you actually live way closer to her. You just gotta drive 2 hours to see her and pretend you drove only like 15 minutes away.

See this is an obvious fake. The website wants you to throw more money at it so it gets its astroturf army to send messages

good idea and thank you for it

oh no its real its just you pay for extra but other than that people are real and stuff

Don't forget to apologize


apologize for lying so she doesn't get mad my friend

she never respond so I am messaging others

ok, try to be more careful with the location stuff next time

All these views but are too shy to respond or message me.....