Sup Forums do I have cancer?

Sup Forums do I have cancer?

You are cancer.



Op they are tonsil stones. Poke them with your finger to take them out than show pics

No, Looks like you just suck a lot of dick.

That is puss my dude. Does your breath smell like death.
Gargle warm salt water and get antibiotics

those aren't stones, you blind fool. it's probably tonsillitis.

you need to improve on your oral hygiene

There's a reason your breath still reeks even after you brush your teeth for your date once a week

Tonsillitis, hope you are not In America, bc you need surgery user.

This is a cursed image

That is the worst looking pussy I've ever seen. Go see your gyn.

Tonsillitis go see a doctor before it get worse.

Dr. Sup Forums here, looks like esophageal cancer, stage 3, possible stage 4 by now.

this happened to me when I ate a burger with guac from steak n shake

just some reaction or something you got, it'll go away within a month, no sweat

Stop sucking cock.

>Two enlarged areas
>bumby with white blotches

Totally tonsillitis

Think of it like pimples jn your mouth, full of puss and hurts until popped. Don't pop them though, could lead to worse infections, drink soda and try eating some ice cream, fizzy liquid and the cold should help with the swelling. In the future, even if you don't keep a good routine with our oral hygiene, at least swish some alcohol based mouth wash.

>cancerous tumors cured through soda and ice cream

I didn't look at the pic, but yes you do have cancer.

tonsilitis, probably caused by bacteria, gonna need large spectrum antibiotics, if you can, go see a doctor. Also, use listerine or suck a big black dick